My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3490: Amy, we met again. (9)

"Okay, where are you now?"

"I am waiting for you at the alley of Chinatown. I will send someone to answer it. You pay attention to the text message."


"Smart, don't know if you are being tracked." Qiao Nan confessed.

"I know, Mr. Joe."

Why does Amy rely more and more on Joanna?

Because she knows that Joanna asked her to give Joe's medicine, it seems that only Joanna has an antidote.

Therefore, in order to please Joanna, to prevent Joe from being dangerous, she did not hesitate to sell Joe Fei, took the documents given by Joe Fei, and went to see Jonan.

Chinatown is famous in Thailand, with dragons and snakes mixed, and everyone there.

This is really a good place for a joint.

Amy was careful all the way, for fear of being discovered.

Until I confirmed that no one was coming, I walked to the alley with confidence.

When I took out my mobile phone and didn't wait to see it, I felt a pain in my neck and suddenly fainted.

"Hey, you can catch you."

A few of Lu Yan’s men saw Amy’s betrayal and he was already upset.

If it wasn’t for the smoke, it’s already going to Russia, and can this woman be so happy?

Subsequently, Amy, who was fainted, was sneaked into the sack and quietly transported away.

In less than a minute, another Amy, wearing the same clothes, looked exactly the same way to the alley.

She took out Amy's cell phone.

It was written on the top, and a hundred meters ahead, there is a restaurant in Minnan.

There is a man in a green dress sitting inside, you go with him.

The connector number is, have you drunk too much?

Fake Amy read the text message and follow the SMS reminder to go forward.

Sure enough, about a hundred meters, there was a restaurant with a small facade, and the words on the plaque were clearly visible - the people of southern Fujian.

After walking in, I saw a person wearing green clothes.

He is very earthy, and he can't see anyone who is actually Joanna.

Fake Amy walked up and tempted the opening. "Are you drinking too much?"

The man took the beer bottle and paused, then looked up and looked at Amy.

"follow me."

Subsequently, the two went round and round to a small, sparsely populated alley.

"The boss is inside, you go in."

Looking at a very dilapidated house, the man said.

Fake Amy nodded, then pushed the door open and walked in.

The two standing at the door are Joan’s bodyguards, tall and burly Russian whites.

When he walked in, Joanna was swallowing in the clouds.

"The things in the Golden Triangle are pure... this thing is really good... the gods are the same."

He has just been drawn, and there are no other people besides him in the house.

Looking at Amy walking in, Joanna glanced at him and asked, "What about it?"

"Here." Amy lifted the paper bag on her hand.

"Get it."

"Mr. Joe, can you close the door first, I still have a secret thing to report," Amy said.

"You two closed the door and kept it outside the door." Obviously, he believed Amy's words.

After the door closed, Amy walked slowly.

"What secret, say." Qiao Nan obviously does not want to see Amy this woman.

"Do you still have to look at the documents first?"

After that, Amy handed in the documents.

Joanna did not doubt to reach out, but at the moment he reached out.

A dagger was dead in the throat of Jonan.

"Hey woman, do you dare to threaten me?" Joanna was furious.

"Stupid X, talk politely with the old lady."

"You are... Lu Yan?" Listening to the voice, Jonan reacted and suddenly became shocked.

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