My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3426: Tang's marriage proposal (fifteen)

"Small smoke, what happened?"

Huo Mian didn't feel murderous, so he didn't feel anything wrong.

Before he even waited for dinner, Lu Yan was so hurried to leave, and Huo Mian was a little surprised.

"Sister, we have to go, there is danger."

The sound of Luyan is very small, only Huojin is so close to the distance.

"Two girls, have you eaten?" The old man did not understand what was going on. Hurry and come and see.

"Old man, the money is here, don't look for it, we are full."

Lu Yan smiled a little, took Huo Mian and went out, but was stopped at the door.

"I am so anxious to leave? Why don't you find a greeting?"

That person said...

"Who are you paralyzed, do I know you?" Lu Yan is also anxious and ruined.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know me. It's enough to know our boss."

"Take you what boss is not the boss, get rid of my grandmother, I am also a dead end, don't play with me these virtual, let the **** shrink the tortoise out, auntie look at his look."

Lu Yan tightly held Huo Mian's wrist, and he was afraid of what happened to his sister.

At this moment, the door came in again to a man. Still wearing a black cloak, it is full of surprises in the night.

When the man came in, all the black men in the house were kneeling on one knee and one hand in front of the chest.

"Lu Yan, we haven't seen you for a long time." The man is talking about standard English.

He finished the sentence and slowly opened the cloak on his head. After Lu Yan saw his face for a moment, his face changed slightly.

"Nalo, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Lu Yan smiled coldly.

Hearing that Lu Yan called him Nalo, Huo Mian’s heart was cold.

Her memory is extraordinary, and people and things I have said, even if I have never seen them, will have an impression.

Nalo, the man from the German Mafia, is currently the head of the Mafia family, Ian’s compatriot brother.

Pure German blood, temperament and Huo Mian did not understand, and did not listen to people mentioned.

The only thing that impressed her was that this man seemed to have some secrets that could not be said with Huo Siqian.

"Why are you anxious to go? Sit down and talk." Nalo still spoke in English, but there was no expression on his face.

Unlike Ian, Huo Mian and Ian met in the hospital.

She remembers that Ian’s perverted face often had a strange smile, quite a cautious person.

Nalo is just the opposite. There is almost no expression on his face, and there is no joy or sorrow.

His looks are among the best among foreigners, a bit like David Beckham.

It may be because of the age of the old, there are some scattered around the bar.

"Let you talk, my grandmother is not empty, go away, or else I will kill."

Luyan is notoriously bad temper. It is almost hands-on to meet, and there is very little patience to chat with all the irrelevant, especially the enemy.

Perhaps because of Ian’s relationship, Lu’s smoke is completely unfriendly to Ian’s brother.

Maybe it’s English, I don’t think it’s enough to deflate, and Lu smoke has once again smashed it in German.

Those black people who have heard their faces changed greatly, and how ugly it is.

The black man saw that his master was insulted and wanted to pull a gun, but he was stopped by Nalo.

"I am coming today, not looking for you to fight," Nalo said calmly.

"Then you are looking for me to fall in love?" Lu Yan asked in fluent English.

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