Chapter 85: Saving People

Translator: LiamHW

With the smallest snake spilt and dead, the current situation came to a reversion and soon there were only two of the biggest pythons left, and Xia Mingyu stretched out and yawned a bit, watching Wu Jiuge and Teng Xiao fighting against the rest of two pythons, he opened the snake’s head and dug out a green bead about a foot above the snake’s pupils.

Holding the three poison beads on his hands, Xia Mingyu crooked his lips and smiled, with the beads he didn’t even have to expose his power, he could protect himself now. Then Xia Mingyu turned over and noticed that Cao Pi was staring at him for a long while, he asked Zhang Chi for some water to wash his hands, which were polluted by the blood of snakes.

“Thank you for helping me, but would you mind if I ask what are the beads used for?”said Zhao Chi, he couldn’t understand what Xia Mingyu was actually thinking. Not long till the boy finished washing his hands, he weighed the three poison beads and then took out the lightest one in front of Zhang Chi, then he seemed to look for something else as he was about to explain.

“These beads are the source of toxicity for these semi-blind pythons, these snakes are often group living with one special kind of plant. It’s… ummm… Ah, alright, it is called “San Hua Luo Zhi”. put this plant together with the beads into boiled water and boil them for times, the soup can be used to detoxify any poisons. He, Senior Sister He, might be poisoned with some kind of poison. If nothing done, she probably will die soon. ”

Zhang Chi listened to Xia Mingyu carefully and believed what he said, so he ordered the four of his team to find the plant together, and asked modestly, “What exactly does it look like?”

“Of course it’s a flower-like plant. It doesn’t need to be distinguished. The only plant that can grow around the semi-blind snake would not be others but that plant.” “Xia Mingyu glanced around and didn’t anything. It was either a mound or a snake carcass nearby, it gathered no space for plants to grow.

Cao Pi shook his head, saying, “Xia Mingyu, look over there.” He reached out and pointed behind Xia Mingyu, Xia Mingyu turned his head and looked at the place where Cao Pi pointed at, and found that there was a golden flower on the stone cliff in the distance.

“That’s it!” Xia Mingyu put the three poisonous beads in his hand into his pocket, and asked Zhang Chi for a set of climbing ropes, planning to go up and pick flowers, but Zhang Chi stopped his movements.

“Hello?” “A sight of confusion appeared in the boy’s purple pupils. Without doubt, Zhang Chi put his gun in his hand to the side of his waist and grabbed the rope in Xia Mingyu’s hand, saying, “Let me handle this. You saved us just then. And on the other hand, it is not hard to grab a flower, if I cannot handle this, then how useless will I be? Help me take care of Nai. I know nothing about the poison on her, so it will be better for her to stay with you in case of other accident.

Xia Mingyu didn’t stop Zhang Chi, he watched the young man moving flexibly, then retreated to the other side, and at the same time, the moon Tang Sword swished out of his sheath, took the life of a grave robber who was intent on approaching He Nai, the boy said with a smile, “Oh sorry, I did not notice that. ”

What a devil! The rest of the people behind trembled seeing that Xia Mingyu killed the guy so quickly even without giving him any chances to explain, fear and unrest overwhelmed them although they had beeing undertaking the career for decades. They feared not because that he killed someone, they got frightened by the fierce and insanity inside the boy’s purple pupils.

After Wu Jiuge and Teng Xiao solved the rest two semi-blind pythons, the two people flexibly dug up the poison beads, and delivered to Xia Mingyu to collect. Seeing that the semi-blind pythons were killed spliting into pieces, it could be estimated that Wu Jiuge had discharged the sullen in his heart almost.

“Ji.” Teng Xiao looked at Xia Mingyu pitifully, Xia Mingyu raised his eyebrows, saying, “Go and eat what you want, but not mankind.” ”

superficially, Xia Mingyu was showing his great kindness, but in the perspective of those graverobbers, the boy in front of them performed even fiercer. Teng Xiao was a huge eagle right now, but got the power to annihilate the semi-blind pythons, in the eyes of others it was a powerful pet of Xia Mingyu. But someone knew that this pet was able to eat mankind, that would be a monster for them, wasn’t it?

