My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3359: Kill the panda, I am the national treasure (four)

"Oh..." Lu Yan was exposed by the niece, and he was not prepared.

I didn’t even think that it was the first time I met with Su Yu.

"Cough... Hello, I am Su Yu."

"I am Luyan."

Next, it is a minute of silence...

"Hey, why don't you both talk?" Douding broke the silence first.

"Inside... I am in a hurry, I have to go to a toilet, you talk first." After that, Lu Yan ran away.

It’s really nothing to talk to Su Yu, especially in front of the two children, the style is very different.

"Su Shuai, have you just seen that I am young?"

"No." Su Yu said this sentence is true, where dare to look at people seriously.

"That's easy, sister, you send a photo of Xiao Yan to Su Shuai."

"What?" Pudding looked puzzled.

"Let Su Shuai look at it, see how beautiful it is..." Douding said proudly.

The pudding really turned out to send an album to Su Yu WeChat.

Su Yu opened it and nodded. "Well, it’s a beautiful woman."

"So...Is there any idea?" Douding asked with a bad smile.

"There is an idea." Su Yu continued to nod.

"Hah, then it's first talk about your thoughts, I can see how my sister and I can help you?" Douding seems very excited.

"My idea is that it looks good, it is a pity that the actor is not good. You two ask her if she wants to sign our star emperor?" Su Yu said.


Doudin: ...

"Your thought is this?" Douding was surprised.

"Otherwise?" Su Yu looked innocent.

"Scratch... I thought, you look down on me."

"Khan, how can it... I am such a superficial person, I like people at a glance, I am not Teddy..." Su Yu gave Douding a blank eye across the screen of the mobile phone.

"That was a long time, what do we say?"

"You... don't you want to bring me a red line again? Are you coming again?" Su Yu finally got to know the little guy's mind.

"You made a mistake, Su Shuai, you still want to sign me a little girl... You know she is a super rich man... The speed of spending money is estimated to be scared when you look at it... you gave her to the company, Not enough for pay?"

"Cut, so big tone... really fake?" Su Yu continued to cooperate with Bean Ding.

"Of course it is true. Do you know that this morning, I will give us two 20 million flowers casually?"

"Two million, is the yen or the Korean won?" Su Yu continued to tease her.

"Don't make trouble, it is a good cut of the renminbi, serious...." Looking at Su Yu's hippie smile, Bean Ding is also drunk.

"Okay, don't tease you... but don't worry about it, your mommy said, you are a little girl, you have nothing to do with me."

"You have inquired about it. It seems that your kid didn't press the heart at first... haha." Douding finally caught the focus and pulled back a game.

Su Yu:...

"These are not the key points. The point is that I haven't eaten yet. I am lonely at home. Can you both come out and have a night out with me?"

"Uncle Xiao An?" Pudding was curious.

"He was on a business trip and was sent out by me..."

"It seems that you are really boring, so then, you will pick us up." Pudding can't bear to be alone in a lonely dinner.

"I want to decide what to eat?" Douding immediately lit up.

"Can you not bring your little sister?" Su Yu thinks that Luyan will be very embarrassing.

"You think too much, you are like this bear, I will not go to the younger." Pudding for the first time, he is too passionate.

"Ha ha ha, sister, I will give you a compliment." Douding immediately gave his sister a thumbs up.

"So, what are we going to eat for a while?" Su Yu feels that if I talk about this topic again, she will be killed by twins.

"Let's go to Su's grandmother to eat, okay, I miss her a little." After considering it, Pudding said seriously.

Then I got the approval of Su Yu and Douding. After half an hour, Su Yu drove to Nanshan Castle and took the twins to leave.

On the other hand, Huo Mian received an important notice from the province at night, and she was worried after reading it.

"Qin Daren... Inside, I have something to ask you for, please approve." Huo Mian stood at the door of the study, with a smug little daughter-in-law.

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