My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3388: Random points (seven)

"Our boss, she is... very good."

Amy didn't expect Joe to suddenly ask this question, so he said it.

"There are only two of us here. You can tell the truth, not before her. You don't have to be afraid. Just say what you want to say."

Listening to Joe said, Amy felt that he was doing a little bit of doing it while continuing to say that Lu Yan was good.

"Actually, our boss...that is, Lu Yan, she is a bit tempered," Amy said.

"It’s just that the temper is not good, it’s quite bad, it’s stinky. In this way, which man would like her to blame.” Qiao Fei said.

"Yeah, Luyan, although young, but the skills are quite big, my father is also very powerful, so maybe... a little... I don't know how high the earth is, I don't respect anyone, and I am arrogant."

"Yes, it's very accurate, arrogant, Luyan is not something." Joe is not swearing.

"Although Lu Yan looks good, but her character is not gentle at all. If a man is long, no one can stand it. Unless she sees it for the first time, she is confused by her appearance and wants to go to bed with her. What's okay."

"Yes, I also want to go to bed with her, but I have not succeeded." Qiao Fei said.

"Ah? You haven't succeeded, that is to say, you and Lu Yan are actually not..." This incident made Amy quite shocked.

"Well, no, we are clear."

"This way..." Amy seemed to be happy when she finished listening, and it was difficult to suppress that joy.

"I was planning to accompany her for a while, to see if there was any chance, but she never let me touch, so I am too lazy to touch it now."

"Joe is so right, I think, Lu Yan may not have anyone in her heart, except her own biological sister," Amy said.

"You have so little with Luyan, how much do you know about her?"

"There is not much, she is very smart, and many things can't be said. It is like where her mother's body is stored. It is still a mystery," Amy said.

Joe did not stare at her expression for a while, and found that she didn't look like lying.

"How did you relate to her at the beginning?" Joe was not curious.

"At that time, I was just a killer. I went to Spain to perform a mission, killed a big drug lord, lost my hand, and almost killed. Fortunately, the employer bought a double insurance and hired a group of Luyan. It is reasonable to say that millions of people. The list, she will not shoot, but that day is also a coincidence, her men are just doing other tasks can not come back, only she seems to see someone in Spain, so take the opportunity to do that, also It was saved by the way."

"So, Luyan seems to have a life-saving grace for you..." When Joe said this sentence, his eyes were more subtle.

"Yes, so I followed her for a few years, for her life, her temper is not good, usually used to us, not to see us, I have done a lot for her in recent years. That kind of sentiment should have been repaid, and now it is said that owing her, this may be this time, let her misunderstand you." After that, Amy deliberately lowered his head and showed that the clothes were very embarrassing.

"This thing does not blame you, I have contradictions with herself." Qiao Fei said.

"Joe Shao, I heard that you know each other very little..." Amy suddenly mentioned this.

"Yeah, Lu Yan, her woman, was very unappealing when she was a child." Qiao Fei said.

At this time, the land smoke far from the other side, seeing this picture from the surveillance, is about to explode.

"Paralyzed, I am going to Russia now." After she finished, she went barefoot and went out, and she couldn't wait to wear shoes.

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