My Youth Began With Him

Chapter 4216: Lin Ya, you are a monster (five)

Wei Ying looked down at the watch.

"It should be faster. I just sent a WeChat to ask him. He said that he has all gone to the high-speed port. It should be back in less than twenty minutes."

"That's great."

Sweet smiled, then the eyes turned.

"Wei Ying mother, Yunchu, he and the two sisters of Huo Mian's aunt's family played very well?"

Wei Ying nodded. "Yeah, they are real childhood friends. They play together almost every week, and they are very close to each other. I like pudding at the beginning."

"So... Pudding likes the beginning of the cloud?"

"Like it, anyway, the two played very well."

"Oh, then I am really happy for the beginning of the cloud... I added WeChat today, thinking that the beginning of the cloud is also the son of Wei Liaozhen... but I don't know how he deleted me again."

Sweet face grievance...

"He doesn't know if it is you?"

"Know, I said, but... maybe he doesn't like me?" Sweet face grievances.

"How come then, that kid usually has the best relationship with me, my child, he will not dislike."

"Nothing is okay, Wei Ying mother, in fact, I didn't think much about it. I thought, after I had a holiday, I didn't know who to play. I was a relative, so I wanted to go with him. He didn't like me. ,does not matter."

The sweeter she said to herself, the more she felt uncomfortable, and felt that her child was wronged.

Simply pick up the phone, directly to the nephew, Wei Yunchu sent a video.

Wei Yunchu: Xiao Gu, what?

Wei Ying: In this case, can you not send a video to you?

Wei Yunchu: Of course not.

Wei Ying: What are you doing?

Wei Yunchu: Just finished dinner and watch the game.

Wei Ying: You are like this day, can you read the game?

Wei Yunchu: ...

Wei Yunchu: Xiaogu, you send a video, is it something?

Wei Ying: Right, come, scorpion, tell you about it, our family is sweet.

Said, Wei Ying pulled the sweetness to the camera lens.

Sweet is actually very good. In the evening, wearing a sky blue home service, long hair, among the little girls, is also cute.

Wei Yunchu, but still a face.

"Hey, Yunchu." Sweet and shy greeting.

Wei Ying: At the beginning of the cloud, this is the daughter of my aunt. You two are bigger. I remember that you are bigger than a day, and you are called a sweet sister.

Wei Yunchu: Xiao Gu, when did you have such a big child? When I was born, why didn’t I know?

Wei Yunchu’s words made Wei Ying somewhat embarrassed.

Wei Ying: This child, don't say, it's not the aunt's birth, but like the aunt's daughter, it is your uncle's child.

Wei Yunchu: Is it? Is it my uncle? I don't remember that my uncle had children with other women. Is this an illegitimate daughter?

Wei Ying: ...

The sweet face is also very ugly in a moment.

Wei Ying: No, don't guess, you are free to explain with you. In short, get along well with your sister. She usually goes to the emperor to go to school. There are no friends here.

Wei Yunchu: Xiao Gu, I went to time to review English and talked back.

After that, before Wei Ying talked, Wei Yunchu hung up the phone.

Wei Ying: Hey, you kid....

Sweet: Wei Ying mother, nothing, I have long heard that Yun’s character is very indifferent, few friends, I will slowly get along with him, not in a hurry.

Wei Ying was still moved and touched the sweet head. "Good boy, know that you are sensible."

At this time, the sound of opening the door came.

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