Myriad Paths

Chapter 397 Return

Why do many great sects know the answers to many questions, but want their disciples to find the answers themselves, and even in the process of finding the answers, many geniuses will die young?

It is because, on some things, the answers you think out yourself are different from the answers you hear from others.

When you hear someone talk, you understand it at the time, but that is always someone else's understanding.


"Fool, do you know that listening to me today has helped you break the siege of the demons. In the future, your path to the third rank will be a thousand times, ten thousand times more difficult."

"Li Qi understands, but... I have something I can't let go of." The demonic Li Qi knelt in front of the Buddha, clasped his hands together, and said calmly.

Of course, he knew what the consequences would be.

Information itself is polluting. People can only think based on their own cognitive level, which is the sum of all experiences from birth to now. People cannot understand things beyond their own cognition.

If you have to explain it, it's probably... if you understand it, you understand it, and if you don't understand it, you can't explain it clearly.

Forcing an explanation and getting a half-understanding will easily cause a knowledge barrier.

What is the knowledge barrier?

You should know that once a person's knowledge reaches a certain height and breadth, it takes a lot of effort to re-recognize even his previous knowledge in a new way, or even impossible to do it.

This situation of being bound by one's own knowledge is called the knowledge barrier.

How strong you are and how broad your knowledge is, how strong and broad the knowledge barrier is.

Countless powerful people are bound by it, and in desperation, they choose to open up the Taoism and cultivate the younger generation, so that these young people without knowledge barriers can travel light and break through the barriers that their predecessors could not break through.

"Things that can't be let go... Yes, your lover, friends, everything you once had, you think it's yours, but those have never belonged to you." Amitabha said so.

Hearing this, the demon Li Qi let out a deep breath.

Yes, Amitabha said in one word what the demon Li Qi could never let go of.

Whether it was Shen Shuibi, Zhu Fengdan, or even Uncle Six, Paibo Gang, Boyue, Liu Canzhi, etc., they were all clearly presented in his memory.

He clearly remembered the past with them, the expressions when communicating, and their deep emotions.

But... those never belonged to "him".

He was born less than ten days ago, and what he thought he had experienced never belonged to him.

In the eyes of his true "self", he just experienced an illusion. He was another person, another "cause", and also the result of other "cause".

The relationship between him and Li Qi was that they had no relationship. The two just had a "fate". They were two different causes intertwined together. They were both unique, not copies of each other.

From the perspective of time and causality, the demonic Li Qi... had never even seen Shen Shuibi.

But, I was unwilling...

How could those memories be false?

The Buddha told him to let go, let go of everything, and escape into the Buddhist world.

But... I couldn't let go.

How could it be so simple? Just let go? Ask the 'real Li Qi' and see if he can let it go?

What the 'real Li Qi' feels, the demonic Li Qi feels at this moment.

Under his calm appearance, there is indescribable pain.

Such pain drives him to get rid of the threat of the demon as soon as possible, even if his path is bound by the obstacles of knowledge and views, and he may even end up on a dead end in the future, and then do his own thing.

"Foolish child, the next step is that you want to leave here and fulfill your obsession in the secular world, right?" Amitabha said to the demonic Li Qi.

"I dare not deceive the Buddha, the boy does have this intention." Demonic Li Qi folded his hands and replied respectfully.

"That's good, you are just a baby who accidentally has memories, born less than ten days ago, and has never entered the world, so how can you leave the world? Go and try, talk to the real 'Li Qi', and do what you want to do." Amitabha said kindly.

Buddha will not force anyone to do anything, everything is up to the heart, and the Buddha nature is at ease.

Tathagata has a great cause, which is called "awakening the world", so that all beings in the world can become Buddhas and become enlightened.

As a firm supporter of Tathagata's great cause, Amitabha has always believed that all living beings need to experience everything they should experience, so that they can truly awaken.

The devil Li Qi, of course, is the same.

"Thank you, Buddha, then... I'll set off. I just troubled Buddha to shave my hair in vain." Li Qi said apologetically.

As he said that, he stood up, and his original bald head grew a thick black hair again.

For the seventh rank, it is common to regenerate broken limbs, and it is natural to grow hair.

