My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3425: Tang Ye proposed marriage (fourteen)

Lu Yan did not speak, just quietly looked at his sister.

Just listening to Huo Mian’s words and words, “My biggest dream now is that our family can be reunited, happy life together, and you and your father are not living the kind of vain days.”

"Sister, this is a little unlikely, some roads, once you choose, you can't look back." Lu smoke suddenly felt a little sad.

"I will work hard, although my efforts are insignificant, but as the closest relative in the world, I will try to make you live a stable and happy life."

Huo Mianhong said with a red-eyed hand pulling the land.

This younger sister, who has more money, is more powerful. She is distressed by her and she has been distressed by her experiences over the years.

She didn't dare to think about it. At that time, she was only a few years old, and she had to be alone, hiding in Tibet, hiding enemies, and hiding.

In the once-in-a-side cofferdam, in an explosion, it survived desperately.

When someone is upset about not knowing what to eat today.

She may have been hungry for a little smoke, and she has not had a full meal for a few days.

When someone is troubled by what they don't know today.

Xiaoyan, she may have been wearing a dress for many days and could not change it.

When someone can't sleep for today's insomnia.

Xiaoyan may have been afraid to close his eyes for a few days and nights, and he did not dare to sleep.

This simple life that ordinary people live every day is far from the reach of the smoke, Xiaomian knows.

However, as a sister, she could not save her from the fire, which made Huo Mian very painful.

I used to talk about this matter with Qin Daren. Qin Daren’s sane people said that it is difficult for Luyan to turn back.

The fate of this thing, sometimes it is so inhuman.

"Hey, sister, we are here to eat, not to lyrical, okay...not to say that you are the strongest, you are pregnant now, really emotional, don't cry, I don't want my little It’s a crying cry born after the nephew.”

Lu Yan did not dare to look directly into his sister's eyes and pretend that nothing was going on.

Pick up a paper towel to help Huo Mian wipe it down and try to stop this sad topic.

At this time, the old man came with two bowls of steaming blunt.

"The two girls, blunt, eat hot, and the soup is delicious."

"Well, but the old man, you will not use the waste oil to do it?" Lu Yan naughty.

"No, I will live so old. I have been relying on the reputation of neighbors for many years. If I use the waste oil, my conscience can't afford it." The old man seems to be very serious.

"Old man, don't listen to my sister's nonsense, she is joking." Huo Mian was so angry and funny.

As long as there is land smoke, the atmosphere is particularly funny.

Of course, her teasing is only for those who are close to her.

The sisters ate the heat and blunt, drinking a unique bubble of water in the northern city.

Luyan is very satisfied with all of this moment.

"Sister, go back after eating the trick."

"You can't sleep, can I go with you?"

"No, I am also very sleepy, don't go shopping."

Lu Yan distressed her sister to accompany her on her stomach, so she decided not to be willful. After eating, she left.

I did not expect that when they were about to finish eating.

There are several uninvited guests in the blunt store.

It is said that it is an uninvited guest, because when they enter the door, Lu Yan’s instincts for many years tell him that there is a strong murderousness.

Several people who came in were wearing black cloaks, which were like wearing vampires in the middle of the night.

No one in normal people will dress like this, nor play COSPLAY.

"Several? Want to eat something?" The old man was still warmly entertained.

"Like them." The man who spoke up was sitting in the smoke of them not far away. The man buried his head very low and could not even see his face.

"Sister, don't say it, let's go."

Lu Yan took the chopsticks that had not been eaten to the table, took out a hundred pieces, put them on the table, and took Huo Mian’s hand and got up.

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