My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3485: Amy, we met again. (4)

"Well, OK, let's go there for a while."

Huo Mian did not say much, simply tidy up, wearing a coat and leaving with the smoke.

The sisters drove in a sports car without twins.

When passing a high-end nutrition store on the road, Luyan bought a lot of sea cucumber, bird's nest, abalone, and American ginseng.

I spent a hundred thousand and my eyes didn't blink.

"Smoke, you can't spend so much money. The way you spend money is too horrible, bankrupt in the morning and evening."

Huo Mian knows that during the time when Lu Yan came, there were millions of things to buy and buy for their homes.

Twins, Qin Chu, she has, the second baby in her belly, even Qin Chu's parents have.

Even if you have money, it is not a big wind, and you can't spend that much.

"Sister, we are doing this, we are making quick money. A list of billions is astronomical. I think people who don’t want to be under the control are all 8 and I. Even so, I still have to ignore it. Counting the money, to be honest, I don’t know how much the Swiss bank is. I’m too lazy to check. Anyway, I know, even if I spend one million a day, I am twenty years old. I’m even 80 years old. For sixty years, I just died, I can't finish it..."

"Then you still have children, will you leave some points for future generations?"

"Where there are children, don't scare me, I am still a child." Lu Yan laughed.

"You and Joe are married in the future. If you want your child, you will be sure. You will have your own family. You have to consider it for yourself."

Huo Mian bitterly persuaded Lu Yan to return to the family.

"Sister, tell me the truth, wait until I can live until then." Lu Yan smiled lightly.

This sentence makes Huo Mian a cold heart.

Although she was uncomfortable, she knew that Luyan was right.

Luyan is now young, his brain responds quickly, his health is good, his skills are good, and his gunwork is first class.

After that? She is just a person, not a god, and she will go old sooner or later.

In the face of the danger of coming in, can she still cope with it?

The two of them arrived at Tianfuyuan in a short while.

Yang Beauty just cooked dinner at home and saw that Huo Mian came, very happy.

"Small sleep, you are coming, why don't you say it in advance?"

"No, I decided to come."

"Ah, this girl is..." Look at Lu Yan's body behind Huo Mian, Yang Beauty feels very good.

"This is..." Huo Mian just thought about how to explain the identity of Luyan.

Lu Yan himself rushed and said, "Auntie is good, I am Qin Chu... a distant cousin, coming back from vacation abroad."

"Ah, it turned out to be Achu's sister. It's no wonder that the long, so watery, it's so beautiful, come in quickly."

Yang Beauty is very enthusiastic, please enter Lu Yan and Huo Mian into the house.

Luyan took out the things he bought and placed them in the living room.

"Auntie, I met for the first time, bought a little gift, don't dislike it."

"This thing is very expensive. You girl is so young, still a student, too expensive, retreat, I can't."

Yang Beauty is not so forgotten, and she usually buys a lot of sleep. She knows the price of these supplements.

So I can't bear it, the little girl spends money.

"Mom, since it is the intention of a small cigarette, you will accept it."

Huo Mian knew the temper of Lu Yan, so he advised his mother to accept it.

"Did you both have dinner?"

"No, come here to eat rice." Huo Mian stunned his mother's neck.

"Then I went to make dumplings, just now the neighbors sent some Suzi leaves. I think the dumplings are delicious."

Said, Yang Beauty was busy with the apron and plunged into the kitchen.

"Sister, she has been especially good to you these years?" Lu smoke whispered to Huo Mian.

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