27. Chapter 27: Seeking

Translator: mellet

“I know, I won’t run away…” Xia Mingyu said somewhat gloomily. Cao Cao nodded satisfactorily and handed Xia Mingyu to Cao Pi’s custody. Cao Pi shot a hard stare at Xia Mingyu, turned around and left, which made Xia Mingyu take a step back in fear, but when he saw that Cao Pi didn’t mean to wait for him at all, he had no choice but to follow up.

Xia Mingyu now felt that Zhao Yun was really the best zombie in the world. Nice, good temper…anyway, good in every way, hundreds of times better than the two that were threatening him right now. He swore in his heart that if he could go back to Zhao Yun’s side, he would learn cooking and cleaning the house for him. As for warming the bed for him…emm…did he need to learn it(๑• . •๑)?

“What are you doing? Longing for spring? ( In Chinese, “long for spring” means Long for love/sex) ” Cao Pi in front suddenly made a sound, and Xia Mingyu hurriedly strode to catch up with him, blushing and exasperated to explain, “What are you talking about? Oh no! What am I thinking has nothing to do with you!! ”

Cao Pi glanced carelessly at him. Until looking that the boy with fury shrank into himself and looked at him in fear, he said, “A kid who doesn’t know anything, do you understand what I meant when I said “longing for spring”?”

His sarcastic attitude made Xia Mingyu angry, a pair of small tiger teeth creaking and a pair of cat pupils burning in anger. Yes, he was only 14 years old, and was very infantile when facing a thousand-year old zombie, but it did not mean that he didn’t even know what “longing for spring” means! Bastard, why was this guy so annoying?

The young man was angry, but he could not do nothing but grumble in chagrin. And Xia Mingyu could not notice that the corner of  Cao Pi’s mouth was curved and outlined a bad smile.

~ ~ ~

Sun Yaxin took Wangchuan and Zhao Yun to his apartment in Luoyang. They couldn’t find Xia Mingyu, and all three were a little depressed.

“Where will that kid be taken to?” Sun Yaxin grabbed his short red hair in dismay, then picked up the chocolate bar and chewed it as usual. Both Wangchuan and Zhao Yun opened their mouth at the same time, “It’s all my fault. If I had paid a little attention…”

The two of them were stunned, giving each other a look, then Wangchuan first said, “No, Brother Zhao, it’s my fault that I didn’t take care of Mingyu. It’s all my fault.”

“I should also take the blame. I forgot to hold on to him.” Zhao Yun was a little depressed, because he never thought that the boy would be taken away from him. He had to admit that he was very upset, for the boy was not here. He had to chill himself out, or he wouldn’t be able to get the boy back.

Eight Tails considered whether to speak in the face of Sun Yaxin. Finally he decided not to cause trouble for his master and Wangchuan, and quietly shut up.

Sun Yaxin shut his mouth and went upstairs holding clean clothes in his hand, “You guys think of a way first. I’m gonna take a shower. I’ve been outside the whole day and I stink now.”

Watching Sun Yaxin disappear at the end of the stairs, Eight Tails, who finally recovered from the silence, did a somersault excitedly and jumped into Wangchuan’s arms. He knew that his master was not in the mood to talk to him now, so he’d better not bother him.

“Do you want me to ask the cat tribe to find him? Although the cats’ nose is not as good as the dogs’, it’s still useful.” Eight Tails twisted his small waist, and stared at Wangchuan with his eyes glazing. Wangchuan nodded approvingly, then asked Zhao Yun, “Brother Zhao, can’t the blood deed let both sides feel each other’s position?”

Zhao Yun’s eyes lit up. He forgot it! To find Xia Mingyu quickly, he was ready to urge the deed mantra in his body, but the Eight Tails shook his head, “Master, it won’t work. The emotional bond between you is too weak, the strength is not enough, and the connection is not enough, either. The basic energy growth can not be achieved, let alone telepathy. ”

The method that finally came up with could not be put into practice. Zhao Yun sighed and regretted that he had not paid much attention to the boy.

Eight Tails meowed and said cockily, “So, I got to stand out at the critical moment. Wait a minute, I’ll order other cats to find him.”

