My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3491: Amy, we met again (10)

Just finished this sentence, Lu Yan punched in the back neck of Jonan, let him dizzy past.

Then Luyan dragged Qiao Nan away.

The two bodyguards did not wait for the reaction, and they were shot by Luyan.

One of them, Lu Yan deliberately left alive.

Then, the smoker dragged the unconscious Joe Nan out of the yard and immediately got on the silver van that he came to pick up.

"Boss, doing beautiful, so fast?"

From the time when the smoke came in, it was less than three minutes. The efficiency of this work is really the best.

"Jonan trusts Amy very much. I didn't expect it to be fake."

Lu Yanbian said while tearing off the human skin mask.

"Look, I know that this **** and Qiaonan's bastard, there must be a conspiracy, mad, this time must not let them."

Land smoke is only hooked at the corner of the mouth.

This time with Joe Furi, it is really smooth, and Joe knows that Amy will definitely not give it to his father.

I will definitely go to Joanna, Jonan is the first to come to Thailand, because there are a lot of gangs.

So he has no fear, he really took Bangkok as his own home.

The Central Asian Gangster Conference, before it started, ran here and swallowed clouds.

I didn't expect it to be calculated by Joe Fei and Lu Yan.

In this way, Lu Yan caught Amy and Jonan.

"Boss, how do these two people deal with it?"

"Jonan first tied up. In order to prevent escape, give him a needle and give him a sedative."

"Well, what about Amy?"

"She... take her alone to see me, my old man, I should talk about the old."

"Okay, boss."

Subsequently, Lu Yan’s instructions were to secretly bind Jonan to be guarded in a basement.

Amy was taken to the hotel where Luyan entered.

It is one of the most luxurious hotels in Bangkok with a total of 66 floors.

Lu Yan likes to live on the top floor because he stands tall and looks far.

Can overlook the panoramic view of Bangkok.

In front of the panoramic tempered glass, the smoke is wearing a white bathrobe and holding a glass of red wine in his hand.

After catching a day, I will catch two people.

She was also exhausted. After taking a shower, she was a lot more comfortable.

Subsequently, the door was opened and the person under his hand took Amy into it.

She seems to have just woke up and is still in a state of arrogance.

Lu smoked with a human skin mask and turned his back to Amy.

"You..." Amy looked at the background, didn't he dare to recognize it?

Lu smoke turned sharply and she was shocked because it was the same face as her.

It's as if you saw yourself in the mirror.

But Amy knows that it is not a mirror, after all, the clothes are different.

But Amy doesn't even believe that there are two identical people in the world, not twins.

After a moment of shock and shock, Amy suddenly remembered.

Under the ordinary world, there is only one person who can play the human skin mask, and that is the Luyan deity.

Amy is a good person who has been with the land smoke for a few years. She knows the **** skills of land smoke, so it is not difficult to accommodate her.

"Old... boss... is you." Amy was frightened and stuttered.

She wants to guess wrong, because the person she most wants to see is Lu Yan.

"Good, you can recognize me, Amy... we met again."

Lu Yan smiled and tore off the human skin mask...

At that moment, Amy only felt that there was a coolness behind her.

She felt that the boss appeared again here, she must have died.

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