My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3403: Don't like people like me (12)

"Mummy, let's go right away, don't be angry, ha." Douding hurriedly pleased.

"Mummy, can you let Su Shuai send us, or Xiao An uncle can send it." Pudding was a little scared.

"I will send you, get on the bus." Huo Mian's expression is very serious.

The twins didn't dare to say anything, and they followed the driver and got on the bus.

"Sister, don't blame them two, they..." Lu Yan saw his sister not very happy, just wanted to speak for the twins.

I was interrupted by Huo Mian. "Smoke, you will wait for me."

"Amount... Ok."

Subsequently, Lu Yan did not dare to say more, took the two children to take the lead in the RV.

Huo Mian turned around and looked at Su Yu.

"Doctor Huo, you are angry with me. They were left last night for me. I am taking it to the hospital today."

Su Yu is afraid that the children will be defamed. After all, Huo Mian’s children are notoriously harsh, so everything goes to them.

"Oh, hero, Uncle Lei Feng..." Huo Mian sneered.

"Don't stop, Dr. Huo, have something to say, don't you say goodbye to yin and yang?" Su Yu is most afraid of Huo Mian.

"Yeah, Huo always sitting." Xiaoan quickly moved over a chair.

Huo Mian did not sit, she is now pregnant for four months, and her stomach is not too small. The Korean dress with rustic lotus leaf sleeves is very small.

But I can't see it as a pregnant woman. I wear a pair of flat shoes on my feet, but I can see that her feet are slightly swollen, perhaps because of pregnancy.

"Okay, it’s a morning, you haven’t had a good rest, so hurry and get busy with your business.”

Huo Mian did not say anything, nor did he blame Su Yu.

"Small sleep..." Su Yu is not at ease.

"Su Yu, Zeng Rou, I said a few words to her?" Huo Mian said.

"Amount... she is in the kitchen." Su Yu pointed to the kitchen.

Huo Jin walked slowly.

"Are you venting a letter to Xiaomian?" Su Yu pointed to Xiao An.

"It's not me, Su Zong, I swear..." Xiao An's face was wronged.

"Who is that? How can Xiaomian know that we are here." Su Yu felt puzzled.

How long did it come back? Huo Mian suddenly visited.

In the kitchen

Zengrou did not intend to meet with Huo Mian. After all, taking the initiative to go out and say hello to people is suspicion of suspicion. If you don't speak, you have suspicion of arrogance.

So she deliberately hid in the kitchen, wiped it, wiped it there, didn't go out, but didn't think that Huo Mian took the initiative to find her.

"Zeng Rou."

"Ah?" Zeng Rou turned back and seemed to have a dim sum.

Because she lives in Su Yu here, there is no name, I am afraid that I will be able to knock on the side and say something, I can shame in front of Su Yu.

But it is also a woman. If someone is said in front of Huoming, then where is the face.

"I am sorry about today's business," said Huo Mian.

"Ah?" Huo Mian suddenly apologized, Zeng Rou was shocked and very upset.

"Pudding and Bean Ding are quite sensible, probably because they are close to Su Yutai, so they are hostile to you, deliberately harass you, and bring you a lot of trouble. It is not good for me to be a mother. I will definitely go back. Discipline."

"No, Dr. Huo, pudding and peas are still okay, and it is not difficult for me, ha." Zeng was so busy that he didn't want to provoke a mistake. The children felt that her motives were bad.

"The breakfast is very embarrassing, and it hurts you for a morning."

Hearing it, Huo Ming understood everything that happened here.

"It's okay, they usually don't come, I also want to have breakfast. Xiao An Su Yu is used to it. Today, I just did more."

Huo Mian did not speak, took out a business card from the bag, and then wrote a few words and handed it to Zeng Rou.

"After an hour, you go to the Southern District Hospital to find me."

After talking about Huo Mian turned and left, Zeng Ru took the card given by Huo Mian, and still did not react in shock.

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