Liu Wuhui stared at the impatient Chen Feng with a black line, waved his hands speechlessly, and then led people out of the library, and the elder Taishang also followed...

When Liu Xia'er left, she turned her head back in three steps, and anyone could see the reluctance in her eyes.

However, Chen Feng, who was devoted to martial arts, did not notice it.

If he knew that there was such a lovely person who was taken prisoner by himself, he would probably just jump up.

After everyone left, Chen Feng excitedly looked at the bookshelf on this floor, shouted loudly, and rushed over.

Outside the Library Pavilion, the Supreme Elder and others did not return to the sect, but were discussing something around Liu Xia'er.

"Daddy! I want to become stronger!!!"

Looking at the stubbornness in his daughter's eyes, Liu Bugui sighed.

He knew why Liu Xia'er wanted to become stronger, not because of Chen Feng.

She was probably stimulated by Chen Feng in the past few days. In addition, Liu Xia'er already had Chen Feng in her heart, so in order to catch up with Chen Feng's footsteps, she was so eager to become stronger.

"You, alas..."

Liu Bugui wanted to say something, but looking at her firm eyes, he could only sigh helplessly.

"Okay, don't regret it, go back and leave Xiaoxia'er to me."

At this moment, the elder Taishang spoke up.

"Uh, the Supreme Elder..."

Liu Bugui was taken aback for a moment, and then asked suspiciously.

"Well, my foundation is damaged now, and it is impossible for me to improve my cultivation. If there is no accident, the deadline will come in four months. Anyway, I have enough to live, it is better to do it before I die. something useful."

The elder Taishang patted Liu Xia'er's head kindly and said with a smile.

2.9 "What? Grandpa! You can't do this!!"

When Liu Bugui heard this, he immediately forgot his honorary title and shouted directly.

"Nonsense! This is the sect, have you forgotten the rules of the sect?"

As expected, when the elder Taishang heard his words, he flicked his sleeves and scolded him with a stern face.

However, it didn't take long for his face to soften, he reached out his hand, patted his shoulder, and comforted him softly.

"It's okay, your father has been gone for so long, I've watched you grow up, and I've watched my great-granddaughter grow up to now, I'm already satisfied, really, it's better than wasting my cultivation. , to fulfill the child's wish."

"Grandpa, what are you talking about?"

Liu Xia'er looked at her father and great-grandfather blankly, not understanding why they were arguing.

The other elders also looked at the elders with a sad look. .

Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen The Fantastic Sect (5/5 please subscribe, please customize)

A month later, Chen Feng took the token and came out of the library.

It took half a month to deduce all the scraps that Liu Bufei had brought, and record them on the jade slip. The remaining half month was all about choosing martial arts.

You must know that in the Book Collection Pavilion, there are many martial arts on each floor. If he can learn it in an instant, and practice it to the realm of transformation, it cannot be completed in a month.

Therefore, he chose to pick and learn, but fortunately there is a system to detect it, otherwise, he would not know when to pick it up.

After getting the martial arts, let the system test it, and then he will know what the shortcomings and advantages are, and then he will decide whether to study according to the situation.

He was on the fourth floor when he entered, and now, he has come to the sixth floor, and has seen nearly half of the martial arts on the sixth floor.

After watching the martial arts for a month, this was already invaluable to Chen Feng, so he decided to practice all the martial arts he had practiced.

The best place to practice martial arts is the martial arts field. Then, the problem arises.

Where is the martial arts field! ! !

Chen Feng stood still in the square in front of the main hall, thought for a long time, and finally found it.

It seemed that as soon as he came in, he was taken to the Inner Sect Promotion 12 Challenge. Then he went to the main hall, and then he stayed in the library for a month.

You don't know the way at all! !

Chen Feng, who came to such a conclusion, could only sigh helplessly.

After using the exercises and performing the magic tricks that reached the transformation realm, the whole person seemed to be blown away by the wind, just like that, it slowly dissipated.

Although Xian Zong Mi Jue is only a high-grade martial skill of the Xuan rank, its advantage is that after reaching the Dacheng realm, its whereabouts are difficult to identify, and its movement speed is very fast.

If you reach the realm of transformation, you will be able to comprehend the artistic conception of the wind, integrate yourself into the wind, and move faster and more covertly.

Since the main hall was at the top and was relatively far from where Wulian Peak was, Chen Feng was in mid-air and tried out his martial arts.

You Long Jue, Silk Wrapped Dragon Seal, Qing Yuan Po, Cang Lei Curse...

In the sect halfway up the mountain, people came and went, some came back from sect missions, some went out, and there were outer sect disciples who were practicing with the outer sect deacon.

Suddenly, there were bursts of sounds from the sky, attracting everyone's attention.

Looking up, I saw a light blue dragon shadow appearing in the sky, emitting bursts of dragon chants, and wandering in the sky non-stop.

The mighty coercion can be felt even from such a long distance.

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