My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3452: When you fall in love with your idol (1)

It turned out that I didn't know when four or five people with masks and hats appeared in the parking lot.

Everyone has a machete in his hand.

Xiao An didn't think there would be an ambush, so he just wanted to drive the car out.

Luyan is the kind of person who bleeds blood on the tip of the knife all day. With years of intuition, he feels that the parking lot is not right.

Sure enough, she stayed one more mind and saw those who almost cut Xiaoan.

Fortunately, both of them are practicing the family and playing directly in the parking lot.

However, there is no security guard in this way. It only shows that these people have made the camera their hands and feet. It seems to be a well-designed trap.

Xiao An is agile and puts down a few punches.

It seems that these people obviously do not have any martial arts and can't help but fight.

Lu Yan’s shot was quite embarrassing, basically causing the other side to fracture.

Less than three minutes, several people with masks and hats all lay on the ground.

"Say, who are you?" Xiao An squatted down and grabbed one's collar.


The man seemed to be completely ignorant of Xiao An, twisting his head and saying nothing.

"You can't say, don't say that I smoke your mouth..." Xiaoan seems to be angry too.

The identity of this group must be clarified first, but others are not willing to say anything.

"Get off, let me come."

Lu Yan really can't understand the way Xiao An is asking questions.

So grab Xiaoan directly and drag it to the side.

Then she crouched down and pulled out the carry-on dagger, slashing directly on the man's lap.


The sudden pain made the man scream.

"From now on, I ask a question, three seconds, you don't answer, I am a knife."

After that, Lu smoke looked at those people. "Who are you?"

The man seemed to hesitate to say something, but did not expect the time to pass.

Luyan slashed again, this time the thorn is near the kneecap...

The pain suddenly rises a few points.

"Who are your goals?"

After Lu Yan’s question, this time he will not wait for three seconds, and he will lift his hand again.

The man was scared and replied quickly, "Our goal is Su Yu."

"Su Yu?"

"Why do you want to assassinate us Su?" Xiaoan did not understand.

Su Ye has been doing business in recent years, and his reputation has always been good. Although his temper is not good, he never bullies.

I don’t have the temptation to do some devastating things. Why do you want to assassinate Su?

"Why do you want to assassinate Su Yu?" Lu smoke asked again.

This time, the person learned to be smart and went straight back. "We are all **** fans of Miss Nie. I know that Miss Nie has always liked Su Yu, but Su Yu is a scum male. After playing enough, he will swear and now bring women. When you get home, such a man will die."

"Miss Nie?" Lu Yan said, he did not seem to know what was going on.

Xiao An suddenly understood it.

"You are a fan of Nie Lingqi?"

"Yes, we all like her for several years. She has no low-key rumors, so a good girl is ruined by Su Yu, and Su Yu is damned."

"You fart, we have nothing to do with Miss Nie."

"Impossible, the newspapers have reported on their two things, and if it is not because of Su Yu, how can Miss Nie be forced to go abroad?"

"These are not clear to you, just to assassinate Su Zong, it is really a group of idiots." Xiao An gas snarled.

"This is... Su Yu's romantic debt?" Lu Yan took off his knife and slowly got up.

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