My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3418: Tang's marriage proposal (seven)

"I am, what is it?"

Since I have been in contact with a few students, Huo Mian has been reluctant to contact them.

Because the current class reunion has changed, there is no simple emotion at the beginning.

In addition to being particularly good with Zhu Lingling, there are occasional contacts with Wei Dong.

Wei Dong Gu Nian Huo Mian has helped her, and she knows that she is not short of money now.

So I often go to the countryside, bring some local products back, and send them to the Humian family.

Wei Dong’s mother will personally buy the wool thread and weave the twins to express their wishes.

After all, people who know gratitude still have a good heart in their hearts. Huo Mian only thinks that although Wei Dong is a bit stubborn, his bones are not particularly bad.

Qin Chu has never commented on this matter, does not agree with no objection, and gives Huo Mian an absolute space to deal with his own affairs.

"Wow, Goddess Huo, you are there, actually seconds back." Han Xu was a little surprised.

"Well, basically I will be at night."

"Hom, I am getting married this weekend, can you come?"

"Married, good deed, congratulations." Huo Mian said the scene.

"Huo goddess, let's have a classmate... You must come. Before, there are classmates who said that Huo Jin is now married to the giants, flying on the branches, and disdain to play with our old classmates, I am not willing Listening to this, the goddess of Huo has always been so close to the people, how come? Is it?"

Han Xu said this to the book, that is, forced to sleep.

This is one of the places that Huo Mian hates him the most. Hypocrisy, a man of mind, especially able to move right and wrong, Han Xu said it is actually a villain.

He informed everyone that this was normal, but it would be nice to make a call.

I have to say in the group, in front of so many people.

It’s just that Huoming can’t refuse,

Before that, Huo Mian had retired from the group once. Later, Han Xu’s life and death had to be added back to Huo Mian, not to mention any classmates.

Usually this group, Huo Mian is shielded.

Today he is directly @霍眠, obviously purposeful.

"Okay, I must go." Huo Mian sneered and typed back.

"That's great, ha, Goddess Huo, don't forget to bring a gift... You are now a good person, it must be a good thing, ha, let us poor people are also smeared."

Han Xu’s utilitarianism has become serious, and he directly asked Huo Mian to have a gift.

He said so openly, I thought it wouldn’t be easy to get a free meal.

Besides, isn't it possible to send money directly? Why do you want a gift?

The reasons are as follows...

After Han Xu finished speaking, another male student who had a good relationship with Han Xu intervened and made a statement in the WeChat group.

"Everyone may not know, our Korean squad leader's daughter-in-law is the daughter of the deputy director of the Local Taxation Bureau. The wedding was held at the Athena Hotel. It opened 100 tables. And, if people don't accept gifts, they only accept gold. Don't be embarrassed when you arrive..."

As soon as I heard about receiving gold, everyone began to guilty...

But no one said in the group, after all, it is public.

When everyone was clamoring for something to say, Zhu Lingling suddenly went online. Come, "Han Xu, you are looking for a good father-in-law, slyly... you are going to plunge the door, when the door is married, your house is You are a son, what about your own aunt?"

Zhu Lingling’s irony of Han Xu, who did not leave her face, really made people feel a bit dark.

Even Huo Mian must secretly applaud Zhu Lingling in her heart.

"Hey, Lingling, you are really joking..." Han Xu’s face was ugly at this time, but he did not dare to tear his face, because he knew that Zhu Lingling’s husband was the director of the city bureau and could not afford to offend.

"Huo goddess, Lingling goddess, must come to the face when it comes." Han Xu once again stressed that they are coming.

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