My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3357: Kill the panda, I am the national treasure (2)

"It is also a good thing to have compassion. You are a doctor, and you are kind."

"Isn't this the Madonna who said outsiders?" Honia couldn't help but laugh.

"Give someone else a move. This talented person is really vicious. You are also convinced by the messy things on the Internet." Qin Chu spoiled her head.

"I am not afraid that you misunderstood me?"

"Please, your husband's resolution is still there."

"Well, I am relieved to see you say this."

Suddenly, Huo Mian thought of something again and asked, "Husband, Xiaoyan and her boyfriend are not awkward?"


"You tell me, I am very worried. It has been a long time since I saw this girl. I don't mention Joe Fei. I think the boy is very good."

Huo Mian believes that he will not look at the wrong person, although there have been few times when he has seen Joe.

But...the child is absolutely one hundred and twenty true to the little smoke.

"They are not very troublesome. They are not very clear. Lu Yan has always been very mysterious in doing things. What do I think should be the task?"

"Task..." Huo Ming said to himself.

"Lu Yan's business, you don't have to worry about it, his character, the earth is destroyed, she can ride in the spaceship on the spacecraft." Qin Chu seriously evaluated.

"Ha ha ha, husband, you are black my sister." Huo Mian laughed.

The couple had a hundred steps to talk about life after a meal, and Huo Mian liked this dull life.

Perhaps it is because these years of experience are too painful, so everything today is hard to come by.

Twin room

Lu Yan and the twins are holding a mobile phone and playing games.

After playing a few games in a row, Lu Yan put down his mobile phone. "Baby, let the little sisters break, will not?"

"Cheng, Xiao Yan, I am going to get a popsicle, ha."

"Thank you for Bean Ding."

After that, it depends on the peas directly rushing down the stairs, the wind is hot.

"Oh, you don't want to be touched by her. She is trying to take you as a blind man. My mommy is not allowed to eat popsicles before going to bed."

"It turned out that this little devil is so good." Lu Yan laughed.

"Oh, how long will you stay?" Pudding asked suddenly.

"Why are you asking this?"

"It is very insecure. Xiaoyan is especially mysterious. It is not the same as the little aunt. The little aunt will return to the United States and keep in touch with us at any time. But if Xiaoyi is gone, even Mommy rarely contacts... So I really don't want you to go." Pudding said sadly.

After all, the children’s feelings are fragile, and the puddings and puddings are so mixed with the smoke.

I like her very much. She is used to the best of her children. She said that grandparents and grandmothers are the most used children.

However, in this home, no one is used to the land.

As long as the twins demand, there is no such thing as she can't reach. The pudding and the pudding are very much in love with this mysterious little sister.

So the land smoke has not gone, the pudding has begun to retain.

"Tell me... this is so sad."

"Small 姨, where is your family living, waiting for me and Bean Ding to have a holiday, have we been to the winter vacation?" The pudding was a whimsy.

I only knew that my aunt's family was in the United States. They were very happy to play.

Later, listening to Mommy said that Xiaoyan also lived abroad, and Pudding took the initiative to propose to be a guest.

"Amount... This is the case... Inside..." Smart as a smoke, and finally there is a question that cannot be answered.

"Small, don't you want us to go?" Seeing Xiao Yan's perfunctory attitude, Pudding grinned, full of grievances.

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