"If you can't keep the hair in your heart, what's the use of cutting off the hair on your head? Go, cut off the worldly thoughts of the world, and cut off the cause and effect of all living beings, so that you can 'get out of the sea of ​​suffering.'" Amitabha made a Buddhist sound with a buzzing sound.

The devil Li Qi saluted again.

He was going to set off.


Chang'an, Shangyuan.

Yuzao watched Li Qi leave.

Everything has been negotiated, and the two parties have reached a cooperation intention.

Li Qi successfully sold the first batch of witchcraft silkworms, and it was directly the seventh-grade assembly line. The price was very good, not too high or too low, and within the acceptable range of both parties.

The Zajia family has created two seventh-grade worlds, one of which has a unique specialty. It is called "Songer". It is a special individual of the local world race. It appears with probability. The average appearance period is about two hundred years for one person to be born.

The chanter has an excellent talent for music and is born with the ability to hear sounds in almost all bands. This special individual is a 'specialty' of this world.

Specialties do not necessarily have to be materials, exercises, special local social forms, or even the indigenous people themselves, can be called specialties.

The holy flames of the holy flame world are also the physical products of the indigenous people.

no way.

Chang'an will not give those worlds 'fairness'. Under the prosperity of humanity, it is very cruel.

After leaving Yuzao, Li Qi returned to the cultural gathering.

But before he arrived, just halfway through, Li Qi saw the sense of oppression emanating from inside.

"Huh? A fight started?" He raised his head and realized something was wrong.

At this moment, Liu Shenzhi was seen running out from inside and rushing directly in the direction of Li Qi.

From the looks of it, he must have been looking for Li Qi, and now he found him, so he didn't even hesitate and ran towards him.

After all, he was still at the eighth level. Under acceleration, he was in front of Li Qi almost in an instant.

"Li Qi! Where did you go! Why didn't you see anyone nearby just now? Forget it, let's go in quickly, there's going to be chaos inside." Liu Shenzhi hurried over and pulled Li Qi with him. Kai wanted to go inside.

"Wait, don't rush to pull me in. What happened inside?" Li Qi grabbed Liu Shenzhi and didn't let him pull.

Don't dare to go in casually, you have to explore the truth first.

When Li Qi asked, Liu Shenzhi also realized that it was really useless to rush in like a headless fly.

So, he stopped and began to tell Li Qi what happened inside.

"The thing is like this, after the small test to select calligraphers just now-"

Liu Shenzhi began to tell, and Li Qize listened carefully.

It turns out that this is what happened.

Lingxiao Flower God did exactly what he said before.

Based on the results of the competition, she selected a calligrapher and asked him to copy alone.

Although I only copied a part of the divine intention, I still proved to everyone the existence of this magnificent article.

However, this made the Hanlin officials unhappy.

According to Liu Shenzhi's observations and speculations, the reason is that they originally thought that Lingxiao Flower God just accidentally obtained an authentic work, and the words in it were most beneficial to them, so they came out to be conspicuous. They were ready to refute Lingxiao Flower God.

However, when the article came out, everyone present was dumbfounded and speechless.

This turned out to be a "Lingxiao Flower Ode" written specifically for her!

The amount of praise and the beauty of the words far exceeded everyone's expectations.

Only then did everyone realize that Lingxiao Flower Goddess had not obtained the treasure and wanted to come back to find a place, but that she had really hooked up with Liu Donghe!

So, the scene exploded at that time.

Of course, everyone remained rational and did not make any noise. There was only a slight confusion of breath, and the crowd dispersed quickly.

Some of the officials wanted to retreat, while others rushed to Liu Shenzhi's side.

Liu Donghe personally expressed his position. If Liu Shenzhi was not involved, no one would believe it. After all, Liu Shenzhi had already appeared at the venue, which can explain a lot of things.

And all this was expected by Liu Shenzhi.

Liu Shenzhi said to Li Qi: "Lingxiao Flower God tricked me, and naturally I was not willing to let her do this. She seemed to be the only one who could scheme against others, so I also set a trap for her."

Liu Shenzhi began to explain what he had done.

It turned out that Liu Shenzhi had spread the news about the magic weapon silkworms around before the literary meeting began, intentionally or unintentionally, and when the Lingxiao Flower God was dancing, he also explained that he wanted to promote the magic weapon silkworms.

