26. Chapter 26: The Origins of the Kidnappers

Translator: Cheryl_M

The two men were dressed in ancient costumes and the surroundings were like a mausoleum, flames suddenly appeared on the torches on the walls. Then another two persons walked forward.

A young man walked to the podium and reached for the kylin pendant on Xia Mingyu’s neck. Suddenly, the kylin pendant sparkled. Instantly, a red light screen wrapped Xia Mingyu up and bounced the young man’s hand away.

The young man seemed to have found something interesting. With the nails suddenly growing long, he reached out his hand to hit against the light screen and still failed. The young man had to give up. Looking at the figure on the platform, he said with his hands folded in fronts of his chest, “Father, the Soul and Blood Jade has chosen its owner.”

“I know, This boy is the carrier of Heavenly Soul. It’s useful for me, but I can’t seize his body now.” The figure placed his hands on the arms of the chair, gently tapping the arms of the chair and saying to the other two young men, “Yuanrang, Miaocai, any information on the whereabouts of the Qiye Bead?”

The young man with an eye mask on his left eye, standing ahead, slightly lowered his head. “We have already learnt the whereabouts of the bead. Please leave the matter to us. We will not let you down.”

“Of course. Go ahead.” The man waved his hand and the two young men left. The man looked at the unconscious Xia Mingyu and suddenly grinned. He talked to the only young man left on the spot, “I didn’t expect to find the Soul and Blood Jade and Heavenly Soul for once. I must be helped by God. Zihuan, my career is bound to be successful.”

“Surely you will make it, Father.” The young man said. The other man walked down from the platform and came to Xia Mingyu. He looked Xia Mingyu up and down a long time. Upon seeing the tear mole around the corners of his eyes, he suddenly frowned. However, when he stared at the eyebrows of Xia Mingyu for quite a while, the frown was stretched out.

“I almost thought that the body where the Heavenly Soul dwells in is a vessel. It turns out that I’ve made a mistake.” The man reached out his hand towards Xia Mingyu. Undoubtedly, his hand was blocked from the light screen. Not irritated, he only smiled and said, “When Yuanrang and Miaocai bring the Qiye Bead back, the Soul and Blood Jade and Heavenly Soul will be mine.”

The young man in black didn’t say anything this time. He looked at Xia Mingyu for a long time and got in a trance. He didn’t come to his sense until he realized that he had been stared at by the man for a long time. He lowered his head and said, “Father, I think that he looks a bit similar to Zijian…”

The man glanced back at Xia Mingyu and nodded, “He does look alike…” The man seemed to recall the person named “Zijian”, so he didn’t notice that the eyelashes of the young man on the podium flapped a bit and then the eyes were slightly opened.

Things were a bit blurry to Xia Mingyu. He hummed and raised his hand to rubb his eyes. Then he realized what was happening. The two men in front of him with similar appearance, were both handsome wearing ancient costumes. Xia Mingyu got puzzled. Was he at the filming site?

But the heat from the kylin pendant refreshed his mind instantly. These two men were not human beings…

“You are awake?” The young man suddenly spoke, which made Xia Mingyu alerted at once. He remembered that he was taken away by that man. How come he was here now? He looked around himself. The simple decoration reminded him of the tomb of the Zhao Family. Was he in a tomb again?

The man looked at Xia Mingyu with interest, the appearance of the teenager slightly tangled is very cute, the pink lip, the outline of the lips let people want to severely ravage a, really a pity, not a girl.

“Who are you?” Xia Mingyu sat up and moved backwards to keep as far as possible from the two men, turning into a hostile state from softeness. The young man played with the dagger and spoke in a threatening voice, “It is the best for you to stay obedient. We can’t approach you, but the weapon can.”

The blade reflected the fire on the stone wall. Xia Mingyu knew that if he dared to escape, the man in front of him would throw the dagger at him…

“Okay…” He sat down with his head lowered obediently, but actually, he was not calm at all. His hands holding the kylin pendant were trembling slightly, which revealed his fear clearly.

