My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3451: Luyan's ghost idea (10)


"Amount, yes, what?"


"Well, there are."

"What else, clothes? Bags?" Huo Mian is trying to get closer.

"Well, these have been bought for me, and one of the most important ones, you certainly can't guess, haha."

"If I can guess, what should I do?" Huo Mian looked at her sister so proudly, she wanted to marry her prestige.

"This god, if you guessed it, if I lose, how can we bet a million?"

"So much money?" Huo Ming felt that it was incredible that a million was a bet.

"What are you afraid of, is your husband not having money?" Lu Yan felt that he had won.

"Cut, it seems like I will lose." Huo Mian is obviously not convinced.

"Look at you as my sister, I will give you three chances. If you can't guess it three times, you will give me one million...."

"Well, then I will try."

Huo Mian likes to play with Lu Yan, so seeing her mood so good tonight, she will play this bet with her.

"Pistol?" Huo Mian felt that the identity of the small smoke should be very much needed.

It is said that a good pistol is very expensive, so it is a weapon.

"No, wrong, haha, the first chance is gone, you have two more."

Luyan stretched out **** and was proud of it.

"Not a pistol? Then... I think about it, bomb?"

Huo Mian felt that Luyan was a talented explosion expert and obsessed with bombs, just like giant pandas like bamboo.

"No, no, hahaha, the second time, sister... you are going to die."

Lu smoke almost saw the dawn of victory, it seems that one million will soon be available.

Looking at this answer is not right, Huo Mian lowered his head and fell into meditation.

After a minute...

"Okay, do you want to stay overnight, Dr. Huo, oh... let's talk about it..." Lu Yan couldn't help but urge.

"Is it a bulletproof vest?"

"The trough... I am sloping..." Lu Yan’s expression can be described as shocked.


"How do you know, sister, you should not call Joey?" Lu Yan was shocked.

"Don't be bullshit, I don't know the kid's phone number."

"That... how did you guess it?" Lu Yan said serious doubt.

"This is simple, reasoning, seeing you so happy, I know that this thing must be what you like... I guessed that the pistol and the bomb were wrong. Later, when I thought about it, Joe was not able to carry dangerous things. The product, so it should be a particularly good to carry, and can easily pass the customs inspection of things, I heard that the Russian military factory is particularly powerful, the most outstanding is a variety of military weapons, you a girl, can use Yes, probably only bulletproof clothes."

"Give it..." Lu Yan held his fists in both hands.

When my sister calmed down, my mind really...not given by white, this genius is not a vain name.

These reasoning are correct.

"I was really fooled by you..."

"Chick, take the money quickly, I want cash." Huo Mian reached out and deliberately made a smoke.

"Oh... Dr. Huo, you are crazy... Do you know that one million cash is multiple?"

"Nothing, my family is four, I can move it..."

"Ha ha ha, you will pit me..."

"How come I hang you, just don't know who is excited to bet a million with me?"

"Well, I will transfer the money to you now. It’s really... the night of the bankruptcy..." Lu Yan opened the watch and quickly transferred the money.

Subsequently, Xiao An came from behind.

"Lu Yan, our family Su seems to be a little drunk, I will send him back first, and tomorrow he has a shareholder meeting."

"I will go with you to get the car, my sister can't seem to open it myself, let's get together."

Subsequently, Lu Yan and Xiao An took the elevator directly to the second floor of the parking lot, ready to drive the car out to the door.

Just when Xiao An’s black Rambo near Su Yu was about to pick up the keys...

"Be careful..." Lu smoke suddenly shouted.

I saw that a person took a knife and slashed it at the face of Xiao An’s head. The scene was extremely dangerous.

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