My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3442: Luyan's ghost idea (1)

"Less nonsense, hurry up, do you want to fly?"

This time, Lu Yan did not have a rude slap in the face, but cleverly avoided the topic.

"War Wolf 2, can't see?"

"Amount... Is it necessary? Is it not that life?"

Looking at the poster, what African anti-government organizations slaughtered, Lu Yan felt that he was not curious at all.

Because she seems to live in such an environment. That is not a movie, it is the most real.

"Isn't that good to see, buy a lot of tickets, can't just pick a horror movie?"

"Okay, okay, then fight Wolf 2."

In the end, the two uncontested bought a ticket to see the fierce wolf 2.

Qiao Fei also learned to buy popcorn and cola for Lu Yan to eat, super warm heart.

The most embarrassing thing is that because I can't buy a good location, I sat in the last corner of the two.

Before and after the little couple, where is the movie, it is simply to show love.

When the hero played the pirate, the little couple in front of him kissed the show lovingly.

When the male lead saves people in Africa, the little couple on the left, the boy’s hands are restless and touching the girls.

The male protagonist rescued the person from the end.

The little couple on the right front, can't wait to put together, with the conjoined baby.

This is a movie, this is to see people show love.

Luyan can't imagine, if a single dog is watching a movie alone, what is the point of being abused? Will it be insane?

When the two came out, Lu smoke directly threw the uneaten popcorn into the trash can.

"I rely on such a sweet thing, I don't know how much fat I will eat, how can I be as unrestrained as Bean Ding."

"You are not fat?" Qiao Fei looked at her silent opening.

"You know six, I am not very light, just grow up inside, can't see clothes, so it looks slim."

"I do not believe."

"Really, I didn't lie to you." Lu Yan explained it seriously. Even he put his hand on the abdomen and showed Joe the extra flesh.

"You let me touch, I will believe..."

"The trough...has been riddled have a good routine today, have you gone to the training class, and you have almost been taken advantage of it?"

Joe is not laughing, but he just thinks that the land smoke at this time is so cute.

Just like the girls next door, they will be shy, blush, and angry.

"You still laugh, believe it or not, I am jealous of you?" Lu Yan raised his fist.

"I don't believe you have to go. I have come to see you all the time. I have been doing this for a long time. I can't sleep well, just to see you."

"Don't say that sensation, and the last one is, I am not dead." Lu Yan bowed his head and kicked the small stone on the road.

"Small smoke..."


"After this plan, we will not separate again in the future. Even if it is fake, I can't stand it. I don't want to be separated from you. I am not happy every day in Moscow."

"I am always with me, don't be tired, I am so jealous of you, bullying you..." Lu Yan was somewhat ashamed.

"You have bullied me for a lifetime. I feel that my physical fitness is okay. Maybe I can only stop you from being abused." Joe laughed.

"Go and and I..."

At this time, Joe's phone rang.

"Less master, it's time to go, go back late, there will be suspicious."

"okay, I get it."

Then Joe did not decisively hang up the phone.

"You... want to go back?" Lu Yan suddenly found that time flies so fast, a few hours, eating a hot pot to watch the movie is gone.

"Well, there is the last gift to be sent to you." Joe looked at Lu Yan gently.

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