My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3386: Random points (5)

"Hey, hello, I said Su Yu... Eavesdropping on others is not a gentleman."

"There is a bad guy behind the scenes that is what the gentleman wants?" Su Yu raised an eyebrow.

"I was not a gentleman..." Zeng Luo snickered.

"Then I am not, so you rarely tell me what the rivers and lakes are."

"Rely on... Su Yu, you are a stingy man, careful eyes are dead..."

Su Yu directly ignored Zeng Rou and took a look at Xiao An.

"I... I didn't say anything." Xiaoan was frightened, and I was afraid that the boss would anger himself.

"You both talked very well? Is it very skinny?" Su Yu stared at him.

"Also... okay." Xiaoan swallowed a sip of water.

"I think you are quite good... It’s not as good as the two of you moved a room, saving you every day in the living room."

Xiao An:......

Zeng Roo: lying in the trough, what do you mean by Su Yu? You actually fell into us?

Su Yu: "Miss Zeng Da, pay attention to your wording, I am doing it for you... I think you are very harmonious with Xiao An, it is better for you to get together."

"Don't stop, you don't want to fold me, Su Zong, Miss Zeng, what identity, I can't climb high." Xiao Anhan Yan.

This is the boss's stomach that is tossed by the twins. Can't get out, take him and Zeng Rouge.

This is also too soft, you say good end, not to say bad boss, was heard?

"Nothing, I will go back and let my grandfather give you a military rank in the military region. Then I will give you a sum of money and give you a company. When you have a car, a deposit, a company, and a military rank. With Miss Tsang, it is more than enough."

"Cough and cough... Boss, you spare me." Xiao An almost drowned.

"Su Yu, you are stinky and shameless... Friends." Zeng Rou was also angry.

What is Su Yu's name, arbitrarily confusing, and letting Xiao An and Zeng Rou do not touch each other.

Su Yu smiled and then patted Xiao An's shoulder. "Well, don't talk to you both, Xiao An, you said, I will pick up Xiaomian sister tomorrow, what is the queue?"

"How do I know, isn't you promised twins?"

“How many cars are there in the garage?” Su Yu asked.

"Four, some other companies are using, and some of you are borrowing... Only your Rambo, there is a Mercedes, and two Porsche." Xiaoan estimated.

"That won't work, can't you... So, I will call Tang Chuan and borrow a few more."

"Isn't it just to pick up a woman, is it so big?" Zeng Rou had a little bit of jealousy.

My identity, when I arrived here, no one will pick it up. Dr. Huo’s sister, a little girl, will take Su Yu out of the car. This treatment is really different.

"Because I have promised twins, I can't talk about it. I am a big man. I can count the words, but I can tell you what Lu Yan loves to eat. Please take her to eat at noon?" Su Yu thinks that this is a Big problem.

"She loves to eat casserole powder." Xiao An blurted out.

"How do you know?" Zeng Rou looked at Xiao An with some curiosity.

"Ah... That's because I was commissioned before, I received the over-the-counter smoke... I took her long line to eat the casserole powder."

"No, no, if I ask her to eat casserole powder, puddings and puddings must not kill me?" Su Yu repeatedly shook his head, feeling inappropriate.

"Or else a seafood dinner? What do you think?" Su Yu thinks that Huo Mian loves to eat seafood, so Luyan should also like to eat.

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