My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3484: Amy, we met again (3)


"what's up?"

“Jiao Shao asked when are you going to Thailand?”

"Tomorrow, I will start from here in the middle of the night, and I should have time before dawn."

"Okay, boss, see you then."

Lu smoke shut the watch and follow the stairs.

"Small, come eat cake, leave a big piece for you." Douding shouted Lu Yan far away.

"Well." Lu Yan’s fart was running over.

"Oh, we have a piano show in the school for a few days. You and Mommy are all going to see it, okay?"

"I..." Lu Yan suddenly could not bear to refuse.

"You two pianos play with Liu De taking off, do you still need to show off?" Huo Mian laughed.

"Of course I need it, otherwise the seniors of the seniors think that we are the rice buckets... We must give them a hand," Douding said.

"I agree with this, you must give them a horse, those sorrowful ghosts." Pudding rarely agreed with his sister.

"Two little devils, so small to know the fighting machine, and grow up still have it?" Lu Yan petty pinch the chubby face of the bean.

I turned back and touched the pudding's earlobe. When I saw it, she was very affectionate about the two dolls.

"Doudou, you have to eat less cake, control your diet, and keep your body." Lu Yan said.

"I try my best..."

Douding seems to be reluctant.

"Pudding, you have a long time to make money. Don't play with your mobile phone, play stocks, and learn more about what girls do, such as shopping, buying clothes, illustrations, tea ceremony, haha, then marrying to the giants. After that, be a showmate of the gods and horses."

"Okay, Xiao Yan, I will try." Pudding agreed to be refreshed.

When Hun Mian listened to Lu Yan’s words, the front was a bit wrong. When I just wanted to ask, I felt that I was not very good in front of the children.

So the two children did not pay attention, and Huo Mian pulled the hand of the land smoke and quietly got up.

The two went to the corner, and Huo Mian asked, "Smoke, are you leaving?"


"When?" Huo Mian was a little sad.

She even selfishly hopes that Xiaoyan will live here forever and live happily with her family.

But she also knows that this is absolutely impossible to achieve.

Qin Chu said that after Lu Yan came here, although he looked at the leisurely play every day.

But in fact, they have already played several and killed several people.

These dark things, Lu Yan never told her sister, because knowing that her sister is a doctor is a rescue.

Just the opposite of her, so in order to take into account the mood of Huo Mian, she tried to show her optimistic and positive side to her sister.

"I will take a speedboat to the public in the middle of the night, there are helicopters waiting for me."

"So fast……."

"Sister, I am not coming in the future, you don't want to be like this."

Looking at my sister's loss, Lu Yan is particularly guilty.

"I am just... some can't bear you, the kids are too."

"I know, I promise you, as long as I have time, I come often, okay?"

"it is good."

"Sister, you are pregnant now so big belly, you have to be careful, you must not care, the bodyguards have to bring, no I am by your side, you can not act alone, you are now the target of many bad guys."

"I know, little smoke, I must... be careful."

"Well, then you will take me to Tianfuyuan," Lu said.

"Ah?" Huo Mian was a little bit stunned.

"I want to visit your foster mother, Ms. Yang." Lu smoke whispered.

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