My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3489: Amy, we met again (eight)

"There are arrangements."

"What arrangement?"

"Hey tell you, are you not the boss?" Lu Yan took a look.

I was scared that a few of my men would not dare to say more.

After the plane landed slowly in Bangkok, Lu smoked a group of people out of the airport.

Luyan took a human skin mask, which was also a general appearance. It was doped in the sea of ​​people and did not cause any doubt at all.

A hotel in Bangkok

"Joe Shao, your father said that you can not go to the afternoon meeting, but the dinner must go, it is held in the Central Asian Club." Amy stood next to Joe.

"Good." Joe nodded and only returned a word.

“Joe Shao, you look tired and need me to massage for you?”

One thing has been strange for so many days.

Amy felt that she had been with Joe Fei for so long, and it should be near the water.

But in fact, it doesn't.

What did you do when you were a Joe and a prostitute on the first day?

This owner is hard to get close to...

Amy often wants to go further with Joe.

However, he was always ruthlessly rejected by him.

However, it was hard to wait until he was separated from Luyan. Amy said that he would not give up this opportunity.

"No need."

"Joe, I am not doing well?" Amy began to sympathize with tears.

Joe Fei stopped the mobile game in his hand and looked up and smacked her.

"Why do you ask?"

"I always feel that since I came to you, it seems that I am not satisfied with the performance, otherwise you will not be like me."

"Is it not for others?" Joe frowned.

"But you are not like this to land smoke..." Amy blurted out in a hurry.

"Oh, Lu Yan is my woman, you are my servant, can you get it?" Joe was not cold and hooked his mouth.

"Sorry, Joe Shao, it is the more I am." After speaking, Amy also felt a little regretful, thinking in her heart, should not be so rushed.

"Amy, if you feel that you are wronged, you can go. You can live a good job by going out to pick up a private job. There is no need to be a prostitute here."

Joe is not a cold face.

Waiting for Amy to talk, Joe said, "Of course, my Joe family does not lack you as a prostitute."

"Joe Shao, I am wrong... I don't mean that. I don't feel wronged. I am... I just loved you all the time... I thought, before you were so good to Luyan... I, I, I... "Amy has a time to speak, I don't know what to say."

"Go out, I am a little tired."

"Joe Shao..."

"Amy, you go to the venue and send this to my father."

Joe did not have a file in his hand.

"what is this?"

"The list of Thai customers this time, don't lose it, give it to my dad, don't let Qiaonan know."

"Oh, ok, then I will go to the venue now."

"Well, let's go."

Joe was swinging his hand and Amy turned around with the file.

Joe didn't smile coldly, then sent a text message.

Joe's father, his second brother, Jonan, came to Thailand this time.

This time it can be described as a large gathering of Asian gangs, Vietnamese help, Golden Triangle, Taiwan gangs, Hong Kong gangs, Macao gangs, and some well-known black bosses in the Mainland.

Joe's father, as Asia's most influential gang, was known for his arms sales and who was concerned at the party.

Amy took the documents out of the hotel and called Joanna directly.

"Mr. Joe, he just gave me a document saying that this is the client list. I also said that I should not hand it over to you and hand it over to your father."

"Oh, send it here." Joanna sneered.

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