11. Chapter 11 Dependence

Translator: Cheryl_M

“Damn it.” Mu Feng cursed angrily, and put Zhao Yun’s hand against Xia Mingyu’s heart. Zhao Yun frowned, but he still didn’t say anything. Then Mu Feng shouted, “Don’t stand still. Release the pressure of your King of Corpse, or your hand will make the worm wriggle faster.”

Zhao Yun did as told, and the worm did not move any more. Meanwhile, he felt the pounding of the heart. Xia Mingyu didn’t wake up yet, and he looked so weak as if he would die as long as Zhao Yun pressed a bit harder on his heart.

“Why didn’t he cry for help just now? If we had come in earlier, the situation would have been better.” As she shouldn’t look at what was contrary to propriety, He Nai, as the only girl in the room, had to turn her head around. However, upon hearing her master’s cursing, He Nai also realized that the situation was not optimistic.

The Yin worm stayed in situ for a few seconds, then suddenly wriggled downwards. Mu Feng frowned. Then he lifted Xia Mingyu’s right hand and put Zhao Yun’s left hand against it. The two hands were placed together, palm to palm. The cold feeling of touching made Xia Mingyu shiver for a while.

Watching the Yin worm gradually turn around at a low speed, Mu Feng asked He Nai to take out the copper bell. “Ding… Ring…”

As the copper bell rang, the Yin worm suddenly, as if taking a stimulant, climbed back quickly. Mu Feng asked Zhao Yun to draw back his hand to leave a gap in between. Meanwhile, Wangchuan took out a black box.

The thin blue line quickly reached the wrist. Wangchuan opened the black box, put it upside down on Xia Mingyu’s palm, drew it back, and quickly closed it. Mu Feng clapped his hands and dressed Xia Mingyu up, saying in a normal tone, “Whoo, he is fine now. However, since he’s got a worm in his body, maybe in the following several days… Um, he will be clouded in his mind… But it is not a problem. He will recover in some days.”

Mu Feng wiped his sweat, then left, and Wangchuan looked at Xia Mingyu with worry. “Master, do we have to stay with him? What if anything happens again?”

Mu Feng said without turning around, “Zilong is here for him. Ordinary ghosts don’t dare to come near him anymore. Enough.Chuan, Nai, you two just get yourselves freshened up and go to sleep. Ah, I’m so tired. This is finally over.”

As Mu Feng left, whistling to himself, He Nai and Wangchuan had to follow. “What do you mean? Why do we have to take care of this kid? What a waste to ask us to do this!” The eight-tailed cat spirit snapped.

However, angry as the eight-tailed cat spirit was, it found that its master was tucking Xia Mingyu in attentively… Well, Zhao Yun accepted the reality so shockingly fast, even if he used to be a general. It was fine that he looked after Dou, but why did he also take care of Xia Mingyu now?

The eight-tailed cat spirit was so depressed and upset…

~ ~ ~

The next day, the eight-tailed cat spirit was awakened by one’s trample. As a cat spirit, it was pretty pathetic. With its eyes full of tears, it took a look at the person who stepped on its tail, Xia Mingyu, and got so furious. However, Xia Mingyu just looked confused.

“It’s a cat?” Xia Mingyu reached out and grabbed the tail of the eight-tailed cat spirit. Then he lifted the cat upside down. Instantly, the cat spirit exclaimed, “Ouch! Let go of me! What’s wrong with you, brat? Haven’t you ever seen a cat?”

His amber pupils were beamed with curiosity. “A cat that can talk! Oh, How interesting!”

The eight-tailed cat spirit was lifed upside side and he even poked at its claws. Finally, it couldn’t help but to scratch the back of Xia Mingyu’s hand, leaving three scratches. Once Xia Mingyu let go of his hand, the eight-tailed cat spirit ran away. After fleeing for a distance, it glared at him with a grimace. Xia Mingyu was so bold that he should irritate the cat spirit again before their old grudge was cleared.