When these things are connected, although Liu Shenzhi didn't say anything out of the ordinary, or even anything questionable, it can easily lead to one inference result——

It was Liu Shenzhi who wanted to instruct Lingxiao Flower God to promote it, so he asked Liu Donghe for this article.

In fact, this is also the truth.

It is absolutely impossible for Liu Shenzhi himself to admit this. He was stupid and accidentally noticed by others.

As a result, the nature of the matter has changed.

The remaining Hanlin sneered twice, stopped talking, and went back to continue participating in the cultural meeting.

Wen Hui Wen Hui, the next step is to write an article. With Liu Donghe in front of us, everyone must catch up and write a good article to achieve their goals.

Some want to find a place to make a name for themselves, some want to show up in front of the Flower God, some want to work with the Hanlin officials to make connections, some just want to adapt to the occasion, and some want to suppress the Lingxiao Flower God, but no matter what, they must It falls on writing.

Lingxiao Flower God also said the lottery at this time.

She said that the person whose article was most loved by everyone could take Liu Donghe's original work as a prize for this literary event.

As a result, everyone was working hard, and only a few fifth-grade Hanlin seemed to be thinking about something.

It was also at this time that Liu Shenzhi understood why Lingxiao Flower God deliberately destroyed the paper. In addition to making it more valuable and evading her suspicion of collusion, it was also because she had planned to give it away from the beginning, so she didn't care at all.

The benefits of giving it away are also obvious.

There is only one criterion for judging the winner of the cultural fair, and that is Lingxiao Flower God's own opinion.

In other words, if other people who have nothing to do with those Hanlins want to get the authentic works of Liu Donghe, they naturally need to be hostile to those Hanlins who are causing trouble. Their articles are in conflict.

It has to be said that Lingxiao Flower Goddess is indeed very scheming.

At this point, Liu Shenzhi added: "Things have been stable up to this point. The accident happened later."

Then he continued.

After that, the writing session begins.

Everyone started writing.

However, basically everyone had written it long ago and brought it over, and few of them wrote it on the spot, which could not guarantee the level of quality or careful consideration of the words.

After everyone has finished writing, the banquet can begin.

Lingxiao Flower God personally accompanied him, and many people drank wine, discussed literature, discussed Taoism and practice, drank fine wine, and ate delicacies, creating a peaceful and lively atmosphere for the cultural gathering.

After three rounds of drinking, everyone began to take out their articles for everyone to appreciate——

It was okay at the beginning. They were all crude works produced by young scholars. Although they had some talent, they were still young. Everyone commented a little, praised their talents, and occasionally made slight modifications, and then it passed.

For particularly powerful young scholars, the Lingxiao Flower God would personally serve them and serve them wine. There was even one who did not write a poem but instead described the beauty of the Lingxiao Flower with poems because his poems were extremely beautiful. Although they were a bit flashy, they were The victory was due to the fact that the Lingxiao Flower Goddess performed a dance on the spot. The atmosphere was filled with joy and climaxes, and everyone was happy.

This is the rhythm and atmosphere of a normal cultural gathering.

But unfortunately, today's meeting is not a normal literary meeting.

As time went on, some articles began to appear that criticized and even insulted Lingxiao Flower God.

At first, Lingxiao Flower Goddess just smiled, but it soon passed. Although the atmosphere was a bit cold, she was good at dancing after all, and she became popular again after a while.

But...another round of drinking orders passed, and this time it was passed to a fifth-rank Confucian scholar from the Imperial Academy.

The title of the article he wrote is: "Although the snow-capped mountains are pure white and have many peaks, it is cold in summer and there is no lush vegetation for people to pick."

The meaning is very simple.

Although the snow-capped mountains are white and beautiful, appear to have many mountains, and are very cool in summer, there are no lush flowers and plants for people to enjoy, and there is no life.

The meaning of this is already very clear.

But Lingxiao Flower God still smiled and continued reading without feeling dissatisfied.

Then, it was said below that there were many dead trees and flowers in the snow.

There are two kinds of flowers, Xuemei and Lingxiao. The Xuemei blooms in the snow, but the Lingxiao flower is nestled against the dead branches, not daring to look out.

At this point, Li Qi had already guessed what this article was about.

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