My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3428: Tang's marriage proposal (seventeen)

"You don't have any chips to talk to me about any conditions." Nalo calmly looked at Huo Mian and refused her request in fluent English.

"Sister, I can't go, how can I leave you?"

"Can you answer now? Or everyone will die here..."

Nalo is different from Ian. He does not seem to be afraid of the death threat of Luyan.

"I replied."

"Sister..." Lu Yan has rarely touched this man for years, so he doesn't know what character Nalo is.

If it is the same as Ian, then it must be a big bastard, and it is not worthy of trust.

"Smoke, this is our only way."

"But Nalo does not make people trust." Lu Yan said, lowering his voice.

"Then we have to delay the time, Qin Daren will come to save us." Huo Mian said with confidence.

Hearing here, Luyan will not say anything.

Huo Mian turned his head and looked at Nalo.

"You ask, I only answer you three." Huo Mian stressed.

Nalo smiled lightly. "Where is Huo?"

"You are talking about Huo Siqian?" Seeing that Nalo only said a Huo character alone, Huo Mian said all the names to confirm.

"Yes." Nalo nodded.

"I don't know where he is."

"Miss Huo, don't play tricks. Our people have already found out that he was secretly locked in the prison in the suburbs, but when we went to the prison, we found that people were gone."

Lu Yan took a look at his sister and exchanged a look with his sister. That means, I don’t want to let Humien say that the black man saved Horsham.

The sisters also had a very tacit understanding. Huo Mianxin took the lead and then answered, "A few days ago, my sister had handed him over. He had been jailbreaking for many years and then fled."

"You lied, if he escapes, he will definitely contact me. Now, besides me, I can't think of who he can go to?" Nalo was annoyed.

It seems that because of Huo Mian’s words, it is theoretically unreasonable.

"This is already the third question, and I remind you." Huo Mian looked at Nalo.

Then went on to say, "As for he didn't go looking for you, I can only say that it may be because he escaped Jack, not Horshom, so..."

"Jack is out?" Nalo seems to be surprised.

This evil side, which was controlled by Horsham several times with strong drugs to control the brain, did not want him to appear.

"I didn't lie to you, that's the way it is."

"I still have a problem?" Nalo said.

"I only answer your three." Huo Mian corrected.

Regardless of Hume, Naro’s mood was quite heavy. “So, you are sure he is still alive, is he?”

The people of Nalo checked for a long time to find out that Huo Siqian was secretly shut up by Qin Chu.

I have long wanted to come and save people, but I was delayed by some things on Ian’s side.

The two brothers are actually not good, but they are not enemies.

But this time, because of Horsham's business, Nalo seems to have turned his face with his brother.

He blamed Ian for forcing him to be a man, and then let him go to extremes.

Huo Mian had not waited to talk, and a sports car slammed into the door of the blunt shop.

Nalo’s men turned their heads alertly, aiming the gun at the person coming.

The man was wearing a black long trench coat and was flying fast in the night.

In a few steps, I rushed in and directly put Huo Mian in my arms.

"Husband..." smelled the familiar smell, and Huo Mian didn't have a peace of mind.

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