Myriad Paths

Chapter 396 The answer to ‘I am who I am’

Why am I who I am?

In the past, Li Qi could not figure it out no matter how much he thought about it. He had made conjectures and practices in countless aspects such as physical body, spirit, self-identity in all aspects, unified memory, etc.

But he is always a little far away from this answer. He has not enough experience and experience.

It's like when you don't have enough cultivation, you can't break through no matter what, and you can only rely on accumulation.

For example, there was a question that he couldn't figure out.

He and Shen Shuibi have a deep relationship. One day, Li Qi will die. At this time, Li Qi has the ability to create a 'demon clone' that is exactly like himself, but does not know that he will die. Will he do this?

This clone looks indistinguishable from the outside.

So, will Li Qi make such an identical clone to replace his former self and continue to accompany Shen Shuibi?

When Li Qi thought about this question, the answer he came to was... maybe, but only if he was really bound to die.

Self-identity gives way to this issue.

Li Qi is willing to abandon his self-identity and let another self live on his behalf.

Then looking at the body, Li Qi got a possible answer from Lord Epidemic, that is, "the mind is useless."

Does the person "Li Qi" refer to a monk who walks upright and can think, or does this monk have a mind attached to him?

King Bane thinks it is the monk, not the consciousness.

Li Qi used to think it was consciousness, but after seeing Lord Bane, he was not sure.

However, just a few days later, Yuzao from the Za family gave him another answer.

That is, the two are a divisible whole.

It is a whole, but it can be divided. After reorganization, it will affect each other, but it will not affect the self.

This is not Li Qi's answer, this is Yu Zao's answer.

But from the general perspective, Li Qi can also get some inspiration. It is this inspiration, like the last straw, that breaks the last layer of mist that hinders Li Qi's vision.

All of Li Qi's perceptions are fully activated, including the traditional five senses, as well as the information flow vision and true knowing rhyme, all activated to the maximum extent.

He is sensing the world around him.

The world around him is changing because of his perception and actions. Even just looking at it will have a certain degree of influence.

Yeah, that's the answer.


When he was in Wushen Mountain, he met many mountain gods, and when he met those ghost witches, he thought about influence.

Li Qi still remembers when he suddenly realized the word 'influence'. At that time, he sat down and meditated for a long time.

Now, he realizes the influence again...

And this time, it seems that ‘cause and effect’ can be understood?

Everything in the world originates from a cause, and then the cause produces a result, and the result becomes the next cause, one by one, and the cycle repeats, forming a great network of cause and effect that covers the entire world.

Li Qi's consciousness suddenly opened, and many obscure things in his mind suddenly became clear.

In this world, nothing is absolutely independent, everything must be related to other things to some extent.

This is where the influence comes from.

If you are truly absolutely independent and do not have any contact on this network, then you will not exist for other things, and there is no need to discuss things that do not exist.

When you can be aware of your existence by other beings, you have fallen into this big net. You are seen, heard, and encountered by other beings, and you can also see, hear, and encounter other beings.

The respective things that interfere with each other in this way enter this network and become one of the threads.

All living beings are caught in the web of cause and effect.

All things, objects, people, and many existences are connected with each other in various ways. This "way" even includes perception, that is, hearing and seeing, which can create connections.

These connections will involve each other as soon as you move. For example, if you glance at someone or even have a relationship with someone, that person will in turn have an impact on you.

All these ties and connections are cause and effect.

Where there is a cause, there is an effect, and the effect becomes a new cause. Cause and effect flow, endlessly.

Cause and effect are like countless criss-crossing threads, forming countless "nets" that flutter, gather and disperse.

This great web of cause and effect covers everything. Everyone is a thread in this web. When two threads intersect due to a certain behavior or accident, an intersection will occur.

These intersections manifest into everything in this world. Only then did Li Qi remember that he had seen such intersections in Buddhist scriptures, and the Buddha called them "fate".

