My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3429: Tang's marriage proposal (18)

"Mr. Qin... It’s really time to come." Nalo seems to know Qin Chu.

"Mr. Nalo, uninvited, and harassing my wife in the middle of the night, is really annoying."

"So you think, can you take away two of them alone? Do you think you are a superhero, and you can't get into it?" Nalo smiled.

"How come? How can you be prepared to meet Mr. Nalo?"

At this time, Qin Chu raised his hand slightly, and Nalo’s head did not know when there was a red dot. Obviously, it is very glaring.

Seeing the red dot, Lu smoke smiled, and my brother-in-law was really powerful.

In such a short period of time, the sniper can be arranged.

"What does this mean for Mr. Qin?"

"It is when you move, you immediately explode your head." Qin Chu still said that the wind is light.

"I just want to talk to your wife, it's not malicious."

"But my wife, I don't want to talk to you at all. I am very annoyed and angry when you are so strong."

"Nallo is..."

A few people under his command did not know what to do.

"Can you know? The position of the sniper is fixed. There are many visual dead ends in this small shop. As long as I flash to the side and hide in a corner, you can't take me, but my men can. It’s really wise to shoot you in an instant, is it wise?”

Nalo first contacted Qin Chu, and suddenly this man was very interesting.

I don't know how he played the cards, so I plan to continue to test it. Who has the advantage?

"If you simply think that I am alone, then you are wrong, come and see outside."

Qin Chu pointed to the door.

Nalo’s men were a little scared.

The door has been surrounded by more than a dozen people, each holding a heavy weapon.

In the crowd, five or six people came out and went straight to the land.

"Boss, are you okay?"

"How many of you are dead, don't sleep at night?" Lu Yan glanced at them.

"We received the news, we came, worried about the boss."

"Worried about a fart, I am fine." Lu Yan feels that this kind of thing, do not have to alarm so many people, it will be done in minutes.

"Qin Daren brought so many people, would you like to fight with us, so you are sure that your pregnant wife will not be injured in the chaos, right?"

In the end, Nalo swept his eyes to the abdomen of Humble, and found the weakness of Qin Chu.

Huo Mian sees that she has been treated as a soft rib, and she is angry. She will look up and look at the side face of Qin Chu.

"Husband, don't worry about me, I won't have anything, Xiaoyan will protect me, don't worry, don't be accused by him."

"Well, I know."

Qin Chu turned his head and bowed his head, gently kissing the red lips of Huo Mian.

This kiss, very warm and warm, for a moment, let Hung Mian feel that the warmth has swept the whole body.

"Perverted sputum, less him fart, want to hit it quickly, isn't it blood flowing into the river? This is what my grandmother is doing almost every day, who are you scaring?"

Luyan is somewhat angry and may be afraid of his sister being injured.

I took the lead and rushed out to go directly to Nalo, glaring at him.

Nalo’s men are like a bird of surprise, and I don’t know what this woman is going to do.

Collectively raise the pistol and face the head of the land.

The atmosphere is too tight for a while... It’s like a little sound will cause the world war.

At this time, Narlo’s cell phone had a harsh ringing tone.

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