My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3494: The last scene (3)

"Boss, I don't want to die... I beg you to let me go."

Amy has a strong gimmick, but Luyan is indifferent.

Joe is watching her eyes and has no sympathy.

Amy’s head was broken and it oozes blood...

However, Lu Yan still did not say that she had let go of her.

In the end, she decided not to struggle, watching the pistol thrown by the ground smoke.

She slowly picked it up...

Then aim at your head...

Close your eyes...

Then pull the trigger.

But for the moment of shooting, the muzzle was against the land.

Because she wants to go with Lu Yan.

Even if he can't be with Joe Fei, he doesn't want Lu Yan to be with Joe Fei. This is a woman who has been psychologically distorted and embarked on the extreme.

But the strange thing is that the gun did not ring.

This is what Amy did not expect at all.

"It's weird, isn't it? I didn't put bullets in the gun... I thought about you and my servant, and gave you a happy, but you have to die." Lu Yan said.

"Lu Yan, don't say these beautiful words, you are actually awkward, afraid that I will completely steal your man, you are not confident, so you want to kill me?" Amy knows that she will not be good, so Not talking soft words, immediately replaced with another face.

Perhaps this is her true side.

"Afraid of you? You really can see yourself? You don't look at what you are? Is it stupid to be blinded by the crab? Don't say that you used to be my smoker, I don't have such a stupid person. ""

"No more nonsense, since it is already in your hand, then you can shoot it... but I remind you, even if you kill me, you still have a lot of trouble, do you think that only Jonan wants to deal with you?" Mi vicious smile.

"Oh, it sounds like a lot of insider?"

"Yes, but even if I know I won't tell you."

"I need your so-called insider, funny..." Lu Yan felt very funny.

"Okay, the dialogue without nutrition is here, Xiaoyan, you should proceed to the next step." Joe Fei reminded him after watching the watch.

"Know it." Lu Yan replied carelessly.

Amy was so scared that she quickly closed her eyes. She knew that Luyan’s approach to the enemy had always been cruel.

So thinking, you may be flattened.

"Well, this road is your own choice, then that's it... there is no chance to meet in the future." Lu Yan said.

"If you want to kill me, hurry up." Amy was a little impatient, but her heart was full of endless fear.

"Killing you still needs me to do it, don't lift yourself up... I don't want to dump the garbage myself."

After that, Lu Yan waved his hand.

The man under his hand came in and immediately towed Amy away.

"Where are you going to take me?" Amy struggled desperately but could not make a little effort.

"People who betrayed the boss should go to hell, and you are a little bit of a scorpion. It’s a bad thing to come to the world."

After that, Lu Yan’s men gave her sacks on her head and directly resisted.

Amy thought she was going to throw her directly into the sea to feed the fish...

After Amy left, the room was quiet.

"After that... I really can't find a female hand anymore, I am easy to envy and hate. After all, I am so beautiful." Lu Yan reached out and narcissistically touched his face.

"I will be by your side in the future, and I don't need to find a prostitute."

After that, Joe Fei gently hugged Lu Yan from behind, and put his hands on her waist.

"What do you want?"

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