The light cat body whirled in the air and flew out of the window. Wangchuan and Zhao Yun had nothing else to do but sit in the sofa and wait for the news.

Just after sitting down, Wangchuan’s phone suddenly rang: it was He Nai, and Wangchuan simply told the things about Mu Feng and Xia Mingyu to her. He Nai felt relieved when hearing that Mu Feng should be fine, and immediately became anxious when knowing that Xia Mingyu was kidnapped. She said worriedly, “Brother, we can’t just sit and wait.  In case the kidnappers can not contact people to ask for money, they may kill Mingyu. I will order my family to find him. ”

He Nai hung up the phone. Wangchuan thought for a while, and dialed the numbers again. No matter the ones who worked for him, or his business friends, all  were contacted by him and received the photos of Xia Mingyu. In just an hour, Xia Mingyu became famous. How could he was simple when two powerful families were looking for him? For a while, everyone was looking for him, but he didn’t know.

It was the first time Zhao Yun felt a deep sense of powerlessness. He had no ability to find Xia Mingyu, and he could only sit and wait. This feeling made him sit on pins and needles, but there was no way, he could only wait for others to bring information.

~ ~ ~

Forced by Cao Pi to be a fighting partner for more than a week, Xia Mingyu’s bones almost fell apart. Cao Pi was ruthless and didn’t treat him as a normal person. Xia Mingyu even couldn’t climb up after fighting practice, but Cao Pi just gave him a bottle of medicine wine, and in less than three hours he would continue to beat him to the ground.

Cao Pi couldn’t touch Xia Mingyu directly, so he fought with various weapons. In the end, it was usually less than ten minutes before Xia Mingyu couldn’t stand up. There were either whip wounds or stick wounds on his body. However, Cao Pi never attacked Xia Mingyu’s face. It seemed that he still had a conscience, knowing that “never hit one’s face when hitting him”…

“Ow!” Swept to the ground with a wooden stick, Xia Mingyu’s body curled up in pain, and the back of his waist was hot and sore. For another ten minutes, Cao Pi almost tortured him to death. Was he so happy to beat him?

Looking at the boy’s painful expression, Cao Pi had no pity at all. He pointed Xia Mingyu with the wooden stick and said, “Go on, always fall down in ten minutes. As a man, are you ashamed?”

Shit! Cao Pi could beat him down in one minute, but he always waited for ten minutes to give him the last blow. Didn’t he just want to hit him? Bastard!

Xia Mingyu’s eyes almost burst out of fire, and he clenched his lower lip to try to stand up, but his waist was hurt and weak, so that he just got up half and fell down again, causing him to gasp, “Ow… It hurts!”

Cao Pi frowned. Seeing that Xia Mingyu couldn’t get up, he suddenly leaned closer, and said coldly, “Lift up the hem and let me see. ”

Did so? Bullshit, otherwise the bastard will beat him hard in a while. Xia Mingyu thought that he had no power to fight back, and lifted up his robes. His clothes had long changed. He didn’t expect that there was a pool in the underground mausoleum. He took a shower and wore the clothes given by Cao Pi, which was said to be the costume of his younger brother Cao Zhi.

The young man’s fair skin was marked with purple and red bruises, and Cao Pi’s eyebrows became tighter and continued to command, “Take off the robe.”

Xia Mingyu was stunned for a moment, and after receiving Cao Pi’s duty-bound gaze, he had to take off his clothes obediently. The young man’s figure was very symmetrical, white and tender, as if a silver fish, but now the weak body was covered with scars, how pitiful.

Cao Pi raised his eyebrows and reached out his hand as if he wanted to touch the wounds, but he was blocked by the light curtain from the Kylin Pendant. He took his hand back and said without embarrassment, “You didn’t use the medicine wine?”

In the grave, the wind was blowing, and the skin was exposed. Xia Mingyu felt a little cold, wanted to put on the clothes, but worried that Cao Xi would do something if he was not obedient, so he had to put his hands around his waist and shoulders and said sadly, “I used it, but it’s not working well. You hit too hard.”

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