My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3450: Lu Yan's ghost idea (9)

"We..." Shen Mingxi seems to want to explain.

"Ming Xie, let's eat hot, and it will be cold in a while."

"it is good."

Wei Ying interrupted Shen Mingxi's words, and he did not explain.

I thought that Shen Mingxi had no preparations for this day.

But after being so late, I also received gifts and flowers. Wei Ying felt very happy and contented.

Although the relationship between the two is still very deadlocked.

"You are now... still have contact with Huo Wei?" After thinking about it, Wei Ying asked for an exit.

"Yes, I will go to the mental rehabilitation center to see her regularly and give her some photos about sweetness in Singapore."

"Is she feeling good?"

"Not very good, people will beat people, the doctor over there said that she will occasionally use her sedative."

"It seems that her spirit has completely collapsed."

"Yes, after all, I have experienced so much... and her heart has been unable to let go."

"Then you... Ming Xige, do you really want to be sweet for a lifetime, will she be grateful to you?"

Wei Ying always felt that the child of Huo Weisheng, who had a strange personality, seemed to have some defects.

Not as good as ordinary children, it seems to be full of hostility to anyone.

Wei Ying’s thoughts are not unfounded.

Sweet to study abroad, the school and the nanny over there are Wei Ying to help find.

Wei Ying has a girlfriend, high school has gone to school, and every holiday is back together to play very well.

Now that the girl is working there, she is an executive of a well-known company.

Most of the time she was in contact with her.

After the sweetness went, Wei Ying also pity that she was young and no one was accompanying her, so she always asked her girlfriend to take care of her.

After the girlfriends went a few times, they stopped going.

Said that the child is very annoying, the character is not good, even the babysitter who took care of her has changed seven.

From Filipino maids to Indians to Taiwanese, none of them satisfied her.

And it is said that she not only does not learn, but also spends money.

In one week, Shen Mingxi’s credit card was spent over a million.

I don't know what I bought, but let Wei Ying and Shen Mingxi say, don't take care of this child.

But Wei Ying knows that this is impossible.

"Sweet, she is now helpless, only me." Shen Mingxi poured a little vinegar into his dish, and then sighed.

"But I think it is good for a child. It is not necessary to constantly spend a lot of money on her. It is best to educate. The children are purely self-willed and do not know how to be good or bad. Therefore, adults should teach, my brother’s cloud It’s very sensible, my parents like him very much, and the twins of Huo Mian’s sister, almost everyone likes them.”

"I understand what you mean, Yingying, but this has to come slowly. Now sweet has grievances against me... I don't want to talk to me."

"Would it be better to pick her up?"

"Forget it, she may not be a good thing to come back. My mother has always resisted her... It may not be as good as abroad."

When thinking about these things, Shen Mingxi felt particularly embarrassed.

Wei Ying sneaked out of the date and did not attract everyone's attention.

On the other side, Lu Yan began to show off her spoils on the neck of Huo Mian.

"Sister, I will tell you a secret."

"What?" Huo Mian looked at Lu Yan.

"Joe is coming to accompany me tonight."




"Yeah, he has only been more than five hours since he came."

"Amount...a good way."

"So you guess, what gift did he give me?" Lu Yanmei showed off.

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