My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3368: I like Su Yu (7)

Seeing that Lu Yan had a phone call, Qin Chu turned to withdraw from the ward.

Lu Yan looked at the number flashing on the watch. Although he was not familiar with it, he definitely knew who called it.

After hesitating, she picked up.

"Hey?" Pretending to care, Lu Yan gave a cry.

"You are a woman who is not trustworthy...."

"Hey... I don't keep my credit. Joe metamorphosis, you can tell Laozi clearly." Luyan is also a big fire.

"You promised me, there will be no mistakes."

"Yeah, I haven't lost."

"Then you have just been chased by the missile to jump into the river, what? Military exercises?" Joe did not ask.

"Amount... It’s purely an accident, ha." Lu Yan was guilty.

"Don't find an excuse, I don't believe you anymore..."

"So what do you want?" Lu Yan turned a blank eye.

"The plan is terminated. I will leave Russia to find you in a while."

"Don't stop... we can't take a break..." Lu Yan was busy blocking.

"In the beginning, we said that we are doing according to your plan, and you are doing well in the country. Before you drink with a man, I don’t care about it, but you are more serious than people, and you are almost killed. How is this? Count?"

"I am not okay? Ha... I am a big life?" Lu Yan's hippie smile.

"So you are lying in the hospital now, the brain is shaking, is it okay?" Joe asked.

"Amount..." Lu Yan did not expect that he did not open a video with Joe, but only opened the voice of the day, but it was still revealed.

It's no wonder that although Joe is not bored, he is not an idiot. The information is still one-on-one.

Lu Yan has just been hospitalized here, and Joe knows there... No wonder it will be such a big fire.

"Qiao Fei... I am really fine, don't worry." Lu smoke began to take a gentle route, with awkward.

"Are you not nonsense?" Joe was not coldly back.

In fact, his subtext is, can I not worry?

"The gang, the identity is unknown, and it is particularly sudden. I am really not prepared for it... If I give me a chance, I will take an AK47 and make them all suddenly."

"It's all like this. Can you not lie on the bed, is it interesting?" Joe was black.

Luyan’s dead **** is as big as a pumpkin? Just off the gate of Ghost, I can still have a serious **** here.

"Ha ha ha, Joe is praised."

"Don't talk nonsense... talk well."

"Right, how are you there? When you go back to this stage, is there any movement in Jonan?" The land truck pulled away the topic.

"Of course, he started from Amy."

"Oh? So what did he do?"

"Let Amy poison in my coffee..."

"And then?" Lu Yan wondered how Joe did not handle this.

"I have dropped the coffee. Amy is the poisonous cup, but it has never been poisonous. It should be chronic."

"Gao Ming." Lu Yan slaps.

"You come less...say, you violate the agreement, now how should I deal with you?"

"I have violated the agreement?" Lu Yan asked funnyly.

"You promised me that I won't hurt myself, but now you are lying in the hospital, Luyan, how do you believe me?"

For Lu smoke injured, Joe Fei is far away in Moscow, but extremely worried.

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