My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3457: When you fall in love with your idol (six)

"Well, since I saw you call me a grandmother, I will tell you."

After that, Lu Yan said a few words in the ear of Tang Chuan.

"Ah? Is this okay, will I... be killed by Qin Ning?"

"No, believe me, she will be shocked."

"But who are you looking for?"

"That is your problem."

"This... Is this a little risky?" Tang Chuan found that the idea of ​​this little grandmother was really quite amazing.

The average person can never think of this idea.

"Don't you say that you want to make her unforgettable? If you are afraid of taking risks, you will be married in accordance with the normal routine."

"Amount, it’s right, that line... then this."

"Well, let's go, don't bother my sister here."

"Well, when I am proposing tonight, you must help me to set the atmosphere, ha."

Subsequently, Tang Chuan happily left.

"Small, what kind of ghost idea did you give to Tang Dashu?" Douding laughed.

"Don't tell you, secret."

"Oh, don't say that I know at night, my little aunt's plane at six o'clock tonight, there must be a feast at night."

"Yeah, do you want to have a party on the cruise ship, put a fireworks or something, and haven’t been to the sea for a long time..."

Pudding suddenly thought of her and Douding's birthday, Su Yu on the luxury cruise ship, a lot of money to give them a birthday.

"This is Tang Chuan's own business. We as an audience, watching it quietly." Huo Mian laughed.

"Sister, what is your trip today?"

"Go to the hospital to work overtime."

“Pregnant women still work overtime?”

"Yeah, I have been very busy recently. Before I said that I had to go on a business trip, I didn't go there. All the other colleagues went for me. Everyone took care of me."

"It seems that you are quite content."

"Of course, why don't you know that it's not good?" Huo Jin has a good appetite and has eaten a lot of breakfast.


"What about you, are you bored with me at home?"

"If you don't go, the hospital is the most boring." Lu Yan shook his head.

"Small, do you want to go to school with us?" Douding pulled the hand of the land smoke.

"Halo... you spare me, let me be quiet and quiet."

As soon as I heard that I was going to school, Lu Yan shook his head.

"Smoke, you seem to be very busy recently, how long can you stay here?" Huo Mian asked her.

"Why, my sister is bothering me?"

"Hey, I am afraid that you are leaving, have not enough to stay with you."

"Hey, I like that I am a person who loves people..." Lu Yan is narcissistic.

"Yes, geeks, you don't want to go, just live here, I will keep you forever." Huo Mian's pet touched the head of Luyan.

"I have been raising my life for a lifetime, I am very expensive..." Lu Yan glared at his sister's neck.

"Not afraid, I have money."

"Haha, it’s your husband who has a lot of money, your annual salary, I can spend the day."

"Small, nothing, and me, I can raise stocks to raise you." Pudding said.

"Right right, and me, Xiao Yan, I can sell my toys and buy you cakes to raise you."

"Don't you be so tired in the morning of the three, and today is not a true confession, really numb."

That being said, but Lu Yan actually feels very warm.

Now she is more and more aware that there are people in the family who are worried about it. It is the greatest happiness. No material thing can be compared.

After breakfast, Huo Mian went to work and two children went to school.

Lu Yan is boring to drive out and wander, continue to find a roadside stall to eat.

When Lu Yan came back early, he saw Zeng Roo standing at the door.

"Doctor Huo."

"Let's review?"

"No, I am here to find you." Zeng Rou looked dignified and seemed to have something to say to Huo Mian.

"Advanced is coming." Huo Jin pushed the office door and let Zeng Rou come in.

"Doctor Huo, I... I left the Su Yu Villa, and I didn't live there." Zeng Rou said the move.

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