4. Chapter 4: The Unbelievable Zombies

Translator: Victoria

Xia Mingyu had never seen such a good-looking person of the people he had seen in the past except Zhao Ziyi, but now he suddenly felt that it was great to enter the tomb, for at least he could glut his eyes.

“Meow.” The black cat also jumped up to the stone platform, squatting on it to lick its claws, and with the cat’s cry, Xia Mingyu saw the eyes of the person in the crystal lift slightly, the next second, they suddenly opened, and a faint green light flashed from his eyes.

A fake corpse? Or a corpse walking? The two words appeared in Xia Mingyu’s mind, but the man raised his hand and covered the crystal interface without seeing him use any force. The crack appeared from his palm and gradually unfolded towards the surroundings, “clicking clicking”.

Is he coming out? Xia Mingyu backed off a few steps in shock, and stepped into the water, lost his balance, fell and sat down, blowing up a lot of water, and the Black Cat looked at him cruelly , its gloomy gaze seemed to warn him not to leave.

Soon, a long and white arm stretched out from the inside of the Stone Table crystal, then the head, and finally the whole person wearing a white silvery robe came out of the crystal , like a demon or a fairy, looking unconcerndly at Xia Mingyu in the water who swallowed his saliva and carefully asked, “You… are you a man or a demon?”

Teenage’s voice is in a changing period, it sounds soft and magnetic, but the man did not answer anything, just walked down the stone platform and approached him step by step, Xia Mingyu almost saw his scarlet pupils with a desire for flesh body and blood, after all, it was a zombie … ah, no, how can the zombie walk?

“Don’t come…” Xia Mingyu moved back, just trying to stay away from the man, but he couldn’t stand up under the strongly serious temperament of the man. The black cat who saved him before squatted on the stone platform watching the show as always.  Were they originally a gang? That Black Cat was trying to save the man in front of him, so he helped him?

Leaning by the sink, Xia Mingyu raised his head to look at the man, the man seemed only in his twenties, but it couldn’t be true for sure, nobody knew how many years this man had died for.

The man squatted and looked at Xia Mingyu who didn’t dare to move, pulled his coat down directly, revealing his shirt stained with blood. When he approached, he suddenly bit on Xia Mingyu ‘s neck. Although he could not see it, the touch of his skin made Xia Mingyu seem to have seen the scene with his own eyes- the sharp tusks pierced into the skin, sucking his blood.

Is this a vampire? If he was bitten, would he become a vampire? Or would he be sucked dry by him? Become a mummy? Now, would someone come to save him?

When Xia Mingyu was about to pass out, the man let him go, and the Black Cat beside him purred, it seemed that it dissatisfied with the man whohad not eaten Xia Mingyu, the red light in the man’s eyes faded and flashed showing he was confusing, until he saw Xia Mingyu in front of him again, his eyes suddenly dimmed and looked very angry.

Xia Mingyu was dizzy for a few seconds only and fell into the water. The man frowned and pulled him out of the water and then put him on the stone platform. The Black Cat beside him bared his teeth but didn’t move. Only then, the southern stone wall suddenly made a loud noise and then bombed it a hole.

“Oh, where are we?” He Nai and Wangchuan who had saved Xia Mingyu before and their master came through the hole. The man in casual clothes stretched out, He Nai held the bone whip in his hand, and a two metres long black stick which had a lot of blood belonging to zombies and monsters was held in Wang Chuan’s hand.

Wangchuan and He Nai saw the man first and prepared to attack while He Nai recognized Xia Mingyu on the stone platform at once: “Master! The boy we met before was there , this guy took him away!”

He can rob a living person under the eyes of the three people, they seems to have met an opponent. Wangchuan asked, “Who are you?”

The man didn’t answer, but the Black Cat on the other side jumped down from the stone platform, looking innocuous, but a pair of claws with sharp nails extended, and the two tails behind them swung, making Wangchuan and He Nai instantly changed their face: “Two cat demons?”

Their master slurred, and said, “I’m afraid it’s a more advanced cat demon, is it hiding his tail? This guy is the chief culprit who made those grave robbers die. But buddy , are you the owner of the tomb?”

“Tomb owner?” He Nai stared at the man in the silver robe for a while unbelieveblely” That’s impossible. Isn’t it said that the tomb owner of the Zhao family’s tomb can be traced back to the period of the North and South dynasty? Can this guy have more than 1,400 years of practice?”

“I’m afraid that he has more than that…” Mu Feng waved his hand and suddenly said to the man, “We don’t mean to offend. We just want to get the corpse fungus to save people. Since we have the corpse fungus, we will leave now. Please don’t pursue us.”

Seeing his master being polite, Wangchuan and He Nai also knew that they were in real trouble this time, but He Nai was  unwilling to say, “But master, what about that kid? Can’t we save him?”

Mu Feng glared at his disciple, “Are you stupid? A zombie with a thousand years of practice.  I’m not so stupid that even die for that. You can’t beat it down. Besides, that kid has nothing to do with us. Okay, let’s go while he hasn’t pay any attention to us now.”

Mu Feng pulled the two of them back as he was saying, the cat demon with eight tails suddenly screamed, the three people stopped and walked back, and there were many black cats in with two, three, four and the most six tails in the hole. Even Mu Feng’s face bacame serious, it seemed that the man didn’t want to let them leave easily.

“Oh, shit, didn’t we just take corpse fungus and kill a few zombies? Can’t you be easygoing?” Mu Feng glanced at the man unhappily, but the man didn’t react at all, only his gaze was heavy, as if he was thinking about something, Mu Feng sighed and thought it’s a sale at a loss,he would not do this business if he had known this earlier.

The leading Black Cat did not hide its tail any more, and continued to erect eight tails behind him gradually, and his body suddenly became much bigger: “Meow, since he entered, he has to bear the consequence.”

Seeing the cat’s lips rising up, revealing a mysterious smile, the other black cats  surrounded Mu Feng and the other two gradually, their claws stretched out, and a battle was about to begin, but at this time, the silent King of Corpse suddenly said, “Wait.”

The cat with eight tails yelled unhappily, then retreated to the side, and the rest of the cats were even more afraid to be unbridled, and King of Corpse stared at the three people not far away, looking hesitantly, “What year is it now?”

He Nai and Wangchuan looked at each other. If the words was said from an ordinary person, they would probably think that the person was mad, but the words was from the king of corpose in front of them who had died for more than 1400 years… or even more . It was not strange, but it made them feel a little inconsistent, but Mu Feng replied without taking offense, “April 4, 2019, are you calculating how many years have you died for?”

Two disciples looked depressed, please, Master, facing such a big demon, can you be more reliable, don’t seek death?

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