"It's all you! If it wasn't for you, how could Feng'er take this forbidden drug!!"

After speaking, he stood up again, his body was full of spiritual energy, ready to go.

Liu Bufei saw that he was losing his mind, and quickly stood in front of Chen Feng, looking at him vigilantly.

"Liu Buzhi, you are the Great Elder after all. Lu Feng's appearance is not caused by him. What does it have to do with Chen Feng!"

"I don't care! Today, I must make Chen Feng pay the price!!"

Liu Buzhi's eyes were full of madness.

Lu Feng, who he brought up since childhood, has long regarded him as his son, but now, he can't accept it.

"Who do you want to pay?"

Just as he was about to shoot, a thunderous voice came over.

Hearing this voice, everyone looked up into the air.

I saw a person, suspended in mid-air, staring at Liu Buzhi with cold eyes. .

Chapter 4 Analysis of the Seal (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

After seeing the face of the person coming, everyone was stunned for a moment, then quickly bowed their heads and saluted, and shouted in unison.

"Welcome Sect Master!!"

And some who had never seen Liu Bugui, also started to salute with the help of the disciples who had started early.

Liu Bugui waved his hand, let them get up, landed in front of Liu Buzhi, and said coldly.

"You just said who would pay the price, eh?"

"Sect, Sect Master."

Liu Buzhi was obedient, dodging his eyes, not daring to look at him directly.

Although Liu Buzhi is Liu Bugui's eldest brother, his aptitude and mind are far inferior to Liu Buhui's, otherwise, Liu Buhui would not be the sect master.

"Chen Feng is also an elder now. Lu Fengming knows his current status, but he acts so disrespectful, and violates the sect rules and takes forbidden drugs. He is to blame for "four nine zeros"."

Liu Bugui looked at the expression on Liu Buzhi's face, and then continued.

"Now, deprive him of his status as an elite disciple, and for the sake of his imminent death, we won't drive him out of the sect, and you, don't be your great elder, take him, and go to regret the cliff face for a hundred years. !"

Hearing this, Liu Buzhi's complexion changed, and finally turned pale.

In an instant, as if he was a few decades older, he sighed weakly and bowed to Liu Buhui.

"Liu Buzhi, please follow the sect master's order."

After he finished speaking, he came to Lu Feng's side in a daze, lifted him up with his spiritual power, and flew towards the main peak.

The Repentance Cliff of Misty Sect is on a cliff halfway up the main peak.

Generally speaking, as long as they don't commit any major crimes, they will not be allowed to go to the cliff face of repentance. At most, they will be punished by hard labor.

Unless an important sect rule is violated, it will be punished to repent of the cliff face.

Chen Feng looked at all this with a dull expression. He did not stop Liu Buzhi from leaving, nor did he say he had to kill him.

In his opinion, Liu Buzhi is nothing at all. If he wants to kill him, he has thousands of ways.

It's just because he feels that he can't kill him with one hit now, and it's too troublesome to fight back and forth, so he plans to upgrade to two levels later, if this Liu Buzhi provokes him again, then don't blame him for being rude.

"Chen Feng, are you satisfied with my handling of this?"

After Liu Buzhi left, Liu Bugui asked Chen Feng cautiously.

"Well, it's alright."

Chen Feng made a perfunctory sentence noncommittal.

The conversation between the two, as well as the attitudes of the two sides, made the surrounding disciples almost drop their eyeballs to the ground.

"You, pinch me to see if I'm dreaming."


"Fuck, why are you working so hard!!"

"Didn't you let me pinch you, I..."

The conversation between the two disciples awakened the surrounding disciples.

After waking up, they all started talking.

"Well, did you hear what the sect master called him just now?"

"Elder? Is this it?"

"MD, what the hell! Why is the Sect Master so polite to him?"

"Who knows, I also want to know why he, a new disciple, can be treated so politely by the Sect Master!"

"However, don't you think, Chen Feng, Elder Chen is really handsome?"

"Yeah, the first time I saw him, I was deeply attracted by his aura."

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