My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 3612: Surprise prepared by Qin Daren (11)

"Is it what I want?" Humami smiled mysteriously.

"Mom, you can't be too much. If the stars in the sky, how can you give it to you?" Douding spoke to the ground.

"This is easy to do, you can take Mommy to take a spaceship and go to the Milky Way for a day trip." Pudding said.

"Haha, this is even too exciting. I don't want anything at all. I don't have anything at home, just like a family and a peacekeeper."

"I am going to work, you are careful."

Seeing his wife did not say a fourth or five, Qin Chu looked at the watch, afraid to be late, so go out on time.

Huo Mian packed up the good things and took the two small ones back to Tianfuyuan.

The twins are not wearing the same color today.

One is white short sleeves and a black skirt.

One is black short sleeves and a white skirt.

"Mummy, you are a match, isn't it really a blast?" Doudou pulled his short sleeves and always felt weird.

"Reassured, although Mommy is not a fashion queen, but ... two sets of children's clothing is still no problem."

"But I feel, I have a strong country atmosphere on my body... Sister, do you have it?" Douding turned to look at the pudding.

"I don't have it. Maybe you are too rustic. You can wear anything rustic." Pudding.

"Rely, you are black, I can't play happily... Sister, you can't make money because you have a company, you don't love me..."

"I have never loved you, don't be narcissistic... okay?"

"You two have been arguing for so long, not tired, no trouble?" Huo Mian interrupted.

"We have to quarrel for a lifetime, think about it and feel suede." Douding is in it.

Huo Mian Yan Yan...

At this time, Huo Mian’s mobile phone sent a WeChat.

She opened it and it was actually sent by Han Yueyao.

"Sister Xiaomian, are you?"

"Well, yes."

"Today's company is on holiday, you are free, I want to invite you to dinner."

"I bring my child back to my mother."

"This way, it’s unfortunate, I am going to change the day."

"Yao Yao you don't have to be so polite, you don't have much salary now. There are many places where people need money in other places. You don't have to ask me, I want to take it, really."

"No, just really like the character of Xiaomianjie, right, I heard that Xiaotang’s sister’s birthday is on the cruise ship?”

"Amount, you know this?" Huo Ming, where is the meaning of saying that he has to celebrate his birthday.

It’s like getting a gift from someone else.

"Su Yu told me."

"This big mouth is really..." Huo Mian was a little embarrassed.

"Small sleep sister, can you give me an invitation, I also want to go to your birthday party."

"Of course no problem, but you have to promise me one thing."

Huoming bargained.

"Yes, Xiaomian sister, you said."

"Come on, you can bring friends to play, but... don't bring gifts, you know?"

"Good." Han Yueyao promised a quick reply.

"It's not a joke. I am serious. I am also a friend on the cruise. I don't accept any gifts for me this year. I really don't need anything. You should never be too hearty."

In order to put a burden on Han Yueyao, Huo Mian repeatedly stressed.

"I know, Xiaomian sister, and even if I give gifts, I don't know what to send, I can't afford the things you use, ha, so don't buy them."

"Yes, don't buy anything. It's good to have people come to eat and have fun."

Huo Mian thought, if Han Yueyao came, perhaps Su Yu would not feel too lonely, although I don't know if they can make any sparks?

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