My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3611: Surprise prepared by Qin Daren (10)

"Please, mummy, can you not be so tired? In the morning, if you haven’t eaten breakfast, you will be fed a dog food."

Bean Ding held a milk cup in his hand and protested there seriously.

Qin Chu and Huo Mian looked at each other and smiled.

"You have to learn your sister, see how calm she is?" Huo Mian deliberately looked at the pudding.

"I am not a single dog. Why can't I calm down?" Pudding explained.

"Rely, I am not a single dog... Hey, you guys are bad silver, bullying me, I will go to Lingling’s aunt’s house for a while.”

"The female university is not left, my husband... you are going to take care of the house."

"Well, I will give him a call." Qin Chu is very cooperative with his wife.

"Don't you, do you have the heart? Although Uncle Uncle is the director, but it is a little bit of salary, it is not enough for Lingling Aunt to buy a Hermes bag, you are so rich, what kind of gift?"

"So the meaning of our Bean Ding is to marry in vain? At that time?" Huo Mian deliberately rolled his eyes.

"Wrong, Mommy, Doudin means... not only can't ask Gaojia for money, we have to post some past," Pudding explained.

"Sister said yes, hey, can you marry me with a Bugatti Veyron? I like orange." Doudou smiled.

"You see that I don't look like Bugatti Veyron..." Qin Daren asked a serious face.

Huo Mian: Hahahaha.

Pudding: You answered very well, no problem.

Doudin: Hahaha, how are you slamming, you are so rich, you can't spend enough, what are you doing?

Qin Chu answered with great enthusiasm, "Give your brother a daughter-in-law."

Doudin: Oh, you don't say, I have forgotten the fact that there is a pot of Qin pot.

Huo Mian’s face is arrogant, “Qin Pan? Who?”

"It's in your stomach..." Pudding kindly reminded.

"But why call him Qin pot?" Huo Mian puzzled.

"Because he will carry a lot of black pots for us in the future..." Douding answered for granted.

Huoming relief shame.

Then touched his stomach. "Son, don't come out, you are brewing for three years."

"Haha, Mommy, what are you looking for? Still three years..." Douding laughed.

"You can't bully your brother." Huo Mian is arrogant for his second baby.

"We will not bully him, because he has to work hard to make money with us like a slap in the face. Grandparents said that the rules of our Qin family are... men are responsible for making money and raising a family, women are responsible for beauty, and always There is money to spend anywhere."

"Amount... When is the rule set, why don't I know?" Huo Mian laughed and laughed.

"Well, I am going to work, my wife, you will return to Tianfuyuan for a while, remember to pay attention to safety."

"I will take two small ones and bring a bodyguard. You can rest assured."

"Well, please call me at any time."

"Okay, but my husband, I have one thing that is particularly curious."

"What?" Qin Chu looked at Huo Mian.

"I am not going to have a birthday?"

"Yes, so...?"

"So you prepared a gift for me?" Huo Mian asked without any initiative.

"Hey, Mommy is taking the initiative to ask for a gift, shame and shame..." Douding immediately squats.

"Mummy, you are so straightforward, okay? Will your husband have a psychological burden?" The pudding is also irritating.

"My own husband asked what happened. You two are women who depend on my husband. How can I speak?" Huo Mian counterattacked.

Qin Chu bowed his head and meditated back. "So, wife, what birthday gift do you want?"

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