The so-called dependent origination and cessation means that the lines of cause and effect intersect and then separate.

Everything in this world is born due to causes and conditions. Everything you see, hear, and feel is due to destiny.

This big net is what makes up the world itself. The big net itself does not exist. What exists is only the negotiation between cause and effect. Causes and conditions arise and conditions end and disappear.

This is why Li Qi wants to fully activate his perception.

He wanted to capture the impact his ‘influence’ had on the world.

And, he did it.

The accuracy of the information flow field of view is not enough, but now Zhenzhiyun can clearly perceive the impact of Li Qi's every move on the outside world.

Whether it was his own pressure or the airflow brought about by his actions.

These airflows collide with external airflows, and sometimes they are eliminated, and sometimes they are spread out and produce other consequences, such as causing a leaf to swing.

If the leaf swings a little, the insects on it may fall down, which will affect more things.

The butterfly effect is what it means. A butterfly flaps the breeze. This is the cause.

The cause of the butterfly fanning becomes the effect of air flow, and the effect of air flow becomes the cause of other things.

Such a cycle of cause and effect eventually set off a storm thousands of miles away.

Similarly, other things are also causes, and the effects they cause will also affect Li Qi along the big network of cause and effect, just to a greater or lesser extent.

The few people who can connect with Li Qi are the people around Li Qi, and they have the greatest influence on him.

Those beings with huge influence, their figures appear extremely majestic in this great network of cause and effect, and every move can involve countless causes and effects.

After understanding this, Li Qi finally understood what "self" was, and he handed over an answer sheet that he felt was perfect.

‘I’ is the ‘cause’ that belongs alone in the network of cause and effect.

The mind, body, and memory are all meaningless things, just appearances.

The true self is the center where countless causes and effects are connected. This center is the cause of oneself and the effect of others.

Suppose there is a Li Qi who is more real than the demonic avatar. It is exactly the same. No matter in terms of mind, body, or memory, this avatar Li Qi is the same. But as long as you examine his position in the web of cause and effect, you can easily Find the difference.

In the great web of cause and effect, every position is unique, and there can never be two identical causes and effects in the world.

Memories can be stripped away, but the causal impact of things done will not be stripped away.

Everything can be copied, but only the things you have done cannot be copied. Even if you have the same memory, it is just "thinking you have done it". The actual copy has not done or experienced those things.

Not only practitioners have cause and effect, but also items, even a certain piece of information, a sentence, or a beam of light have their own cause and effect and influence on the outside world.

Influence is the fluctuation of 'cause' extending out in this large network of cause and effect. The more influential you are, the more other 'effects' you can influence.

In this way, they are all connected.

The answer has been reached.

‘I’ is the unique and only cause of me.

‘I’ am also the creator of countless ‘fruits’.

And this connection is the unique ‘I’.

Cannot be replaced, copied, or confused.

After figuring this out, Li Qi suddenly felt that everything in front of him became much clearer, the context of many events was clearly discernible, and his own existence was no longer empty.

Whether it's King Yin, Demon Qi Li Qi, Yu Zao, the demon dragon, or everything in the world, their existence is so vivid and vivid, no longer illusory.

Previously, Li Qi was tortured by the illusion of the demon and almost believed that the world was illusory and could be modified at any time.

And now, the foundation of this world is once again solid.

This time, even the illusion of the demon cannot shake the reality of the world.

Li Qi breathed a long sigh of relief and couldn't help but sigh.

To think clearly about these things, experience is a must. You must have seen and heard them before you can think of them.

Thinking is a fire burning in the mind.

And knowledge and experience are the fuel for the fire of thinking.

Li Qi had never had such a profound feeling. He felt that the sage's saying, "Learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is dangerous" is so correct.

If he was just thinking, there wouldn't be that many events for Li Qidang to use as raw materials for thinking. He couldn't get the answer even if he tried hard.

Moreover, his luck is particularly good.

It would be difficult for ordinary people to obtain his experience and knowledge accumulation.

