My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3441: Tang's marriage proposal (thirty)

Joe did not think about it, and then told the lobby manager at the door. "Hello, we want to eat hot pot."

"Sir, trouble you behind the line and follow the order." The lobby manager responded with a smile.

"It is like this. I came back from the field to accompany my girlfriend for the holidays, but there is still something to do tomorrow. I have to catch the plane before going to the sky. I have to wait for too long. I am afraid that I will not be able to accompany her to the movies. Can I have a good time?"

"This way..." The lobby manager seemed to be a little depressed.

Not far away, Lu smoke surprised Zhang Dazui, the inner monologue is - Joe metamorphosis, your acting skills are good cattle X, you actually play bitter drama in order to eat hot pot, so fight hard.

"Wow, look at the boyfriend, so romantic, actually come back from the field to accompany his girlfriend for the holidays?" The little couple next to him suddenly envied.

"You will let people eat first, time is precious." Someone started to shout.

"Yeah, we agree that they will jump in." Everyone is very enthusiastic to speak and help.

"That... you come in, the next one will give you the first." The manager smiled.

"I rely on ... this is also OK?" Lu Yan instantly felt that Joe had left a full 100,000 pieces for himself. He had planned to clear 100,000 hours for an hour.

In this way, the two confused people were brought in, just one table was finished.

After the waiters cleaned up, they brought them to this side, in a corner, with a good view and clean.

"Joe metamorphosis, I think you should not do what the gangsters do, I think you can go to Hollywood to develop, the absolute film emperor, hahaha."

"Not for you, are you still laughing?" Joe gave her a look.

"Haha, what you just said is just like real, so admire your acting skills..."

"Please, I am really good at it. I really came from Moscow. I really have to leave before dawn."

"Okay, okay, you look good, you say everything right."

Joe is suddenly a black line...

"Where did you learn these messy words?"

"With my two nieces, they are very talented. They often say that the latest online words on the Internet, even my sister sometimes listens to the face."

Qiao Fei: ...

"What is your expression?"

"Nothing, eat fast."

Later, the two ate a spicy hot pot in an extremely good atmosphere.

When Lu Yan got the support, he found that it took more than three hundred to eat so many things.

This price is simply a low level of happiness...

After eating the hot pot, the two went out.

"Where are we going now?" Lu Yan asked.

"The next step is not going to the movies?"

"Haha, really want to see, will it be very SB?" Lu Yan has never seen a movie in the cinema.

She has been used to being alone since she was a child. She does not like to go to places where there are many people, and even buy tickets.

So when I heard that Joe was going to watch a movie, I still felt quite fresh.

"Do you want to go?"

"I can do it all." Lu Yan began to squat at this time.

"Let's go.

After that, Joe Fei took advantage of Lu Yan’s hand and walked in the direction of the cinema not far away.

Although the two also kissed, hugged, and held hands, but this time on the street, openly hand in hand.

Luyan feels very magical, just like deep inside, there is something that can't be suppressed.

Coming to the cinema hall, the two looked at the colorful posters.

"What kind of film to watch?" Lu Yan felt dazzled.

"I am free, you want to see anything." Joe did not have an idea.

"Looking at a **** film can't be done? So many people look together, it feels very different." Lu Yan said super shamelessly.

Joe turned his head and looked at her, calmly saying, "This is not for the cinema, I can accompany you live."

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