Chapter 4 Analysis of the Seal (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Yeah, the first time I saw him, I was deeply attracted by his aura."

"Come on, didn't you once said that Senior Brother Fei Lu would not marry?"

"Shut up, isn't that because I don't know Senior Brother Lu's character? Did I say it long ago? Why do you still mention it?"


Not to mention the discussions of the surrounding disciples, on Chen Feng's side, after the Sect Master arranged for Liu Bufei to handle the affairs here, he took Chen Feng back to the main hall.

However, in the middle of the road, Chen Feng thought that his speed was too slow, so he left first.

Liu Bugui was left to stare at those big eyes in the air, watching his back in the blink of an eye. After a long time, he sighed, sighing God's favor, and complaining that Chen Feng was not waiting for anyone.

Chen Feng first went to the square in front of the main hall, and waited for a while, but found that Liu Buhui hadn't arrived yet, and accidentally swept to the column in the middle of the square.

Out of curiosity, I walked over to see if the system could detect what it was.

I turned around the column, but found that it was still the same, the characters on it were still blurred, and I couldn't see what it was.

After researching for a long time, but unable to come up with a reason, Chen Feng directly pasted his hand on it. . .

"System, let me check what this is."

[In the process of testing... 999 layers of seal found... Analyze the seal...]

[parsing the first layer... parsing is successful...]

[Parsing the second layer... Parsing succeeded...]

[Analysis of the third layer... Parsing succeeded...]


[Analysis of the nine hundred and ninety-ninth floor... The analysis is successful...]

【Do you want to open the seal? 】

Hearing a series of beeps from the system, Chen Feng had a happy expression on his face, and was about to say unblocking, but found that Liu Bugui had already arrived.

"Chen Feng, what are you doing?"

As soon as Liu Bugui arrived in the square, he saw Chen Feng with his eyes closed and one hand sticking to the outer wall of the seal of Shanhelu, which was regarded as an eye, and he didn't know what he was doing.

"Oh, it's okay, I just saw a book about seals in the library, and then I wanted to try it and see if I could parse this seal."

Chen Feng let go of the hand with the seal and said casually.

He was casual, but when Liu Bugui heard him say that, he couldn't be casual. At that time, he felt that he heard it wrong.

So he asked cautiously.

"You just said that you were parsing, parsing the seal?"


After getting a positive answer, Liu Bugui felt that he was going crazy.

Why does this Chen Feng know everything at 0.7! !Compared to him, what is he?Have you lived on a dog for more than [-] years?

Before he could go crazy, he suddenly realized a serious problem, that is...

In this seal, but their sect treasure, Shanhelu!

If Chen Feng can really unblock and enroll Shanhe, why can't He Chou Mizuzong return to the Central Territory?

As for whether it can be used or not, Liu Bugui said that he did not consider this issue. With Chen Feng around, it was nothing.

Yes, after a series of surprises, Liu Bugui was no longer surprised by anything Chen Feng showed.

If Chen Feng can really break the seal, he will definitely think that there is nothing in the world that Chen Feng can't do.

If so, it must be because he doesn't want to do it. .

Chapter 5 Repair, recognize the master? (5/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

Under Liu Bugui's gaze, Chen Feng put his palm on the outer layer of the seal again and closed his eyes.

It's not necessary to do this. If he wants to unblock it, he doesn't even need to touch it, just let the system unblock it.

However, after all, there are outsiders present, and it's not easy to act so blatantly.

"System, after unsealing, can I use the thing inside?"

[Can be used, is it mandatory to recognize the master? 】

Hearing the system's words, Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and then became excited.

Holy crap, and this operation, not bad, this is very systematic!

"Recognize the Lord, I have something in my hand, but I still want to go out, but there is no way."

Directly gave instructions to the system from the bottom of my heart, and then quietly waited for the system operation to complete.


[The first layer of seal is cracked...]

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