The graverobbers receded a bit, far from Xia Mingyu. Xia Mingyu smiled viciously, he watched Teng Xiao wolfing down the carcass of the pythons with great satisfication, and turned to see Zhang Chi who had climbed half the cliff.

The plant of ” San Hua Luo Zhi” was a bit similar to the sweet Angelica, but its petals were golden, with only two leaves, while the veins and the heart were black. It looked such weird though. As Zhang Chi was about to reach out to pick the flower, he suddenly felt something strange in the cave of the other side, it was a SNAKE PUPIL…

“Clicking –”

It was out of Zhang Chi’s expectation, the snake’s pupil spewed a lot of blood with the Snake Sword insert deep into bones, the semi-blind python in the cave fell and wasn’t able to erupt anymore, it was Wu Jiuge appeared at the cave, and then he pulled the Snake Sword out. Seeing this, Zhang Chi couldn’t help but looked up at the man on the cliff wall, with such admiration. He didn’t even know how the man climbed the cliff wall so high, let alone see clearly how the he killed the python, it would be a piece of cake for the man to kill him instead of the snakes.

“Tha…” Zhang Chi wanted to thank Wu JiuGe, but he couldn’t express his gratitude now because he found that even if he disguised it well, he couldn’t help but with his lips and voice trembling, it was a reverance from the lower grade to the upper one.

Wu Jiuge squatted down and cut the stem of San Hua Luo Zhi with the sword, then took a bandage to tie the stem to prevent the juice from dripping out, he spoke to Zhang Chi: “You act too slowly. This is poisonous.”

After simply uttering, Wu Jiuge fell back to the ground, and at the moment Teng Xiao was just finished his meal, he then flew over the cliff and picked Zhang Chi up.

“Is there a clean water source nearby?” We need to get the detoxification soup to Sister He immediately. asked Xia Mingyu. But Zhang Chi shook his head, saying, “When we brought Nai out of the snake’s nest, it was still safe. When we got here, the five snakes caught up with it, and along the way we didn’t see any water source.”

“What? Did you just come out from the snake nest? And there exists no snake in the nest?” Cao Pi looked at Zhang Chi suspiciously, and a person behind Zhang Chi answered, “Yes, we only saw some snake eggs, we only noticed when the pythons followed up.”

“That should be your luck. There was a coffin the earroom we passed before. But the corpse inside was missing. The corpse might had erupted. I don’t know if it was transferred to the place where the snakes were because of the change of the graveyard. In short, it is certain that something attract the snakes out of their way, that allowed you to save Sister He.” ”

As soon as Xia Mingyu finished his words, the ground under the feet shook violently and soon it cracked like an earthquake. There existed no time for them to escape, and they fell one by one. Teng Xiao quickly turned back into the big eagle and then put Xia Mingyu and Wu Jiuge on his back, and saved Zhang Chi and his team members, while the rest of people could only waited for their death, because he carried no more spaces…

Cao Pi was calm, and he leaped onto the back of Teng Xiao without making too much efforts. Although Teng Xiao wanted to fall this annoying man down, but he couldn’t do that because other innocent people were also staying together.

Wu Jiuge glanced coldly at Cao Pi and protected Xia Mingyu to his side, “You dumbass, go down, there is corpse spirit out there.”

Xia Mingyu looked at Wu Jiuge with his eyebrows crooked and noticed Wu JiuGe actively follow the corpse spirit, knowing that the man was trying to help him find Zhao Yun, a rarely good temper was showing up in his mind, he secretly to slow down the toxin inside He Nai.

It was not a long flying, then he saw Zhao Yun and the others, who were fighting in the situation surrounded by snakes. Besides Sun Yaxin and Chi Ji, there were also Cao Cao and the other people from the Ma family, followed by the idle grave robbers which were still lingering around.

