My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3402: Don't like people like me (11)

As soon as Mummy came, the puddings were confused.

Originally, this thing is afraid that Mommy will know that it will blame.

Huo Jin is now pregnant with a second child and can no longer drive herself as before.

Wherever you go, you are the driver who has the technical content of the cow.

There is a bodyguard with a fighting technique and a good bodyguard. In her own words, it is a national treasure.

Therefore, when Qin Chu’s Mercedes-Benz RV, that is, the driver of Huo Mian’s royal family came in.

The twins are terrified...

"Oh my God, it’s a mom..." Pudding had some guilty conscience.

"Rely on, who will give Mummy a letter of confession... I want to be inconsistent with her." Doudou thinks that Mommy should go to the hospital early morning meeting early in the morning?

Why is it here?

"If it is Zengrou, I will not forgive her, and my heart is awkward." Douding seems to be a little excited, and before I figured it out, I pushed everything to Zengrou.

"Don't talk nonsense, we haven't figured out what's going on. Don't be a good person. I don't think Zengrou is awkward."

The pudding talked with Zeng Rou in the kitchen. Intuitively, she is not a woman like Jane.

The voice just fell, and Huo Mian opened the door and walked in.

"Huo Zong." Xiao An saw that Huo Mian was very cautious. Even if he was already very familiar, he still felt pressured. It may be a doctor's gas field problem.

Homonia nodded and continued to go inside.

"Sister, are you here?" Lu Yan saw that Huo Mian was very close.

"Because you are discharged from the hospital, you will run around..." Huo Mian’s blame clearly has concern.

"Hah, I have to suffocate... Isn't this my niece taking me for breakfast?" Lu Yan smiled.

"Small cockroach... You sold out us so easily..." The fangs of the bean itch.

"What do you guys want to do?" Huo Mian looked at his two daughters sideways.

"Mummy... We think, Xiaoyan was discharged from the hospital today, you are busy at work, have no time to take care of her, just we both told Su Shuai, Su Shuai, volunteered to bring Xiaoxiao to his house for breakfast, we It’s coming,” said Doudin.

"I..." Su Yu felt that now he has become the king of the pot.

"How is your breakfast at home? Is it delicious?" Huo Mian smiled and looked at Su Yu.

"No... I haven't been busy for a few days, and I haven't received your sister. I think it's just free today." Su Yu is also difficult to justify.

"So you have opened ten luxury cars, used the mayor's battle to pick up a small cigarette?" Huo Mian asked.

"Amount... you know it."

"Can I not know? You are all on the microblogging hot search... Please, can you keep a low profile?" Huo Mian could not laugh.

"Ah? This thing can still be searched hot, then you are really boring here..." Lu Yan did not agree.

"Let's go, go back and do a check with me, I have to know that your head is okay before you can let you go." Huo Mian pulled the hand of the land smoke.

"Sister, isn't that necessary?"

Huo Mian coldly sweeps the face of the land smoke...

"Haha, check, you must check... Sister, you look good, you say everything right." Lu Yan has very little time with his sister, so she is especially afraid of making her sister unhappy.

Therefore, Huo Mian’s emotions, she cares very much, seeing her sister is not happy, immediately change her mouth.

"You two, let me go."

"Mummy...we..." What did Douding just say?

"If I remember correctly, today is not a weekend, so Miss Qin Chaochao and Miss Qin Xiao, are you both planning not to go to school? Do you want to call Mr. Qin Chu now?"

Huo Yin stared at the twins and scared them both.

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