My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3456: When you fall in love with your idol (5)

"You are still very embarrassed to say, you really did drink too much yesterday, what is your idea?"

"Oh, what did you give to Tang Dashu, he was so excited?"

Douding asked the gossip.

"What is the ambiguous idea? I don't know how to be good..." Lu Yan's hands clasped his chest and whitened Tang Chuan.

"Forget it, it’s all tears, I’m embarrassed to say... scorpion, I’m still asking you about this... I really want to give Ningning a thrilling must help me.”

Tang Chuan continued to plead for Huo Mian.

"I have no experience with this matter... After all, I have not asked for a marriage." Huo Mian laughed.

"How did Qin Chu brother propose to marry you at the beginning?"

"We both... didn't have a wedding..." Huo Mian had no choice but to open his hand.

"Do you not get a certificate?"

"The original certificate... It’s hard to say a word. In short, I didn’t ask for a marriage... You let me help, I don’t think of a good way.”

"What should I do, how can the cattle that are blown out be round?"

I thought that I had already boasted of Haikou in various groups.

Said that when Qin Ning returned to China that night, he asked for marriage.

Let all the brothers have a witness to what, now is good, no one can give good advice.

"Or, do you ask my twins?" Huo Mian proposed.

Tang Chuan: ...

"I think, you might as well order a small cake for the little aunt, which means long and long, handsome..." Douding fantasies.

"You know that eating, besides the cake, can you be a little confused?" Tang Chuan laughed.

"Sister, what do you think?" Douding looked at the pudding.

"Uncle Tang is so rich, Shenhao level, you can pack all the advertising spots in the city... to marry a little aunt."

"It’s too stupid. I think it’s something that the nouveau riche is doing...not the one who has such a temperament to do it.”

"It won't work like that, then we can't help you."

When the twins saw it, they said two plans in succession, and they were all denied by Tang Chuan. They were too lazy to say anything.

"Xunzi...." Tang Chuan went to sleep on the black.

Look again at Huo Mian.

"You came to harass my sister in the morning, I really owe it, there is no conscience... my sister is pregnant."

Lu Yan blocked in front of Huo Mian.

"I know, I can't do anything about it..."

"Let's go, come over, grandma is telling you one."

Lu Yan did not want Tang Chuan to suffer from sleep, so the intention of making an exception is to give another idea.

"Grandma, I beg you to stop it, I don't want to play any funeral corps."

When I thought about the loss of the idea of ​​Luyan, Tang Chuan felt that the egg hurt.

"Reassure, this will not let you swindle."

Luyan is resistant to temperament and hooks his hand.

"Is this true?"

"Absolutely, really, but I am a little bit, you are not allowed to stick to my sister, she will go to work later."

"Good, definitely."

When Tang Chuan saw that he was willing to take over, he was happy.

"Sister, you go down to eat first, I will tell this guy."

"Well, then you two talk first."

Tang Chuan blocked the land smoke at the stairway, and Huo Mian went downstairs to go to the two children to go eat.

"Mummy, why don't you wake up?" Doudou waited for a long time and couldn't see the underground building. He couldn't help but ask.

"He went out in the early hours of the morning, and the company was in a hurry to deal with it."

"Wow, our old comrade Qin Qin is very hard to fight recently... Deputy Huo, you have to take good care of your husband, buy more delicious food for him, know?" Douding is like a decent.

"You give your meal, don't have you anywhere..." Huo Mian laughed and laughed.

"Grandma, ask for a way." Tang Chuan knows that this girl is not small, in order to propose marriage, he is now in the lower third, and swallows.

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