The dragon shadow disappeared, and a cyan light ball appeared in the air and exploded.

The cyan ring light wave swayed around.

Huge purple lightning, golden palms...

This scene of vision made the people below look stunned.

"My Cao, this is our sect's You Long Jue, right?"

Soon someone saw the doorway and found that this was the martial skill of their own sect.

"Eh? Don't say it, it's true, that purple lightning just now, is the Cang Lei Curse?"

"I know that golden giant palm, I'm cultivating this martial skill, but, to be able to unleash such great power, at least it must be in the perfect state, right?"

"And that, that is Qing Yuan Po!!"

"Damn, who is this, so powerful, so many martial arts skills, but each of them is so powerful?"

"Yes, looking at the power of these martial arts, I'm afraid they have already reached the state of perfection, right?"

These disciples are all just outer sect disciples or inner sect disciples.

As for elite disciples, they do not practice here.

In the Misty Sect, there are three strange peaks as sect residences.

The main hall occupies the mountain in the middle, the main peak, the mountain where the outer disciples and the inner disciples are located, the Wulian Peak, the peak where the elite disciples practice, and on the left of the main peak, is the Forging Soul Peak.

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The main hall occupies the mountain in the middle, the main peak, the mountain where the outer disciples and the inner disciples are located, the Wulian Peak, the peak where the elite disciples practice, and on the left of the main peak, is the Forging Soul Peak.

As for Chen Feng's disturbance, the elite disciples on another mountain were also disturbed, and they all left the place where they were cultivating and looked into the air.

"Hey, this is, which of the brothers is practicing martial arts?"

"What a terrifying power, this kind of power, at least has a perfect state, or even a transformation state!"

"Just kidding, there are so many martial arts, even if it is a direct disciple, it is impossible to cultivate to the perfect state, let alone the transformation state!"

"It is estimated that the elder, who has an understanding, came out to practice martial arts and find inspiration."

"Well, if it's an elder, it makes sense."

Elite disciples, in the end, are more accurate than inner sect or outer sect disciples, and they can see at a glance that the power of these martial arts is no less than the power of the perfect state.

If Chen Feng could hear what these disciples were discussing, he would definitely laugh a few times and then throw a few martial arts to them.

What the heck, this is a proper transformation!Don't compare those full-fledged spicy chickens to Lao Tzu.

By comprehending the artistic conception of the wind, Chen Feng floated in the sky and practiced all the martial arts he had learned during this time.

As for exhaustion?nonexistent.

First of all, he has ten times the attributes of the previous world, plus he has practiced the Heavenly Rank Cultivation Technique, the Book of Freedom, and his inner strength can support him to release his martial arts for a week.

Not to mention, his resilience is ten times that of the same level.

In other words, if he wanted to, it would not be a problem to float like this for half a month.


After practicing all the martial arts, Chen Feng let out a long roar in the sky and fell down.

In the Zongmen Square, a group of outer disciples and inner disciples all looked at the increasingly clear black spot in the sky with anticipation, admiration and excitement, and they all guessed who it was.

"I am, this must be Senior Brother Mei!!"

"Fart, it must be Brother Li Chengli, Brother Mei doesn't show up every day, how could it be him."

"963 cut, let me see, this must be Senior Brother Lu Feng."

"Pfft, Senior Brother Lu Feng, Senior Brother Lu Feng has been bedridden for a month. It is said that he is suffering from a heart attack, and his injuries are not yet healed."

"What? I took the test. What happened in the two months I left?"

The inner disciple who just mentioned Lu Feng looked at the junior brother beside him with a confused expression.

He left the sect to do the sect mission, but the location of the mission was relatively far away, so it took him two months to add the mission back and forth, so he didn't know about the promotion of the inner door to the ring competition.

"Senior brother, let me tell you, a month ago, a great man came to our sect, only twelve years old, at the top of the tenth level of Nascent Soul, defeated Senior Brother Lu Feng with one blow, and took the second seat... …”

Listening to the younger brother's narration, the man's eyes widened and his mouth got bigger and bigger.

At the end, faintly spit out two words.


"Look, that person is coming down soon."

"Over there, the Inner Sect Mission Hall, hurry over there."

A group of disciples rushed towards the inner door mission hall noisily.

The elite disciples also flew in the direction of the Inner Sect Mission Hall.

When everyone arrived at the place where the mission hall was and saw Chen Feng, the scene suddenly became quiet.

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