My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3367: I like Su Yu (6)

"Boss, don't you drink water?"

"Don't drink."

"Boss, hungry?"

"Not hungry."

"Boss, don't you go to the toilet?"


Luyan blinked and the whole room had no sound.

"You have a few problems, am I a vulnerable person? This is a small injury. How many times I used to go to report with the King of the Kings is fine. What are you nervous about?"

"Are we not worried about you?" The men were also aggrieved.

"Worried about a wool, I have a long life..."

"Boss, don't you tell Joe Shao?" Someone worried.

"Who dares to tell Joe Fei, I immediately collapsed him."


"My business, I am the master..."

At this time, Qin Chu knocked on the door and walked in.

"Qin always..."

Lu Yan’s men greeted Qin Chu quickly.

"You guys go out first, I will say a few words to your boss."

"it is good."

After several men went out, Qin Chu came over and took a look at the land smoke.

"Your injury is all right?"

"It's okay, the concussion is only the first target that was tracked by the missile, so it was also affected after jumping into the river." Lu Yan said that the wind is light.

"Well, your sister didn't sleep well, and went to the hospital toss for a long time before returning."

"Let my sister rest assured, I am... a little strong who can't die. I have been used to it for years. What big winds haven't seen... The old man is not worried."

"The group of people, are you fighting with them?"

"Hands over." Lu Yan nodded.

"They are strong?"

"It's very strong. It just makes me not respond. It's very fast. Fortunately, I am quick to respond, or else I will be a dead body tonight."

Recalling the scene at the time, Lu Yan was still worried.

"Who is the other person, do you know?"

"I don't know at all, I am all armed."

"What are the characteristics of the body? For example, tattoos, symbols, etc.?" Qin Chu asked.

"Nothing, and I am too far away from them, I can't see it, the time is short, and I have been avoiding their heavy fire attack."

"There are any people in your heart, guess who is it?" Qin Chu did not know if this group of people was coming to Luyan and him.

Still just to save Hoshim.

"I can't guess, but it's certainly not Ianalo...not Joanna, Joe is always in Moscow. If it's Joanna, if there is such a big move, he will definitely inform me in advance."

"I don't think Qiaonan has this ability." Qin Chu said.

"Mom, really, I feel really uncomfortable when I first lost my life. I shot the guy earlier and I won't be escaped."

Luyan has some self-blame.

"You don't have to blame yourself. It's not accidental that the group is so good. I doubt... someone has been watching you."

"Impossible, Lao Tzu's anti-reconnaissance ability is the strongest, who dares to monitor me?" Lu Yan immediately denied.

Qin Chu did not continue to speak, but he always felt that this time things are not so simple.

The people who came in this time are not the only ones who are idle.

"Nothing, ran and ran. Anyway, if he died so easily, he wouldn't call Huo Siqian. I really want to see if he can make a moth." Qin Chu comforted Lu Yan, did not want to let She is guilty.

"Brother, this is the case... I first helped you with things, and I hit my face..."

"What a stupid thing is a family. If you are not injured, you will be fortunate. Otherwise, your sister will not kill me."

Lu Yan just wanted to talk. At this time, the watch suddenly sounded...

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