Xia Mingyu looked at the wound on the back of his hand in a trance and then the cat spirit saw that his eyes started to become moisture. Suddenly, it realized that something annoying was about to happen.  As expected, Xia Mingyu burst into tears, who was crying pitifully. Coincidentally, Zhao Yun, who was bringing the breakfast, walked inside. The cat spirit felt that this must be the most unfortunate moment in its life…

“Hmm?” Zhao Yun put the soybean milk and fried dough sticks on the table aside, and then stared at the angry cat and crying young man. The cat spirit confessed, “Master, this is not my fault. He stepped on my tail first and lifted me upside down. I simply scratched him by accident. I shouldn’t be the one to take the blame.”

Never could the cat know that it actually meant like this by “being clouded in his mind.” If it had known that, it would never have stayed here to keep watch on Xia Mingyu. All of a sudden, it started to miss Ma Chao, who got up early. At that time, it could fearlessly give him a scratch. After all, Ma Chao wouldn’t do anything to it.

Zhao Yun shook his head resignedly. No wonder that Wangchuan just gave him a lot of things called band-aid, and also demonstrated how to use this thing, saying that the eight-tailed cat spirit might scratch Xia Mingyu and that it was better not to use magic in public.

He pulled the young man’s hand over.  The hand was bony and skinny and on the slender arm there were three clearly seen scratches. Zhao Yun took a band-aid and attached it carefully to the young man’s wound.

“Okay, done.” He let go of the young man’s hand and saw him staring back like a curious baby. Then Xia Mingyu gave a smile and cried out, “Brother.”

Zhao Yun smiled and fondled Xia Mingyu’s head softly. Xia Mingyu seemed to enjoy it very much and got even closer. The eight-tailed cat spirit looked at them in grief and stuffed the fried dough stick into its mouth alone. What a canny young man! How could he win over Zhao Yun’s favor by acting like a child. It would make him suffer then!

After breakfast, when Mu Feng and his apprentices came in, Zhao Yun was helping Xia Mingyu change clothes. because Xia Mingyu’s clothes were stained with blood, it was impossible to keep wearing them. It happened that there was a new shirt in the hotel. Oversized as it was, it was better than none. Mu Feng could foresee that he might need to spend money again. He was really poor and even started to wonder how much money he could get if he sold Zhao Yun!

“Let’s go to the mall to buy some clothes for you two. Alas, I’m broke.” Mu Feng was so sad. “I’ve suffered huge loss this time and gained nothing in return.”

“Master, I thought you had earned a lot with the corpse fungus?” He Nai asked. Mu Feng responded in sorrow, “What do you even know? I needed to support three persons’ living before but now I have two more, oh, and a cat. I’m very poor.”

Wangchuan casually laid bare his master’s lie, “You are poor indeed. You have nothing but money.” He was aware how much money his master had earned by swindling others. Moreover, he and He Nai never needed their master to support them financially. It was always them two who had to pay the bill. It was safe to say that this master was the most shameless one in the world, who always took advantage of his apprentices.

When they went out, Xia Mingyu kept grabbing Zhao Yun’s clothes and stayed distant from Mu Feng and his apprentices ahead. Every time He Nai wanted to talk to him, he just hid behind Zhao Yun. She felt so depressed. In fact, there were a few persons who she could talk with. She couldn’t succeed in arguing with her master and had nothing to say to Wangchuan. Hence, she could only turn to Xia Mingyu for a chat. However, Xia Mingyu just took her as a demon. Was she so scary?

“Master, what’s going on? He was still fine yesterday.” He Nai was angry and grieved. Mu Feng just glanced at Xia Mingyu and looked aloof. “I’ve told you. He is not mentally conscious now. Perhaps, he is like a baby now and shows great dependence on Zilong. Don’t mess around now. You may talk to him in a few days.”

“How boring! I would rather leave and stay with my best friend.” He Nai took out her phone impatiently and listened to the much. The eight-tailed cat spirit was also upset, because as long as it approached Xia Mingyu, the latter would cry. Therefore, Zhao Yun threw it to Wangchuan decisively. As a result, it was lying down in Wangchuan’s arms. It did enjoy Wangchuan’s stroking, but as a cat spirit, it could never tolerate that its master was taken away by a young man.

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