My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3417: Tang's marriage proposal (six)

"I..." Su Yu is very tangled.

Think about it, he really can't remember.

I don’t want to say it, people are far from the sea and call the phone, it seems too unremarkable.

However, listening to Su Yu was so hesitant, and Nie Lingqi basically knew what was going on.

"I understand, then you are busy, bother."

With a slight disappointment, Nie Lingqi hung up the phone.

In less than a minute, the phone rang again.

Su Yu picked up and thought it was still Nie Lingwei.

Directly said, "I think you are so good now, let it pass in the past."

"What stuff is messy, Su Ye, you are picking up a girl, want to be a sister?" Tang Chuan's voice sounded.

Su Yuyi did not hear the truth and hurryed. "Rely, why don't you use your own mobile phone?"

"How expensive, isn't this the landline of my wife's company?"

"How did Qin Ning raise you to eat soft rice?" Su Yu's martyrdom.

"My family Ningning said, eating soft rice also depends on the value of the face, Su Ye, you are not qualified."


Both of them have to call for a while.

“In the company, is it at home?”

"This is what I said, except for the company and the family, I have nowhere else to go." Su Yuxiao.

"Is that not the case? Or is it the Southern District?"

"You are looking for death..." Seeing Tang Chuan running against him, Su Yu is so angry and funny.

"Okay, don't wander with you... Yeah is going back, ready to pick up the wind and wash the dust."

"Go to your uncle, you come and go in a day, go to the United States many times, if I have to take care of you again and again, I will not go bankrupt."

"No, no, we are a god, how can it go bankrupt?"

“When is it coming back?” Su Yu seems to be very suspicious when chatting with Tang Chuan.

Holding the phone and lying directly on the sofa.

"Airplane tomorrow night."

"So fast?"

"What, miss me?"

"I miss you thinking that you want to die for you..." Su Yu said.

"Let's go, look at what you think about me. This time, I will settle down completely and not go to the United States."

"Qin Ning?"

"Of my wife is of course with me, she is not going."

"What about your father-in-law?" Su Yu was curious.

"My father-in-law is not at ease with the company, and his age is not too big. He has to fight for a few years over there. After waiting for a few years to retreat, he will look for a professional manager. Anyway, no one wants to go. My big sister Qin Chu also Not willing to take over."

"Everyone is busy with their own affairs. How can I take care of other things? Come back, how do you mean that this time is the rhythm of getting married?"

Su Yu heard the clues.

"Hey, wait for me to go back, you help me plan a proposal for marriage, Ningning still doesn't know, she just promises, we will get the certificate immediately."

"So fast?" Su Yu was a little surprised.

"I am so slow, I can't wait to get married now."

"You two will not be the first to get the ticket after the car? Qin Ning is pregnant?" Su Yu thinks, so anxious, is there a happy event?

"Don't say, no, Ningning is still small, we don't worry about children."

"Well, then wait for you to come back, we are in a specific research program."

"Well, right, right, I heard, my sister's sister returned home, isn't it fun?"

"Not fun." Su Yu directly answered.

"Haha, I see puddings and puddings send videos to my daughter-in-law. I always say that I am a little girl, and my wife is a bit jealous."

"When you come back to meet, you will know." Regarding Lu Yan, Su Yu did not dare to make too many comments.

Nanshan Castle

Huo Mian was a little sleepy when sitting in the living room with his family. He got up and went to the bedroom. At this time, WeChat rang.

She opened it and was reminded by her classmates, @霍眠.

"Huo Mian is there? If you are, please answer, worry."

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