My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3385: Random points (4)

"Forget it, I agree, let's both of you go to sleep well. What time is it?"

Su Yu thinks that it is too late tonight, what is it to say to the two children here?

Let the land smoke eat, please, yes, he is not bad.

Let him go to pick up the smoke and leave the hospital, and then it is, anyway, is the sister of Xiaomian, no problem.

Seeing the compromise of the Soviet Union, the twins were happy and broke.

Walking upstairs to go to sleep.

Su Yu was afraid that the two of them would not be embarrassed, and they also found a new bath towel spares and escorted them upstairs.

In the living room, only Xiao An and Zeng Ru were left.

The atmosphere was a little embarrassing for a while.

Xiao An glanced at Zeng Rou and saw her look a little uncomfortable.

"Miss Zeng, in fact, the twins are very good. They both have deep feelings with us, and they always do the same, and they don't want to be angry with you. For you, don't go to your heart."

"I know." Zeng Rou nodded.

Then she hugged her hands on the sofa, biting her lower lip and slowly said, "Su Yu he... really hurts the twins."

"That must be ah, our family, Su, when the twins are still in the mother's stomach, they are cared for by both of them. Although they are not biological fathers, they are no different from relatives. Let's just say, exaggeration. In the words, our total love for the two children is not less than that of Qin." Xiao An has a deep understanding.

"Yeah, because it is a child of Huo Mian, so Su Yu is so hurting both of them, love the house and Wu, it should be." Zeng Rou said.

"The matter of Dr. Su and Dr. Huo..." Xiao An wanted to speak, but did not know how to say it.

"You don't have to say, I understand that Su Yu's previous events, I also know that I am all psychologically prepared." Zeng said with laughter.

"Miss Zeng, actually... my family Su is not so easy to move. During your stay here, you know him well, and I know it, but the emotional thing is the fate..."

"I know, Xiao An, I don't understand anything. I don't have any requirements. Really... I won't force Su Yu, or give him pressure, just freely develop. To be honest, even if we don't have a fate in the end, Isn’t it a good friend to be a friend? Su Yu is a man who is derogatory, funny, and sometimes quite funny. I really like it.”

"That's good, if you think so, it's best."

"Talk about you, I can hear that you used to have a banquet in your hometown before, and you are still going to get married with Su Yu for a honeymoon... What is going on now, how do you always say that you are a single dog? What about your wife?" Soft gossip.

"Oh, don't mention it, it's hard to say."

"Don't, promote, I am willing to listen to gossip, what are you unhappy, come out and make me happy."

Zeng Rou’s hippie smile asked.

Xiao An is also a black line...

This Zeng Rou this temper, said to be a high official daughter, I really dare not believe.

It is reasonable to say that her father’s level is much more powerful than that of Song’s poetry, but why isn’t it like everyone’s show?

It is like a paparazzi...

"Nothing to say, actually... can only say that I am reading the wrong person. She is also a rural person. Like me, I thought I found a good person... I didn’t expect people to look for Su’s. Not a small follower like me." Xiao An smiled bitterly.

"Hey, listening to it seems very sad, is it a tragedy?"

"Well, it's quite hurt, but I don't blame her. People don't kill themselves. People love money. They want to find money and strength. Nothing can be a big development for a stinky bodyguard?" Xiaoan laughed at himself.

"I don't think it's such a rational thing. You think, in fact, bodyguards are very important. Su Yu usually goes out to soak a girl to drink a glass of wine. Isn't it all for you to clean up the mess? Otherwise, his bear-like, long ago Was not knowing the southeast and northwest?" Zeng Rou deliberately black Su Yu, tease Xiao An.

Su Yu, who happened to be walking downstairs, heard it.

"I will know that you will not say good things behind me, and I will drink my drink and still black me. Do you believe that I have your legs?" Su Yu said.

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