My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3430: Tang Ye proposed marriage (19)

Nalo opened the phone in such a tense atmosphere and picked up this strange video call.

As soon as he opened and saw the familiar picture, Nalo's face changed.

"Oh, save me, save us."

A German white boy, who seems to be only five or six years old, was tied to his hands and feet and cried and shouted in German.

Next to him is the mother of a child. At this moment, people are tied with their hands and feet, and their mouths are sealed with tape.

His family was kidnapped, yes...

Even Tanalo’s family actually dared to tie, and at this moment, there was a glimmer of Nalo’s calm face.

At this time, the screen switches again, and a silver-haired man sits on a bright red Russian chair.

He was wearing a blue double-breasted military uniform, black military boots, leaning against the chair, and playing with a miniature black remote control.

"Joe...not." Nalo saw the people in the picture a little surprised.

"Hello, Nalo, I haven't seen you for a long time." Joe raised his head and yanked his mouth.

"Yeah, it’s been a long time... I haven’t seen it."

"So you are bothering to harass my wife, as a meeting for me?" Qiao Fei asked.

After Lu Yan heard Joe's voice, he suddenly felt a sore nose.

"Joe metamorphosis," she said to herself.

"So you also tied my family?" Nalo laughed very surprised.

"Yeah, the ritual is coming... Well, your time seems to be running out. The new bomb that my wife studied is very interesting. It only takes sixty seconds. Even the world’s most powerful bomb blasting experts have no time to dismantle. The fried smashed... Your child is very cute, although he is a surrogate mother, but it is also your son, I heard that you hurt him."

"Joe, you are doing this, I am very angry."

Nalo did not think that Joe Fe, who was in Russia, actually had someone in Germany, and he was still guarding such a strict situation and arrested his woman and children unconsciously.

The woman did not care, and he did not have bed with him anyway, and had any intimate relationship.

But the child is different. It is his only son, although he came to the world through surrogacy.

But in the past five or six years, he has established a deep father and son relationship with him.

"So I have no choice, is it?" Nalo took a deep breath and said slowly.

"Man, your time is twenty-five seconds..."

Joe has been playing with a small remote control and then looked at his watch.

"Hey... I don't want to die... save me."

The little boy seems to know what he is going to face right away, crying into tears and asking for Nalo.

"Well, I agree to let go." In the end, Nalo raised his hands and compromised with Joe.

But to be honest, even if Joe does not intervene, he does not intend to kill the land and Huo Mian.

He came here and really only asked for a whereabouts of Huo Siqian.

However, Qin Chu and Qiao Fei seem to fight very hard to protect their women.

"That doesn't let your people put down their guns and hurry. If you scare my wife, I will shake my hand. Maybe the bomb will take twenty seconds to advance."

"Let the gun down, let's go," Nalo said.

"Nallo is..."

The men seem to be very reluctant.

"Give me shut up and withdraw."

After Nalo finished, he took the lead and turned around to leave.

Looking at them out of the door, Joe Fei smiled.

"Joe, let me go." Yes, Nalo only cares about that child.

"When you leave the city of C, I will let people go. You should never play tricks, or the bombs will explode at any time."

After that, Joe Fei cut off the picture.

Nalo calmed his face and took people on the bus to leave the blunt shop.

"I was scared just now?" Qin Chu held Huo Mian in his arms, and asked some distressed questions.

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