My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3389: Random point spectrum (eight)

"Boss, in the middle of the night, where are you going?"

"Go to Moscow."

"Ah? What are you going to Moscow?"

"Kill the adulterer... ah..."

When I heard that Luyan was going to Moscow, a few of them would agree.

Five or six people came forward and pressed Lu Yan to death, on the corridor wall of the hospital.

"Let me go, how many of you want to rebel?" Lu Yan said.

"Boss, you have to hold back, this is not your plan with Joe, if you go, plan...."

"The whole wool plan, Joe is not the mountain goods, with Amy's little slut, yelling at me in the back... squatting, this tone, I really can't stand it..."

A few of them were very excited to see Lu Yan, one of them hurriedly said: Go and inform Missy.

"Boss, calm and calm."

"A calm lantern, I am going to Russia now, I want to blow them up." Lu Yan raised his hand.

"Calm, boss, impulsive is the devil, impulsive is the devil..."

On the other side, I saw it almost, and Joe did a yawn.

"Some tired, I slept, you sleep too."

"Joe Shao, I..." Amy was unwilling and seemed to have other ideas.

"Joe Shao, I can... can wait for you to sleep..." She lowered her head and said it was extremely hidden.

This sentence just happened to be clearly heard by Lu Yan, her watch did not turn off Bluetooth.

She took the headphones, although she couldn't see the picture, she also knew what Amy thought in her heart.

"Where, they dare... Joe Fei, paralyzed, you dare touch her hair, I will marry you..."

Lu Yanxun's inexplicable, a few men are also scared, thinking that the boss is crazy.

"No, you go to rest." Joey refused Amy's initiative.

Then I glanced at a small, very small aircraft outside the window, didn't smile deeply, and went to sleep.

The vinegar that I have eaten these days, it’s really a big hatred tonight, it’s fun.

Lu Yan, the woman, dare to anger herself, and she is not irritating.

Today, if I don’t get it, I can irritate her and run Moscow.

It’s just right, Joe is really a bit uncomfortable, especially missing the stinky girl.

Not talking to her, suddenly I feel that life has become no fun.

Just when Lu smoke was excited, I was going to Moscow immediately.

Qin Chu drove with Huo Mian.

"Smoke, what's the matter?"

"Missy." A few of the men saw Huo Mian, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister, how come you?" Seeing her sister, she calmed down a lot.

"It's not your trouble. I just dreamed of eating hot pot. I was awakened by your people. I said that you are going crazy in the middle of the night. Going to Russia?" Huo Mian came over and asked as he walked.


"What are you going to Russia?"


"Who kills?" Huo Mian asked again.


"Who is a traitor?"

"Oh, sister, don't ask, you can't say it in a few words, ha, I will go back."

"No, you can't go anywhere. Your brother-in-law said, you are in a very dangerous situation. How do you make a concussion in your head? Have you forgotten?"

Huo Mian felt that someone was staring at the little smoke, and it was still a big man with unknown identity.

Otherwise, it would not be easy to save Horsham in her hands.

"Sister..." Lu Yan looked helpless.

"Sister, what sister, you can only stay in the hospital now, believe it or not, I am now asking people to give you a sedative?" Huo Mian squinted.

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