My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3358: Kill the panda, I am the national treasure (three)

"Ah... no, I don't mean that."

Looking at the sad look of the niece, Lu Yan felt like a collapse.

True is not that she does not want to, the fact is that her identity is too special.

My own nest, I haven’t been back for a long time, and I’ve been traveling around the country.

The home of Luyan is on a hidden island in the South Pacific.

The island is equipped with advanced anti-surveillance equipment, which is not detectable by any aircraft investigation bureau or ship.

The alert on the island is also a state of machine, ready to go to war.

In fact, the island is quite safe, but after all, she has too many enemies. With two children returning to my hometown, it is hard to say whether I can go back smoothly.

The old man is not willing to let her stay in the country too much, to contact the twins.

If you take the children to go on holiday, then the old man is not going to spray himself?

My sister will not agree, right?

And I have no bottom in my heart...

The sudden problem of the pudding is very entangled in the whole heart of Lu Yan.

"Pudding, you are so smart, Xiaoxiao is simple to tell you that you will know, ha."

"Small you said." Pudding also saw that Xiaoyan seems to have a hard time.

"The little donkey has a lot of money, isn't it?"


"Where is the money from Xiaoyan?"

"Earned." Pudding answered very happy.

Land smoke: ...

"No, I mean, you think about it, how did you earn the money?" Lu Yan asked.

The pudding is stuck here... indeed, I only know that Xiaoyan is very rich and rich, but what the specific Xiaoyan is doing, she is not very clear.

This is not within the understanding of a child over three years old.

"Small cockroaches should be the same as my big business, there are companies, there are groups." Pudding thinks that Xiaoyan can give himself 10 million to play at once, it should be a big consortium.

"Coughing... You say that, there is nothing wrong with it... Xiaoyan is really doing business, but also doing big business, but... This business is very special, so these years, there are a lot of little enemies, those bad guys, I always want to catch me... I have been running and running... I haven’t been back for a long time, so I’m afraid that it’s not safe to take you and Doudou back.”

"Ah... it turned out to be like this." The pudding seems to have some understanding.

At this time, Doudou came back with several refrigerators.

"Come and eat fast, one person and two, Mommy is not in the house, I don't see me taking it, hahahaha... It's really helping me." Doudin is still deposited in the joy of stealing a few popsicles.

"If you eat so much, will your stomach not hurt?" Lu Yan looked worriedly at the bean diced.

"She? As long as it is eaten, it's okay... don't worry." Pudding looked at the peas with contempt.

"This is what I said, except for ****, I eat everything." Douding is ashamed.

"Don't you?" Pudding's wit.

"Qin Dynasty, I don't want to quarrel with you tonight, I am not happy, don't be happy, don't you do something?"

"Ha ha ha..." Lu Yan was amused by the wonderful dialogue between the two sisters.

At this time, the peas leaned against the shoulders of the land.

While eating a popsicle, you can play with your mobile phone.

Then I didn't know what, and sent a video call to Su Yu.

Xiao An left, and there is one Su Yu left in the house.

I want to do something to eat, but nothing, there are many foods in the refrigerator, but I don’t want to eat.

Maybe it’s too lonely to eat alone.

Just at this time, Douding made a video. He immediately said with great interest, "Doudou, I invite you to eat?"

"What is the situation?" Douding is also a face.

"I am still hungry now, I haven't eaten at home, I am starving me." Su Yu watched the video and spoiled a child.

"It's easy, come to my house to eat." Doudou added a popsicle.

"This is not good, your family is too much, you are inside... What are you not at your home?" Su Yu said.

"Yes, that's her." Douding immediately gave Lu Yan a captivating close-up shot.

When Su Yu was suddenly stunned, he was self-sufficient...

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