My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3481: Dr. Huo’s female bodyguard (10)

"I am dropping mom, where are these people coming out, are we going to waste today? Xiaomian, why don't you take a bodyguard today?... No, you are a pregnant woman, you go first, you are going from Going back the door, going out to call people, I and Xiaoyan are here for a while."

Zhu Lingling sees so many people coming to trouble, and with so many weapons, especially worried that the pregnant Huo Mian will be injured.

Unexpectedly, people Huo Mian calmly sat there and continued to tear the packaging of disposable chopsticks.

"Nothing, these are handed over to the small smoke to deal with it." Huo Mian said.

Zhu Lingling: ...

"Big sister, you are not kidding. How can we do this as a sister? Is it so dangerous to push the sisters out?"

Zhu Lingling almost suspected that Huo Mian is crazy? This situation does not run, actually said to let the land smoke to deal with.

Lu Yan, a girl who looks very young, like her sister, can she do it? Must not be beaten into meat?

At this time, Lu smoke picked up the juice on the table, took two drinks against the straw, and then got up without hesitation.

"Sister, Lingling sister, you should eat first... give me some meat, I will be fine for a while."

After that, Lu smoke got up and lifted a stool behind him without a person, and he fell.

With a bang, the stool suddenly broke, and then she bent down and picked up a bench of uniform length.

Those people had rushed in with fierce enthusiasm, but saw a little girl calmly holding the legs of the stool on the face, and suddenly it was a bit aggressive.

"You... you have offended people, do you know? We are also trusted by people... to learn from you, although it is not good to know how to fight women, but we are professional to help people with troubles, can only blame you for bad luck. What?"

"Where...what is it, you can't fight, the old lady is hungry, and I will eat meat for a while."

After that, waiting for those people to react, Lu smoked the stool legs and rushed up.

Under the horror of Zhu Lingling's horror, Lu Yan played ten people.

In less than two minutes, all fell down.

Her movements are particularly fast, and they all stumble upon a stroke. They go down and hit the key parts directly.

The dozen or so big men have no power to fight, let alone fight back.

Land smoke hit them, just like an adult, a kindergarten child.

The gap is too big, no big tricks, no high-level fighting.

Look at the acupoints, that is...

Two minutes, lying on the ground... mourning.

"Grandma is forgiving..."

"Yeah, don't fight, the waist will be broken."

"Female, don't fight, we served, gave it."

Several big men are not eager for mercy.

"Who pays for you?"

"We don't know either." The leader said.

Lu Yan stepped on the man's finger with a kick, and he cried and cried.

"Girl, I really don't know. We didn't dare to ask more in this line. They were all introduced by friends. We knew that the other party had sent us 100,000 pieces and gave us your whereabouts. Let us know." The lesson you guys have."

"How much is your bank account, do I check it myself?"

"This..." The man seemed to be somewhat depressed.

Lu Yan raised the stool legs and rushed to the man's head to fight, scared the man suddenly yelling.

"Don't, don't fight, grandma, I said, I said..." The man suddenly hung for help.

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