My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3480: Dr. Huo’s female bodyguard (9)

"My sister seems to be being stimulated today..." Lu Yan smiled.

"Your sister is a doctor, and he is a pregnant woman himself. If you run into this matter, it is estimated that the hair is fried." Zhu Lingling also laughed.

I saw that Huo Mian rushed in and went straight to the place where the gift was received.

I took the gold gift I just sent out and took it back directly.

"Hey, madam...what are you doing?" Immediately a staff member stepped forward.

"I can't get it back when I send it myself?" Huo Mian was angry.

"But... you have already sent it, gift money."

"What happened to the gift, it is to give away, not to send the dog... The old lady does not want to send it now, can't it?"

"When you send it out, how can you go back?" Staff theory.

"Not only is my don't sent, but my girlfriend's is not sent..."

Said, Huo Mian took Zhu Lingling's back.

"Oh... come, some people are robbing us of gold..."

"Alarm, casually... Who is the last person to lose? By the way, tell me, my girlfriend... her husband is the director of the city bureau."

After saying this, those people look at me, I look at you, kneel in the place, do not know what to do.

Huo Mian took the gold he sent and Lingling, and turned and left.

"Women, doing a beautiful job, applauding you." Zhu Lingling couldn't smile.

I also wondered what Xiaomian went back to, but now I know that it is the gift that I will send out.

"Haha, sister, you are doing this... is it too naive?"

For the first time, Lu Yan saw that her sister had such a fun behavior, and suddenly she felt that she had just arrived home.

"Childish is naive. In short, you can't cheapen the **** who beat the pregnant woman."

Huo Mian suddenly felt that Han Xu **** would be considered, and that wife would be more scum.

Ming knows that the woman is pregnant, but also let Han Xu kicked on the stomach, it is simply mad.

"Yes, yes, sister, well, this is going out, let's go."

Luyan opened the door and let his sister and Zhu Lingling get on the bus together.

At this time, the Hibernian phone rings.

After a few words, she hung up.

"The pregnant woman just sent it to the Southern District. Her situation is urgent and complicated. I have to go back and give her surgery."

"What about other doctors?" asked Zhu Lingling.

"Obstetricians and gynaecologists are there, but they may be complicated, so they dare not start. I go back to sign and then finalize the plan."

"Well, then I am with you."

Zhu Lingling felt that if nothing happened, she would go back to the hospital with Huo Mian.

"That is stable, sister..."

Subsequently, Luyan Fengchi drove all the way to the Southern District.

Huo Mian hurriedly replaced the white coat and disinfected the suit, and entered the operating room.

Zhu Lingling and Lu Yan are waiting in her office.

Both of them are playing with mobile phones and waiting for Huo Mian.

The operation lasted for more than two hours.

When Huo Mian came out, it was already sweating.

"Sister, how?" Lu Yan walked up and helped Huo Mian.

"She has collapsed, the adults have been rescued, the children... no." Huo Mian’s voice was a little tired.

"Rely, Han Xu, the bastard, swearing, his children are not let go... Before he privately said that Wei Dong is a bastard, don't look at Wei Dong's stalker, he is much better than him."

After listening to Zhu Lingling, she was a curse on Han Xu’s skunk.

"This wedding is attended today, it is better not to go, to my sister is mad, but also tired." Lu Yan said.

"Okay, let's go, I invite you to eat." Huo Mian took the two of them away.

"I won't go to the cafeteria." Zhu Lingling thought that before she fell a thousand red envelopes, she had to blackmail her.

"Don't go to the cafeteria, I invite you to go to the barbecue, can't you?"

"Can be." Zhu Lingling nodded.

Several people walked to a rotisserie near the hospital and did not expect to just sit down.

Outside, I rushed into more than a dozen men with hand-held sticks.

"They are here, give me a fight." After that, a group of people rushed up without a head.

Both Huo Mian and Zhu Lingling are a little overwhelmed.

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