My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3387: Random point spectrum (6)

"That won't work, people don't like to eat this, I have asked."

"Lu Yan is really a wonderful thing...." Su Yu feels that this girl does not like to eat big meals, only loves to eat roadside stalls, but also drunk.

"If you want to say something wonderful, you have a fight with you." Xiao An whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Su Yubai took a look at Xiao An.

"Hah, I said... Luyan is really amazing."

Here, Su Yu and Xiao An are not sleeping at night to discuss what to eat.

On the other side, Luyan made several consecutive sneezes.

"Boss, are you okay, is it a cold?"

The man under his hand was also frightened. He quickly came in with a blanket and added a layer to Luyan.


"Right, has Joe contacted you?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, let's go out." Lu Yan waved his hand and impatiently sent his hand out.

Then I tried to contact Joe Fei with my watch, but I didn’t pick up my phone.

" dare not pick up my phone?"

Lu Yan said to himself, and then did not hesitate to fight again, or not.

In the end, Lu Yan couldn't bear to send a newsletter and said in the past: Joe Fei, you are a deadly metamorphosis, a guy who is not a man or a woman... a dead demon... You dare not pick up my phone, you are good, you give I am waiting, waiting for Laozi to see you, licking your skin and pumping your ribs.

After waiting for a long time, Joe returned a sentence, "Do not talk to the scum without credit."

"Where, who doesn't talk about credit, who is scum... Nima's..." Lu Yan was full of grievances.

Qiao Fei’s intelligence network is also very powerful. What Lu Yan did on this road, and who he met, he also knew the first time.

In view of the fact that the land smoke does not keep a distance from the opposite sex, it is still nowhere to go to the streets to play local hooligans.

Joe felt that she would give her a little punishment, that is... don't talk to her, she died cold.

Moscow, inside the manor

Joe was called by his father to chat in the main garden. It seems that the father and son did not sit alone and talked for tea for a long time.

"No, you are coming back this time, it feels very low."

"I didn't always do this?"

"But I always feel that you have something to worry about."

"Father, you want more."

"Was the maid you brought back, is it reliable? Is it true loyalty to you, or the smuggling of Lu Yan’s side, are you clear?"

"I have a few in my heart."

"Your brother has been outside for a few years. I rarely contacted you. Now you only have you and your second brother at home, but your second brother is ambitious and heart-wrenching. The elders in the family have some voices against him. I hope that I Can train you."

"Forget it, I don't care about family affairs." Joe's head with a short silver hair and a strange glow in the night, it is also unpredictable.

"But you know, once your second brother takes over, if he wants to scribble and root, your life is hard to protect." Joe's father said profoundly.

"Look at who's life is bigger."

"Are you still thinking about that woman... Xiaofei, Luyan is not for you, she is a wild horse. She has been in the rain of bullets since childhood, wild, and wild, not you can control."

"You should take a break."

Looking at the watch, Joe got up indifferently and didn't talk to his father.

Looking at the back of his son's departure, Joe's father only sighed slightly.

He seems to never guess what the son is thinking.

When Joe was not going back, Amy was already wiping the floor, but suddenly she sweated and licked her abdomen.

"Joe, are you back?"


"You don't seem to be very comfortable..." Joe Fei glanced at Amy and asked faintly.

"Amount, nothing, it should be eating something bad." Amy never knew that she was drinking the coffee that was dropped.

"So what do you think... Lu Yan is this person?" Qiao Fei suddenly asked.

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