Xia Mingyu saw that the strongest snake among was holding a large piece of amber on its head, and when he looked closely, he found that there was a woman wrapped in the amber…

“That is…” Xia Mingyu looked at the piece of amber suspiciously, he couldn’t tell for now if the thing inside was what he was thinking.

“It’s the the empress of snake, it’s already formed, but it hasn’t woken up yet.” Wu JiuGe said, and in the moment he spoke he wiped out his Snake Sword, and slashed in the palm of his hand. Soaking in blood, the Snake Sword became blue with bright red, revealed the fierce momentum. Wu JiuGe jumped up stepping on the head of Teng Xiao, quickly rushed towards the amber.

Xia Mingyu finally figured out why the semi-blind snake only captured He Nai but didn’t eat her. It was to sacrifice her to the empress of snake. Although the empress of semi-blind snake already formed into a mankind shape, it was not intact at all, and there would be no doubt that she would be with defects when she woke up. That would require her swallowing the body and soul of a real human woman to make her perfect and further evolving.

“Teng Xiao, take them to find water as soon as possible, you must immediately wake Senior Sister He up since the poison inside her body isn’t that easy. She will probably sacrifice herself if the empress of snake wake up before her. “said Xia Mingyu, and then he took off his coat to wrap the posion beads and the plant and delivered the package to Zhang Chi, later he took the moon Tang Sword and jumped down as well.”

“Yu?” Zhao Yun had just killed a semi-blind snake and turned around to see the scene of Xia Mingyu jumping off the back of an eagle, which got him a bit concerned. and then he teleported to pick up the boy and held him into the arms.

“Huh?” “Xia Mingyu hurriedly turned the Moon Tang Sword in his hand, so that he couldn’t stab Zhao Yun by accident, and he breathed a sigh of relief and was also mad at the same time,” Yun! Why did you suddenly rush over? You freak me out. ”

Although he knew that Zhao Yun was a King of Zombie and that the Moon Tang Sword would not cause him any substantial harm. However, just seeing the blade close to Zhao Yun, his heart seemed to be tightly pinched. This was the first time that he was afraid he would hurt someone else as the identity of the evil soul, that was a feeling of danger.

“Huh? Do you know how dangerous for you to jump down from that height? Do you know how worried I am seeing you jumping down?” Zhao Yun twisted his eyebrows as he educated the boy, and Xia Mingyu suddenly avoided his gaze and held the Moon Tang Sword tightly.


Wu Jiuge was swept by the giant semi-blind snake python tail, the whole person hit the stone wall, a rush of fresh blood dripped out from his mouth. However, as he saw Xia Mingyu being protected by Zhao Yun, then he stood up and continued to attack the amber using his Snake Sword.

“Tsk, how silly…” Xia Mingyu muttered, trying to get rid of Zhao Yun’s arms and joined the fight but he failed to escape as Zhao Yun held him so tight, and it was Zhao Yun who had the power to kill two semi-blind snakes with the other hand.

How embarrassed, if this was a proper situation to use the spirit power, the evil wouldn’t be so stressed?

Xia Mingyu was bored to let Zhao Yun protect him, and then he saw Cao Pi, who had always been cold, suddenly set off to save the Wu Jiuge, who had been swept by the python tail, and a sentence appeared in his Xia Mingyu’s mind: Yuk, wonders will never cease…

“It’s useless to fight without analyzing. You are pitting against the king of snake. Although it isn’t that smart as the empress of snake, but it is strong enough. It will be guided by empress of snake up over its head, so even if you move faster, you are only taking futile actions.” Cao Pi said lightly, Wu Jiuge wiped the blood stain on the corners of his lips and didn’t answer.

“Tsu…” “They are couples. How about we cooperate with each other too. We must be more powerful than these beasts.” Cao Pi continued to utter.

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