What should he do? Would Zhao Yun come to rescue him? Would he be eaten by the two men of dubious background? The more he thought about it, the more afraid he would be. But he couldn’t show his fear, becasue he would die miserably!

“Zihuan, don’t scare him.” The man patted the young man on the shoulder and then smiled at Xia Mingyu, saying, “We saved you. Don’t worry. The man who caught you is dead.”

Originally, Xia Mingyu was still a little grateful for their saving him, but when he heard the last words, he trembled and swallowed his saliva. Indeed, these people were not good-intentioned.

“Then… What do you want?” He would rather act proactively and find out what they wanted than wait for death. Only in this case could he figure out a solution.

The boy’s frightened appearance intrigued the man. He raised his eyebrows and gave a sinister smile. “We saved you. Shouldn’t you show your gratitude for us?”

Xia Mingyu looked down and hesitated for a few seconds. Then he just said with great courage, “You saved me and I should thank you indeed. But if you are up to something with bad intention, aren’t you just the same as that man? I’m kidnapped anyway. What’s the difference?”

Of course they were different. That man was an errand runner while these men were the ringleaders.

“Oh, then who do you expect we are?” The man deliberately answered with a question. Xia Mingyu was choked off. He bit his lips and muttered, “Of course I hope you are not up to anything, but you do look ill-intentioned by one glance…”

Whatever! Anyway he had nothing to lose if he died. He also didn’t have anyone to worry about. As to Mu Feng, the orientation gift was not needed then. Mu Feng could have another apprentice anyway. Xia Mingyu was so useless that it would be better to abandon him…

Suddenly, Xia Mingyu felt rather regretful. Why did he get into a trance when he was at the White Horse Temple? He should have held Zhao Yun’s hand. It wouldn’t matter even if he relied on Zhao Yun. Why did he put himself in this life-or-death predicament?

The man didn’t talk anymore. He only stared at Xia Mingyu smilingly. The young man squinted and then threw the dagger over abruptly. Xia Mingyu didn’t expect that they would actually hurt him. He dodged fearfully and fell off the podium due to carelessness.  As a result, he grimaced in pain.

“Impressive.” The young man shrugged and then took out a small box from his sleeve. He pinched a black pill with his slender index finger and middle finger, saying to Xia Mingyu, “Open your mouth.”

Only judging from the apperance, Xia Mingyu knew that the pill couldn’t be anything good. He turned around. “What is it? I won’t eat this.”

“You have no choice. Open your mouth.” The young man was not patient at all. The other man looked as if watching the show aside, but of course he and the young man were on the same boat. Xia Mingyu couldn’t defeat them, so he had to give in and open his mouth as told. The young man flicked his finger, sending the pill into Xia Mingyu’s mouth. The pill got a bit stuck and thus, Xia Mingyu coughed a few times.

The young man put the jade box away with satisfaction and continued to explain with a poker face, “That is ‘Three Days Alive”. If you don’t take it again in three days, you will rot and die. If you don’t want to get rotten and stinky, you must follow us.”

Xia Mingyu stopped coughing at once and stared at him with swimming eyes. Why didn’t the young man kill him now?

The man seemed to enjoy seeing Xia Mingyu choke with silent fury, and then said with a smile, “Good. Only a obedient child can live for long. My style name is Mengde. This is my son, Zihuan. What’s your name?” (By now, readers should be able to guess who the two men were.)

“Xia Mingyu.”

“Mingyu, from now on, would you like to follow us?” Cao Cao asked again. Xia Mingyu, so frazzled, stood up and dusted the ash from himself. He felt like rolling eyes at him so badly now. Did he have other options now? Obviously, they were employing the carrot and stick approach, but they did treat him like a baby. He could hide his claws first, but it didn’t mean that he wouldn’t use his claws again.

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