I'm afraid there are only a few ordinary fifth-grade beings like Lord Plague who can be found in all the worlds.

Third-grade Da Zhu personally preached to him, using the most suitable method for him, and talked about the 'self' issues for a whole day, asking him to go back and think slowly. Each of these questions touched on the key point, and most of Li Qi's thinking was Time has been spent answering these questions, and the answers have been of great help.

The five aggregates of demonic blood that Mahakala has processed are probably only in the bowl in his hand in the whole world. He doesn’t know how many drops are in that bowl...but it is counted in all the heavens and all the realms.

There was also the fish in front of him, a test subject of the Humanity Zajia family, who took the initiative to show up and talk to him.

Well, if it were an ordinary casual cultivator, if he wanted to gather all these experiences, he would probably need to travel around the world for tens of thousands of years, and he might not be able to encounter them.

Li Qi breathed a long sigh of relief, woke up from his meditation, and looked at the fish and algae in front of him.

In this way, the existence of fish and algae no longer surprises him.

She is a unique person and has left her own mark on the world in her own way.

It doesn't matter whether the traces are left by the mind, the body, or something else, they are all appearances.

This unique trace is fish and algae. Even if she changes her name, it doesn't matter. It doesn't even matter whether she is alive or not, whether she was born or man-made.

This has nothing to do with the foundation of her existence.

Yuzao, on the other hand, was staring closely at Li Qi's face. Even her lively personality could no longer be lively at this time.

Because, Li Qi's cultivation suddenly changed.

"What's going on in your small human world? Classmate Li Qi, are you going to make a breakthrough?" Yuzao asked in disbelief.

How could it be possible, in front of her, to break through in the blink of an eye?

Is this a genius who has practiced for four years and reached the seventh level?

Why is it even more outrageous than an artificial human like myself? Isn’t my talent the highest in theory at present? ! This is what the ancestor said himself!

Yuzao was shocked, and his eyes were as round as his mouth.

She saw with her own eyes that Li Qi's personal world began to change from virtual to real.

Li Qi's cultivation level has not improved. After all, improvement of cultivation level requires a little bit of practice. After researching the blueprint of the machine, the machine must be actually manufactured. Neither the machine nor his cultivation level can be conjured out of thin air.

Therefore, what Li Qi changed was not his cultivation, but the structure of his entire small world.

The same cultivation will produce different results depending on how it is used.

Different structures have vastly different utilization rates. This is the importance of exercises. With the same level of cultivation, the power exerted by high-quality exercises may even be dozens of times stronger.

He seemed to have mastered some kind of technique, which made his originally illusory small world of human body become extremely solid, so that the power he exerted could be increased by several percent.

For the seventh grade, an increase of several percent is quite a terrifying value.

"It's nothing, I just want to think about some things clearly. Thanks to Yuzao, I can agree to this deal, but... we need to talk about the details. I still won't betray the entire Witch Silkworm, but some less core technologies We can solve the problem through technology exchange, what do you think?" Li Qi shook his head and looked at Yuzao and said.

Yuzao made up for the last shortcoming for him, and in return, some non-core technologies could indeed be exchanged.

Exchange miscellaneous technology.

Li Qi was also very interested in how Yu Zao, an artificial human, could achieve consciousness transformation.

Talk, you can talk.


At the same time, in the endless realm, where the Dharma of Amitabha is.

"Idiot, I have explained the relationship between cause and effect, do you understand?" Amitabha sighed and said to the demonic spirit Li Qi.

At this moment, the demonic Li Qi had shaved his head and put on a monk's robe, making him look like a monk.

Demonic Qi Li Qi clasped his hands together and said: "Disciple has understood that this is what happened. Thanks to Buddha for clearing up the confusion, I will no longer be troubled by demons from now on."

However, when thanking him, he also showed a wry smile.

I beg the Buddha to clarify my doubts.

The confusion is solved, but it may leave a huge hidden danger for his future path.

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