My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3493: The last scene (2)

Amy suddenly understood that Lu Yan would not pretend to be his own appearance for no reason.

I must use my own appearance to deceive Jonan.

After thinking about it, Amy’s face was so scared...

"Boss, Joanna is a villain, you can't listen to her side... I have been with Joe for so long, I really did my best to serve him."

"Is it? Then I will call Joe to ask."

After that, Luyan pressed the button and the person outside the door immediately opened the door.

Joe, who is resting in the room next door, please come in.

When I saw Joe coming in, Amy immediately rushed to the top.

"Joe Shao, save me... help me... help me with the boss to ask for help, only you can, she can listen." Amy cried into tears.

Joe dismissed the hand of Amy.

Looking up at Lu Yan, "Isn't you seen it? Even outsiders can see that you are light to me, and you don't admit it."

"Nima, let you come to the confession, not to force me to confess, say the point." Lu Yan a black line.

Joe did not walk slowly and sat on the sofa next to Luyan.

"You said that you are sincere to me, what does Joanna let you give me medicine, what do you mean?"

Amy’s body was shocked, and sure enough...

They know everything, and even the medicine knows everything.

"That was what Joanna forced me to do. He said that if I don't do it, there will be other ways to deal with you, Joe Shao, I am worried about your safety, so..."

Speaking of this, Amy did not dare to continue.

"So you took the medicine in my coffee, then do you know what the medicine does?" Joe continued.

"Jonan said, it is only temporary control of you, there will be no danger." Amy vowed.

"Wow, if you think of Joannan, you also believe that you have been with Luyan for several years. It is still stupid, and I am also serving."

After Joe Fei finished, he took out a pack of powder and threw it on the floor.

"Is this what Joanna gives you?"

"Yes, that's it." Amy nodded and didn't dare to lie again.

"Then you know this medicine, what will happen if you eat it?" Joe asked her.

Amy shook her head...

"This medicine will cause people to have abdominal pain at first, then it will become severe pain, and then it will start to fester after three months, and the intestines will be worn."

"No... impossible..." Amy looked at Joe Fei in shock.

"But it's good for that medicine. I have never eaten it. The cup of coffee that you took the medicine has finally entered your stomach."

Qiao Fei said that the clouds were light, but Amy was completely dumbfounded.

From squatting to falling down on the ground.

"No, how come?"

"Jonan always thinks that I am dead, you just use it by him... so don't talk to me better, it's good for me, after all... all you do is harmful to me."

"I... I am not... how could this be?"

After Amy knew the truth, she was completely dumbfounded.

It seems that it is too late to digest the fact that I drink poisoned coffee.

Lu Yan took out his pistol and threw it in front of Amy.

"Give you the last chance, you commit suicide, and the grievances between us are over."

"Boss, don't, I don't want to die..."

"But you have been poisoned. It has been more than a month now. It will not be long before you will die and die." Lu Yan said quietly.

"I must still save, boss, is your father not a medical genius? Let him configure my antidote, okay?"

Amy ran all the way to the front of the land smoke, a strong hoe, seeking the last road.

"Amy, I don't want to repeat the second time, pick up the pistol, shoot myself, and write off the grudge." Lu Yan put down the red wine glass and lowered his head to say that the woman at the foot was condescending.

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