My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 4215: Lin Ya, you are a monster (four)

Hearing that Huo Mian asked so straightforward, Han Yueyao’s cheeks were slightly red.

"I said, but Su’s attitude..."

Han Yueyao lowered his head and was somewhat uncomfortable to explain.

Just listen to Huo Mian, "Is he rejecting you?"

"There is no clear rejection." Han Yueyao did not think that attitude was directly rejected.

Huo Mian smiled a bit, Han Yueyao did not know if it was wrong, and felt that her smile was so a little bit ironic.

"He is afraid of hurting your self-esteem, so I will definitely not understand too much. I will finish it."

Han Yueyao snorted and didn't speak, but his heart was a little uncomfortable.

"Su Yu has always been a human being, Yaoyao you... I will put my mind on others, don't waste time, lest you get hurt."

The meaning of Huo Mian’s words is too obvious, so Han Yueyao does not like Su Yu, fearing that there is no result.


In the past, Huoming Ming knew that she liked Su Yu, but she still encouraged her. Why is the attitude so much now?

"Small sleep sister, I have never liked a man in these years. Su Yu is the first person I liked in my life. I don't want to give up easily."

"But he doesn't like you." Huo Jin said this sentence is very straightforward and very hurtful.

"Then he likes you, don't you like him? But he still likes you..."

Han Yueyao was somewhat convinced and began to use this relationship as a metaphor.

Huo Mian is obviously not happy...

"I am different from you. We have known each other for a few years. I and Su Yu were born and died. You and her are the relationship between the superiors and the superiors... and obviously the door is not right?"

"But Su said, don't care if the door is right."

Han Yueyao explained.

"Su aunt is anxious to find a wife for Su Yu, as long as it is a girl, my mother is eager, you should not take it seriously."

Han Yueyao:...

"In short, Yaoyao, you are also famous now. If you are a good star, don't think about what you don't belong to yourself. You can see the shortcomings of Nie Ling, Nie Lingwei, Zhao Qingya, etc. You don't want the next unfortunate. Is that you?"

Huo Mian’s eyes are a bit gloomy.

Some of Han Yueyao’s body is chilly.

"Little sleep sister... you..."

"Yao Yao, I am a little tired, you go back first... Don't come over if there is nothing, I will be discharged soon."

Obviously, people have ordered the order.

"That line, then I will go first, Xiaomian sister, you have a good rest."


Han Yueyao left with a heavy heart.

Huo Mian was in the hospital bed and smiled coldly.

"I don't know the high-pitched scorpion... An idiot wants to soak the sorrow... Isn't it worth the money and the right position? The protagonist said this pair, the world's flamboyant men and women, what is the so-called love and love, but they are all taken All that is needed... disgusting."

Shenjia Villa

Shen Mingxi has not returned yet, Wei Ying took a sweet look at the variety show on the sofa.

Sweet picked up a sugar orange, peeled the skin, and then handed it to Wei Ying's mouth.

"Wei Ying mother, you eat one, especially sweet."

"Okay, thank you baby."

In the past two days, Wei Ying really liked this child very much.

Because after returning from Emperor's school, it is obviously more sensible than before, and the mouth is sweet.

A Wei Ying mother, as the saying goes, does not smile at the face, she is so hard to please, Wei Ying has no reason not to like her.

"Wei Ying mother, when will Dad come back? I miss him."

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